Sunday, 27 December 2020

Blog moved / 部落格搬家

My blog has moved to WordPress.


After the large scale of Google service crashed on Dec 14 and the arguable service policy change, I decided to move my blog to WordPress a week ago. I have finished all the move work tonight.

Blogger 的文章不會再更新,過一陣子也會完全關閉這個網站。
I will not update this blogger anymore. I will close this website later.

Friday, 18 December 2020

The eating culture in Taiwan / 台灣的飲食文化


I haven't gotten a chance to write this blog for a very long time. This is a topic I thought about writing it for a very long time. I have tried to explain what Taiwanese eating culture is. This is also something I found very unique about Taiwan.


In Taiwan, eating and drinking is nearly everything, and everything is about eating. I didn't notice this when I still lived in Taiwan, because most people live in the same way as I did. But when I moved away from Taiwanese comfort zone and I don't have other Taiwanese friends in Adelaide, this is the moments I feel homesick.

台灣雖然是個很小的島,縱長395公里,寬144 公里,面積約36,000平方公里,這不到400公里的南北距離,包含了豐富而多變的 "台灣料理" 。

Taiwan is a tiny little island, with 395 km in length, 144 km in width and the area of 36,000 square kilometer. Between this less than 400 kilometer, there is a wide range of "Taiwanese cousin".

CNN曾經有一篇介紹 40 種台灣小吃的文章,即使這篇文章已經列出40種看起來完全不同的食物和飲料,還有更多常吃而且想吃的食物不在這個清單上面。做為台灣人,食物有時候也代表了身份認同。比如說,端午節經典的粽子大戰:北部粽只是油飯,南部粽口感軟爛;台中人在包子裡加東泉辣椒醬;嘉義人早餐吃雞肉飯;台南人用砂糖調味。不只是吃什麼,連怎麼吃都是文化的一部份。相隔不到100公里的城市,常常有完全不同風味的特產,這也是台灣料理迷人的地方。

In 2015, a CNN article reported 40 of the best Taiwanese foods and drinks. Although these 40 foods and drinks are already so different, there are more on my "frequent eat" lists. Food also reflects our identity as Taiwanese. For example, the typical wars between sticky rice dumpling from Northern and Southern Taiwan. "Northern dumpling is only fried sticky rice" or "Southern dumping is wet and flavorless." People from Taichung put a particular spicy sauce in their meat bun. People from Chiayi eat "Chiayi chicken rice" for breakfast (this chicken rice needs to be qualified by Chiayi people). People from Tainan put sugar in their cooking (because this used to the city made sugar since the Japanese colonial period since 1901). It is not only what you eat, but also how you eat builds up our identities in the culture. It is common for cities have different food specialties, even they are only less than 100 kilometers away. This is what makes Taiwanese cousin charming.

除此之外,台灣人對飲食的重視,也可以從語言當中一窺究竟。台語的招呼是 "呷飽未" ,一天當中任何時段都可以用。在台語裡,吃飽了沒是見面打招呼的第一句話,相當於英文裡的how are you。就如同英文說how are you 不是真的問how are you,吃飽了沒也常常不是問吃飽了沒,而是一種台灣人開啟對話的方式。

How Taiwanese people value eating and drinking can also be seen in our language. In greeting in Taiwanese is "have you had your meal yet?" and this can be used anything in the day. This greeting works the same as "how are you?" in English. Just like people don't really ask "how are you" in English, Taiwanese people don't really ask "have you had your meal". It is just the way to start conversation in Taiwanese.

另外, "呷飯皇帝大" (吃飯皇帝大) 也是另一個台語當中傳神地表現吃飯是一件生活中非常重要的事。不論是誰,吃飯的時候都像皇帝一般重要。即使是在工作空檔之間的午餐,也倍受重視。之前工作的時候因為中午不能離開,單位裡最重要的是負責訂午餐的人員,還有一張專門的辦公桌;上班第一天的第一件事是去預付訂午餐的費用,額度用完了也有人定期通知補交。午餐的內容有一整本文件夾的選項可以選擇,當然同時可以訂飲料,註明甜度和冰量。訂午餐是開始工作之前最重要的事,而且只要不是做人太差,從早上八點到十點之前一直都有不同人提醒訂午餐了沒,接下來從十一點到一點之間輪流去吃飯,下午偶爾有同事想點下午茶,就還有下一輪點心可以訂,一整天幾乎就在訂飯和吃飯當中渡過。離職的時候,結清訂餐的費用甚至列在離職手續裡面。

Another slang in Taiwanese, "when you are eating, you are the emperor" shows how people take eating seriously. Whoever they are, people are the emperors when eating. It is the same during the lunch break.

I used to work in a position where I could only stay in my work place during lunch time. There was a system for managing lunch in our unit and the lunch manager even had her own office desk. On the first day I started my work, the first thing was to prepaid my lunch fee to the lunch manager. When people finished their quota, the manager would remind us to make the payment again. 

There was a 40 page clear folder with a wide range of menu from rice, noodle, light meals and drinks near the work place. Of course they took drink order, and like in Taiwanese tea shops, we put our preference in sugar and ice with our order. 

Ordering lunch is the ceremony to start our work. Normally there were different people reminding everyone to order lunch every 30 minutes between 8-10am. From 11am to 1pm, people took turns to have lunch. Some days in the afternoon, people liked to order dessert as afternoon tea. This was when another round of food ordering started. Some moments I felt I came to work for eating, not really for working. Lastly, when I left my position, clear up the lunch bill in listed on the must do list.

更進一步來說,如果在英文裡,small talk是一種拉近陌生人之間距離的社交技巧,那麼,分享食物可以說在某種程度上相當於台灣式的small talk。這種small talk有點微妙,因為在路上遇到迎面而來的陌生人可以small talk,但即使在台灣,沒有熟到一定的程度也不會分享食物。這種台式的small talk通常只限於有過一面之緣,比如像是同個辦公室的同事,但是沒有機會好好說過話,這時候和大家分享自己做的食物、一起訂飲料,以食物做為共同的話題就有機會增加新朋友。

Furthermore, if in English, small talk is the socail skill to bring people together, sharing food and eat together is the Taiwanese small talk in our culture. It is a little bit tricky in this Taiwanese small talk because we don't share food with strangers on the road, but people can small talk with random people. In Taiwan, this type of "food small talk" mostly happen when we have met people several times, but never had the chance to chat with them. If we order and have food or drink together, this is the chance we make new friends.


It is quite common to have people buy us drinks in Taiwanese workplace. When we do it, we buy drinks for everyone in the office, not only for few people. If we don't know people very well, we often order basic black or green tea or coffee and everyone just takes one. (The price for a cup of drink is around 1 USD.) If we buy drinks for closer colleagues, we often let people order themselves. There are a lot of tea shops and numerous drinks on their menu. Making the order often requires a A4 paper: except from the name of the drink, we also put down the sugar and ice amount (roughly 75%, 50% or 25%, depending on the store). When ordering ten cups of bubble milk tea, they can still be 10 different customized bubble milk tea at the end. (i.g. bubble milk tea with 50% sugar and 50% ice is different from that with 25% sugar and 75% ice.)


Other than drinks from tea shops or fried chicken from vendors, another common food sharing is homemade cooking.

台灣是在最近的30年裡,才從年均GDP 10,000美金提高到今年底的年均GDP 30,000美金,從我有印象以來,在還不流行外食的年代,很多真正好吃的食物是自家廚房裡做的。每家都有一些神秘的獨特料理或調味,而這些台灣家庭料理還有一個特色是,做一次的份量都很大;以前的台灣大多還是三代或四代同堂,家裡的小孩也多,傳統的台式家庭料理像是包粽子、炊粿,以現在小家庭的組成來說,興沖沖地做好之後常常自己家是吃不完的。這時候分給同事、朋友或是鄰居就是台式社交的一部份。

In 1992, the GDP per capita in Taiwan was just over 10,000 USD. (It is 30,000 USD at the end of 2020.) Back in 1992, most people ate at home. That was the time when the most delicious food were made in home kitchen and every family has the secret recipes. Another character about these family cooking is that the amount of traditional cooking are pretty large. These cooking are made for the big families with three or four generations living together in the past. For example, making sticky rice dumpling at home usually is in a scale of 40-60 dumplings in one time. It is impossible to make only one or two dumplings a time. This means 40-60 meals in the fridge at one time. It is impossible for modern small families to make and finish them shortly after dragon boat festival. So, sharing with friends, neighbors or colleagues is necessary and crucial.

而這種台式社交和日本社會的往來不一樣的地方是,日本講究禮尚往來,而且雙方的回禮需要大約等值,但台式的飲食社交卻不是,台灣人基本上沒有記錄今天我請了誰喝飲料、明天誰就要請我吃東西,像這樣的要求。當然,做為一個 "上道" 的台灣人,自然也明白吃人口軟、拿人手短這個道理,多少有一些互相往來的潛規則。比起飲料或是食物本身的價格,台灣人在意的是 "一起吃" 這個分享的社交行為。

Also, this Taiwanese food social is different from the Japanese one. In Japan, it is an art to calculate and give back a similar value of food in return. But in Taiwan, we don't have a notebook documenting I shared something and waiting for people to treat me back equally. Of course there would be some unspoken rules that we will still try to show our thankfulness back to people who buy us foods or drinks. But what matters more is the social activity the action "we eat together."

(In these sharing activities, we don't share foods from a plate, but more like ordering food with individual package for each person like fried chicken. So the food sharing culture doesn't cause trouble during COVID-19. Also in general we don't touch the food with hands in our eating. That's the rule in our recipe.)

 "這是我 (家) 做的 oo ,要不要吃一點看看" 如同 "今天天氣很好" ,可以有很多種意思,而且可以同時成立:

"This is the homemade something, would you like to try some" is like "the weather is good today". It can be many meanings and these meanings can happen at the same time:

1. I saw you around for a while but I never had a chance to talk with you. I would like to meet you.

2. I made this wonderful food but the serve is too big. Would you like to help me finish it?

3. You are my friend. Every time when I make something I think about you.

4. The festival is coming and I know your family doesn't make dumpling yourself. Would you like to try my homemade one?

5. Thank you very much for your help. I would like to thank you with this homemade food.

而這個分享食物的社交也不限於朋友。業務拜訪客戶的時候,帶飲料上門也是一種敲門磚。在醫療或老師這樣的行業,也會收到病人、家屬或學生的心意:有時候是一整箱的水果、有時候是飲料、有時候是自家製的獨門料理。食物是台灣人真誠表達感謝的一種方式,但不是一種必要的潛規則;不是所有人都用這樣的方式表達對專業人員的謝意,即使不這麼做也不會被大小眼,但忙了一整天收到這樣的 "心意" 的時候,心裡還是覺得溫暖。

This food sharing is not limited between friends. When sales people visit their customers, bring what drink is an art. Even in the field of medicine or education, people get this kind of food thankfulness from patients, families or students. Sometime is a whole box of fruit for everyone in the office. Sometimes is drinks (described above). Sometimes is homemade specials. Food is a way how Taiwanese people show our sincerely thankfulness, but it is not a necessary unspoken rule. Not everyone expresses in this way. If you don't do this, people will still treat you nicely. But after a hard working day, having a drink like this skill made me feel warm.


Some other examples are when my family don't make sweet sticky rice dumpling, some other friends share with me. Some colleagues tell us they would bring their dumpling and senior colleagues know who's family make the best dumplings in the office. If I bake some high-calories fruit tarts, I shared with people so that I feel less guilty to finish them alone and I can make my next cheese cake.


There are a lot of seasonal food in Taiwan. For example, in winter is the glutinous rice ball, in Spring is the spring roll (different from the Vietnam one), in summer is the sticky rice dumpling, in autumn is the moon cake. For Taiwanese people, sharing food is ice breaking, is social, is to show our thankfulness, is an identity and is also a social interests (as in Adler psychology). This is what we call "human warmth" in Taiwan.

這是少數我在阿德雷得覺得有點寂寞的時候:我遇過來自不同國家的人,但我沒有遇過另一個同樣以飲食small talk的人。
This is the very few moments I feel lonely in Adelaide: I meet friends from different countries, but I never meet someone small talk with food like Taiwanese do.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

An example of fake news about this university / 學校假新聞的範例

從開始和這所學校打交道開始,一直有些小小的很難形容的違和感,當校方寄來的email和網充滿了 "我們做得很好" 的台詞的時候,就是有一些地方怪怪的。但我一直沒有很好的例子可以描述這種違和感,今天在信箱裡終於看到一篇文章:
When I stated to interact with this university, it has been a lot of small things with this "wired feeling". They said emails and advertising on their website said these are what we do for our students. When reading them, I just feel wired. But I didn't have a good example to show this. Today I got an article in my email box:

A teenager's take on '18 in isolation'

這篇文章刊登在城市的官方宣傳網站上,引用的圖片裡面提到:學校打電話給每個學生確定在家遠距教學的能夠運作。(They also made phone calls to every student to ensure that everything was going ok in terms of completing work at home.)

This article is from the official website of Adelaide. It said “They (University of Adelaide) did a really good job at transferring all coursework into an online format and offered many options to get help. They send out constant updates on how uni stands in comparison to Coronavirus. They also made phone calls to every student to ensure that everything was going ok in terms of completing work at home. Plus, they have options for every course to converse with coordinators and other students if you’re stuck on assignments and need that extra bit of help. I've only really scratched the surface on how much work Adelaide has done in supporting students.” Daniel Barratt, University of Adelaide student

When I read this ad as an "ordinary reader", I would think this university call every student actively to ask if everything is working at home. But maybe that's not the way how English is used in Adelaide.

I have a different experience during this period. The university never called me actively to ensure if everything is going well. They did sent us an email and a text message with a link to make appointment to let a staff calling us. And few hours later, another text message said the link they sent us was not working but they were trying to fix it.

As if the university ever ensures students could stay at home with remote teaching, they sen as a questionnaire about our feedback in remote learning. They also offered IT pack for extra data or IT equipment (like screens or computers).

但學校的這些服務,在我看來,很難直接與 "學校打電話給每個學生確定大家在家都能上課" 連在一起。又或者說,以我們的認知來說,學校的作為和他們交給城市網站的廣告詞有很大的落差。
But whatever they said in the emails or in this post (more like an ad to me) is quite different from what I have experienced in the past few months. To me, they didn't really "call me" to ensure I can work from home. In our language and culture, what they said is very different from what they did in our definition.

Or, maybe I'm not a "student" by their definition:

1. 我是國際學生,而不是學生
1. I am an "international student", not a student.

2. 這個服務只針對大學部的學生,研究所以上沒有這樣的福利
2. I'm a postgraduate student, not a undergraduate student in my 18.

3. 學校在去年入學的時候就沒有把我放在學生名單裡面,甚至今年初的收費系統也出現他們自己難以解釋的錯誤
3. I was not in their student list when I started my program last year. There was also a mistake in their billing system that they could not explain at the beginning of this year.

Anyway, as a student who obviously don't look like a local (well, to be clearer, I'm not white), most of these university ads and services are not targeting me. They might serve some students in the campus, but just not me nor my other international student friends I know.

Saturday, 14 March 2020

COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 14): health alert from Department of Health

昨天email收到取消三月中的Welcome dinner project,早上SA Health的記者會提到下星期一開始取消500人以上的集會活動,但這個週末的活動照常舉行。記者提問那周末的活動就能夠照常進行嗎,因為考慮到對經濟的影響,照中央的建議似乎是如此。
Yesterday I got the email said Welcome dinner project in mid Mar is cancelled. The press conference held by SA health this morning said from Monday, all events more than 500 people would be cancelled. Media asked why not started from weekend. The response was it is to lower the economic impact and this is the suggestion from government.

 (這個週末舉辦的活動是Adelaide Fringe的閉幕式,長達九小時的售票音樂表演活動)
 (The event this weekend is the close ceremony for Adelaide Fringe. A nine-hour long music event for ticket sale.)

They also mentioned the screening station will still take samples during the weekend. They had this press conference on Saturday morning and also keep the screening station working are really taking COVID-19 seriously. People don't have the concept of "social responsibility". Personal vacation is much more important that community benefit. It is really unusual for them to work on Saturday morning for this.

SA Health 在記者會裡也強調,SA的篩檢量已經高於別州了,他們認為有感染黑數這件事的可能已經比其他週低了,我沒有在網站上確實找到他們的總篩檢量和篩檢的陽性率的數字,一部份是這裡的網站設計邏輯不是要讓人能夠找到資料的,也有一部份可能是這就是他們藏資料的方式。
They also emphasized the test number in SA has already been higher than other states. So they believed it is less likely to have the risk of community infection in SA. I didn't fine the number of how many tests they have done on their website. One reason is the logic in website design is only in this level. Another reason is this is the way how their government hides numbers.

From my point of view, all of these actions, including testing all people with symptoms but without contact history, is at least 3 week later then it should have been.

上星期這裡的人開始意識到好像可能會流行、開始搶衛生紙,但在這之前的兩周,我在Rundle mall 已經遇到不只一個連續咳嗽不停的路人,每周搭一到兩次公車,來回的路上也都這麼剛好遇得到連續咳嗽的人,二月下半的時候天氣還是相對熱的,路上有呼吸道的症狀比冬天最冷的時候我一個星期上課四天的時候還多,就常理來說,要認為這些連續咳嗽的不特定路人都只是巧合,邏輯上成立的機會也太低。
Last week people started to feel there might be a pandemic and starting to buying toilet paper. But two weeks before last week, I had already meet more than one unspecific people in Rundle mall and buses with continuous coughing in public areas. It was relatively warm back in February, and I met more people having respiratory symptoms then during the coldest months in winter. Logically this doesn't make sense.

It is just the matter of time when they can screen most of these people out.

They already passed the stage where Taiwan is now. Except from travel ban, they didn't actively have the strategies against the spread of disease. Most of the sanitation products were gone in the market for more than a month. I started the prepare when I came back in January. I got a bottle of hibiscrub (what we use for disinfection before doing surgery), a small bottle of alcohol and some mini hand sanitizer. I also got some toilet paper and frozen food in several weeks to decrease the frequency going shopping.

口罩則是不用想了。台灣的人口比澳洲少100萬人,口罩日產量現在應該已經到1300萬,這個量還只能買口罩的人七天買三個。這裡全國最初公布的戰備存量是140萬 (我看了幾次才真的確定就是這麼少) ,這周有個新聞槁是他們買了5400萬的口罩優先讓醫療機構使用 (買了但是到底入袋了沒還不知道,後來也沒有再報導口罩的事了)。這個數字也很明白,零售市場基本上是分不到量的。
Masks are impossible to get now. There are 23 million vs. 25 million population in Taiwan and in Australia. Now the daily productivity in Taiwan has reached 13 million masks per day. But this only supports people to buy 3 masks every 7 days. The initial data showed there was only 1.4 million stockpile in Australia for masks. I checked several times to confirm they only have this few. There was a media release about they have gotten 54 million masks for medical institutes (but I couldn't tell if these masks are already in here or just on their way). It is clear that this number of mask won't be released to the market for general population.

It is a pity to watch them missing the timing for prevention. When the Uni did was only try to get Chinese students back but didn't work much on the disinfection of the environment or a better monitor of O'week. The script has been played around the world, it is just how fat they play the plot here.

As a Taiwanese who consistently walking in the rain, seeing these people who used to have umbrellas gradually trapping in this trick makes me feel complicated. Maybe the only truth in the world is to only trust yourself.

In Australia

As at 06:30 hrs on 14 March 2020, there were 197 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 1 in the Australian Capital Territory
  • 91 in New South Wales
  • 0 in the Northern Territory*
  • 35 in Queensland#
  • 16 in South Australia#
  • 4 in Tasmania
  • 36 in Victoria*#
  • 14 in Western Australia#
*Note that under National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System reporting requirements, cases are reported based on their Australian jurisdiction of residence rather than where they were detected. For example, a case reported previously in the NT in a NSW resident is counted in the national figures as a NSW case.
# Includes Diamond Princess repatriation cases: Qld (3), SA (1), Vic (4), WA (2, including 1 death).
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to Iran
  • 92 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to other countries and regions.
  • 32 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 22 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 30 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 197 Australian cases reported, 27 of these cases are reported to have recovered.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea. This evening a travel ban will be implemented for Italy
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day

Friday, 13 March 2020

COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 13): health alert from Department of Health

今日SA 四位新增的患者,其中一位是高中生,一位是有國內旅行史的女性。因此今天公布了學校相關的處理方式,學校也寄來星期一開始暫停500人以上的聚會。 (不過,看起來週末的Fringe照常舉辦。)

There are 4 new cases in SA. One of them is high school student. Another one is women with interstate history. University sent email about stop events larger than 500 people from Monday. (The Fringe Close ceremony on Sunday will still go on.)

In Australia

As at 11:00 hrs on 13 March 2020, there were 156 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 1 in Australian Capital Territory
  • 77 in New South Wales
  • 24 in Queensland
  • 11 in South Australia
  • 3 in Tasmania
  • 23 in Victoria*
  • 7 in Western Australia
  • 10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship
* Note: Victoria case count includes a case detected in NSW. Under the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System reporting requirements the case is considered a Victorian case.
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to Iran
  • 70 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to countries including the United States of America, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Singapore, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Egypt, Austria, France, Spain, Hong Kong
  • 29 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 19 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 14 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 156 Australian cases reported, 26 of these cases are reported to have recovered.
For questions about testing or the welfare of people with the virus, contact your state or territory health authority.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea. This evening a travel ban will be implemented for Italy
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day

Thursday, 12 March 2020

COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 12): health alert from Department of Health

The first drive thru opened yesterday in Adelaide. Till now, all confirmed cases in SA can still trace their travel history.

今天Tom Hanks 夫妻在昆士蘭被診斷為COVID-19 陽性。
Today, Tom Hanks and his wife have been diagnosed to be COVID-19 positive in Queensland.

In Australia

As at 11:00 hrs on 12 March 2020, we have 126 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 64 in New South Wales
  • 17 in Queensland
  • 8 in South Australia
  • 2 in Tasmania
  • 18 in Victoria*
  • 7 in Western Australia
  • 10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship
* Note: Victoria case count includes a case detected in NSW. Under the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System reporting requirements the case is considered a Victorian case.
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to Iran
  • 52 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to countries including the United States of America, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Singapore, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Egypt, Austria, France, Spain, Hong Kong
    • 7 of these cases are considered to be import-related
  • 28 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 18 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 3 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 126 Australian cases reported, 24 of these cases are reported to have recovered.
For questions about testing or the welfare of people with the virus, contact your state or territory health authority.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea. This evening a travel ban will be implemented for Italy
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 11): health alert from Department of Health


Current status

In Australia

As at 11:00 hrs on 11 March 2020, we have 112 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 60 in New South Wales
  • 15 in Queensland
  • 6 in South Australia
  • 2 in Tasmania
  • 15 in Victoria*
  • 4 in Western Australia
  • 10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship
* Note: Victoria case count includes a case detected in NSW. Under the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System reporting requirements the case is considered a Victorian case.
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to Iran
  • 39 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to countries including the United States of America, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Singapore, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Egypt, Austria, France, Spain, Hong Kong.
  • 27 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 17 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 3 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 112 Australian cases reported, 24 of these cases are reported to have recovered.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea. This evening a travel ban will be implemented for Italy
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day