這是這幾天轉換網路的期間剛好發生的慘劇。澳洲的網路,即使是固網也有以流量計費的方案,因此連上網路之前先確認好電腦裡的 Windows update的設定,以免有限的流量被自動更新吃光。
This was the disaster happened few days later when I switched my internet plan. In Australia, metered internet plans are common even for home internet with nbn. Therefore, check your Windows update setting before you connect your laptop to internet.
2015年微軟強制Windows 7 和 8 的使用者更新 Windows 10 的時候,曾經因為強制下載及強制更新發生過一些災情:
In 2015, there were some damages about Windows 7 and 8 users were updated to Windows 10 unexpectedly:
A Japanese manga artist lost his work during windows update.
An African animal protection organization pay a huge amount of money for 6Gb satellite internet because of Windows update.
當時看到以 Mb 計費的流量時還沒有遇過那樣的狀況,因為台灣的固網方案不論選怎麼樣的速度,都是無限流量。因此我一直沒有特別注意到自動更新消耗流量的狀況。
When I read the article about metered internet by Mb, I hadn't have this experience. Home internet plan in Taiwan are all unlimited with different speed. I never worried about the data consumption for windows update.
上星期在兩個不同網路的交接時期,因為新網路的系統問題,當中有一天多的時間我需要使用手機門號裡的網路,因為Optus七月的系統更新出錯,所以手機門號裡還有10Gb的網路可用,以之前的網路使用狀況來看,一整天的用量 (含網路語音通話) 大約是 1-2Gb 之間,因此,在等待新網路的期間,我也很安心地把手機網路接到電腦上,當時沒有開始語音通話,一如往常地瀏覽網頁。
Last week when I switched to a new internet plan, the new plan was under their system renewal that my new SIM could not be activated for 2 days. In those 2 days, I used the 10Gb data I got from the mistake in Optus' system update in July. My average data usage per day including internet voice chat was around 1-2 Gb. When I connected my laptop to my mobile internet, I surfed on the internet as usual without opening my internet chat.
I used to set up the monthly data usage monitor for my mobile internet at 1Gb. Before I shared the internet to my laptop, the usage for August was around 700-800 Mb. I got the warning of 1Gb shortly after I shared the internet. I thought it might be the browser demanded more data. I set up a 2Gb warning and I thought it would be enough for the day.
結果一個小時候,手機就跳出了超過2Gb的警告,等於是在一個小時之內電腦就用掉了超過1Gb,而且還在持續增加中,這時我發現有點不太對勁,開始用Windows 10 內建的流量監控看看到底是什麼程式在短時間內用掉了相當於原本兩天的流量,結果是:
One hour later, I got the 2Gb warning, which meant the laptop consumed 1Gb within a hour and it was still increasing. I started to realize there was something wrong and I checked the data usage in Windows 10:
It was the system!!!
這時我想起了幾年前那個被強迫用衛星網路下載Windows 10 更新的非洲電腦,開始研究怎麼關掉Windows 10 的自動更新。
At this moment, it brought back the memory of that African animal protection organization. I started to check how to turn off the automatic Windows updates.
(Because of the large amount of pictures, I put the English part at the end of Chinese version together.)
若是 Windows 10電腦但是使用的是流量有限的wifi網路的話,以下的設定可以讓電腦不使用計量付費的網路在背景下載更新:
a. 設定使用中的網路為計量付費網路:
b. 設定自動更新,點進 "更新與安全性":
可以看到在我已經設定好不在限制計量付費網路下載更新的情況下,系統顯示有7Gb的更新內容要下載。前幾天我沒有關掉的話,我這個月的流量有7Gb就要在這裡用掉了。選擇這個視窗裡的 "進階選項" :
這裡要關掉 "自動下載更新,即使在計量付費數據連線上也一樣 (可能需要支付費用)" 。我認為微軟在系統裡預設這個項目是開啟的,是一種非常霸道的做法。
在這個視窗裡還有 "傳遞最佳化" 要設定:
"允許從其他電腦下載" 要關掉,系統也是預設開啟。根據系統的說明,這個選項開啟相當於其他同個網域的使用者可以從我們的電腦P2P下載Windows更新,對計量付費的網路來說,從我們的電腦傳出更新檔的上傳流量也算在流量使用裡面。這是我認為微軟第二個霸道的做法:把更新系統的成本轉嫁到使用者身上,而且對計量付費的使用者來說甚至還要自付這筆網路費用。
對於網路流量需要精打細算的話,記得看一下Windows 10是不是不知不覺已經吃掉你的流量了。
You can set up your Windows 10 not to download updates with metered internet with these steps:
a. Set the internet connection as metered internet:
Click on the internet your are connection with metered internet, and then turn on "set as metered internet" in setting.
b. Set the Windows update. Select "Windows update":
I turned off my update during metered internet so that the system will showed the data needed for this major update (in Chinese version it said 7.01Gb). Select advanced options:
Turn off "Automatically download updates, even over metered data connections (charges may apply)." This is the first pitfall in Windows update. From here, we also need to set up "Delivery Optimization":
Turn off "Allow downloads from other PCs". By allowing downloading from other PCs, we also allow other PCs download from our PCs, which means for metered internet users, we will pay for these upload data for the delivery optimization of Window update. This is the second pitfall in Windows update.
If you are on a metered internet and are confused about the data usage, check the setting for Windows update: this might be the reason.
從英文寫作課開始的發想,從 English man in New York得到的靈感,開始了這個Blog記錄在Adelaide的生活。 書寫的順序是以中文寫完之後再加上英文,但因為兩種語言的書寫方式和語法的不同,通常不是逐句翻譯噢。 The idea to start this blog was from an English writing assignment. This blog is my record of living and studying in Adelaide. I write in (Traditional) Chinese first and then in English for my friends and family in Taipei and Adelaide.
Sunday, 1 September 2019
Change the display language in Windows 10 / 在 Windows 10 改變顯示語言
上學期我的電腦是比較好用且穩定的 Windows 7,但是在開學時要設定網路的時候遇上了一些問題:連上學校的 wifi 網路需要另外的設定,我一開始不知道怎麼下載網路設定的時候去了 Ask Adelaide,也這麼剛好碰上一位非常不客氣的亞洲人:我看不懂你的電腦寫什麼。然後我就吃了閉門羹。
Last semester, my laptop was a Windows 7 one, which was more stable and more user friendly. But I got some problem when I set up my student wifi connection. When I tried to set up the wifi, I went to Ask Adelaide, where I met a very cool Asian man. He said. "I don't understand what your laptop says" and refused to assist me with wifi setting.
事後在網路上查 Windows 7 怎麼把顯示介面改成英文,結果是家用版的Windows 7 SP1 需要另外的語言套件,但是已經無法下載了,所以我的 Window 7 無法在不破解系統的狀況下改成英文介面。因此,上學期的 Windows 7 遇到操作上的問題,只能靠自己了。
I did some research on the internet about changing user interface to an English one. The result was for Windows 7 Home edition SP1, I needed a language pack to change the displayed language. This pack was unavailable anymore so that I could not change my display language without cracking my windows 7. Therefore, for the first semester, I could only figure out my IT issue when I got error messages.
這學期換成 Windows 10 當然不是只有這個原因,不過 Windows 10 的好處之一是顯示語言在設定當中就能更改,重開機就會生效,對於雙語使用者來說是個很方便的功能。
I changed to a Windows 10 this semester for several reasons, not only for the display language. But, an advantage of Windows 10 is that you can easily change the display language in Set-up and it works after next sign-in. This is convenient for bilingual users like me.
In Set-up, choose Region & language:
Select the display language as you wish and then restart your windows. It's done!
Last semester, my laptop was a Windows 7 one, which was more stable and more user friendly. But I got some problem when I set up my student wifi connection. When I tried to set up the wifi, I went to Ask Adelaide, where I met a very cool Asian man. He said. "I don't understand what your laptop says" and refused to assist me with wifi setting.
事後在網路上查 Windows 7 怎麼把顯示介面改成英文,結果是家用版的Windows 7 SP1 需要另外的語言套件,但是已經無法下載了,所以我的 Window 7 無法在不破解系統的狀況下改成英文介面。因此,上學期的 Windows 7 遇到操作上的問題,只能靠自己了。
I did some research on the internet about changing user interface to an English one. The result was for Windows 7 Home edition SP1, I needed a language pack to change the displayed language. This pack was unavailable anymore so that I could not change my display language without cracking my windows 7. Therefore, for the first semester, I could only figure out my IT issue when I got error messages.
這學期換成 Windows 10 當然不是只有這個原因,不過 Windows 10 的好處之一是顯示語言在設定當中就能更改,重開機就會生效,對於雙語使用者來說是個很方便的功能。
I changed to a Windows 10 this semester for several reasons, not only for the display language. But, an advantage of Windows 10 is that you can easily change the display language in Set-up and it works after next sign-in. This is convenient for bilingual users like me.
In Set-up, choose Region & language:
Select the display language as you wish and then restart your windows. It's done!
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