This happened just before I wen back to Adelaide.
Optus的預付卡買的是幾天之內可以使用的網路流量,像是21天500mb或42天2Gb等等,其他澳洲國內的通話和簡訊都是無限,而且,在到期之前加值的話,沒有用完的流量可以累積到下一期繼續使用(rollover) ,最高可以累積到50G。所以,放假期間我在台北還是在網頁上加值了最低限度的流量,並且維持同個門號還是可以繼續使用。
How Optus prepaid plan work is buying data lasted for certain period, for example, 500Mb for 21 days or 2Gb for 42 days. Phone calls and text messages are both unlimited within Australia. If you recharged before the data expired, unused data can rollover until 50Gb, According to this rollover rule, I recharged my prepaid plan with the minimum data when I was in Taipei on their website. It is also to maintain my mobile number so that I would still get the text message on my Australian number during my semester break.
Also, Optus sent text message few days before the data expire that reminded me to recharge before the expired date. This worked well in the past 6 months.
不過,在我準備前往機場的早上,當我檢查裝了Optus門號的備用手機時,發現前幾天收到了一個通知流量已經過期的簡訊。當時覺得很訝異但已經沒有時間再去和線上客服鬼打牆了,所以當下先再帳戶裡加值了最低限度的流量,登入My Optus裡面也發現帳戶的資料被清空了,但總之就只能這樣充滿問號地出發了。
However, before leaving for the flight to Adelaide, I checked my spare mobile and I surprisingly found that I got a text message few days ago saying that my data had already expired. At at moment I was about to leave my Taipei home that I only quickly recharged the smallest data and then logged in to My Optus account to see what happened. All of my recharge and data history were gone.
到Adelaide的當天下午,因為Optus另一個鬼打牆的modem問題 (是個非常長的過程) ,我已經得去門市一趟,門市第n次告訴我他們總之就是不負責任何售後服務之後,最後我坐在門市裡用門市的專線和Optus的電話客服連絡。這通鬼打牆又一直轉接的電話總共持續了一個多小時。
When I arrived Adelaide, I went to Optus store for another persisted modem issue. Their staff told me again that they were not responsible for any customer service including the testing or sending my modem to repair as their Tech team offered me in phone. At the end they put me in a corner in their store and talked with their support team in the phone. The phone call was transferred again and again and lasted nearly an hour.
Before I spoke to their prepaid team in phone, I found my email record for recharge on their website. Also, I used to check my data and expired date regularly with text message since I haven't successfully set up My Optus account before July. These two habits help me get my missing data back in a short time.
1. 我在21天之前收到流量快到期的簡訊,而且我也儲值了,但是在還不到21天的時候我收到過期的簡訊。
2. 登入MyOptus帳戶發現過往所有儲值和流量的記錄都看不到。
When the phone call was transferred to Prepaid department, I explained my condition:
1. I received a message about data expired before data should have expired.
2. The history of recharge and data usage were gone in My Optus account.
The lady checked in her system. She saw the record I recharged in July. But she had one record of recharge which I didn't have in my record. Although she could reach the billing system, the history of data usage was gone.
She explained that they updated their system in July. Therefore, after the system renewal, all data was gone. It doesn't really make any sense for me to lost all data after a system renewal, but this is her explanation to the situation.
However, it was also not my problem to lost my data in this setting while I had the record of recharge. So the lady said, "well, what I can do is to put your data back manually. You won't lost any data you have already paid. You won't need to double pay. No worries."
But when a customer service say so in Australia, the next question I ask is "when will this manual work finish?" Because occasionally these manual work might not apply successfully and if this is the case, I need to call again.
She said "I will do it in now and the system will update in 15 minutes. One hour later, I got a text message from her said she had put my data back. I checked my data with text message and I found there was something wrong:
她確認了我rollover的流量 (有點不幸的是前一次我是學期末六月中的時候查詢的,之後回台北我就沒有再確認過) ,她也確認了我六月中之後儲值的記錄,那,六月之後儲值的流量去哪了?
She put back my rollover data in June. (Unfortunately I didn't check it before I left Adelaide.) She also checked my recharge record after June. Then, where was the data I recharged in June and July?
Before I called Optus for my missing data again, I got a phone call from them on the next morning. This time a man called me for a customer feedback for the service I got from the lady who put part of my missing data back. I said, "before I give my feedback about the service I got yesterday, may I ask about my missing data I recharged in June and July?"
To complete his customer review, he quickly calculated the data I missed was around 3-4Gb. But they didn't have such prepaid plan. So at the end he added 10Gb to my account - obviously they could not recover any record from the system.
But if I didn't keep my record with email and text message, I wouldn't know how much data I lost. And when customers don't keep our own records, merchants won't offer the compensation easily.
The biggest difference is how merchants response to their mistakes. In Taiwan, if merchants confirm it is their mistakes, customers don't need to offer any evidence to receive compensation. In most cases, merchants will offer their reasonable compensation to customers actively. In Adelaide, even if merchants make mistake, customers won't get any compensation if they don't have sufficient evidence.
給直接End的人:使用Optus預付方案,不要只用Optus app 或MyOptus 帳號確認流量,這些系統記錄在他們更新系統的時候是有可能全部消失的。用網路儲值時不要怕麻煩,把帳單寄到自己的信箱,並且加值後的流量也要用簡訊自己留一份記錄。
TLDL: If you are on an Optus Prepaid plan, don't rely on the recharge record in Optus app or My Optus account. These systemic records can disappear if there is a system renewal. When you recharge on their website, send an email copy to your email address. Also remember to keep your own record of your data usage with text message.
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