Saturday, 24 August 2019

Unlimited Capsicum Rice 無限青椒丼

這是我從日本人經營的中文 youtube 頻道學到的一道懶人料理,做法也很簡單,把切好的料放到白飯或烏龍麵上,加上調味料之後,放進微波爐就可以準備開飯囉。
This is a recipe I learnt from a Japanese youtuber (she speaks Chinese). It is super easy to make: put capsicum and canned tuna on rice with salt and pepper; microwave it and it's done.

學校的廚房沒有冰箱,帶便當的時候只能用保冷袋加冰塊維持溫度,帶其他有肉類或魚類的熟食便當 (如咖哩飯或炊飯) 的時候,在常溫之下放保冷袋兩三個小時也會有食物中毒的疑慮。帶便當到學校的時候,這也是相對比較符合食物安全的料理:在微波之前再打開罐頭就好。
There is no fridge for student at kitchen in university. When I bring my lunch to school, I can only put my food in a cooler bag with cooler. Even with a cooler, there is still a risk of food poisoning to put any lunchbox with meat or fish in it for several hours in summer. But, if you bring this recipe as your lunchbox, just open your canned tuna before you microwave.

 (當地人帶含肉的義大利麵,即使在夏天也是常溫擺在包包裡,但微生物學在南半球運作的原理還是一樣的,不會因為當地人說 no worries 就不會拉肚子。)
 (When local people bring their lunch containing meat or fish, some of they put their lunchbox in room temperature for few hours even in summer. However, microbiology works the same in the south hemisphere as in the north hemisphere. People still get diarrhea when they say no worries.)



主食一份 (飯、烏龍麵等)
Rice or udon

青椒一顆 (或其他紅色或黃色的甜椒)
 one capsicum

鮪魚罐頭一罐 (水煮或橄欖油封較適合,其他調味看各人喜好)
one canned tuna (in spring water or in olive oil blend)

調味料:鹽、胡椒 (有高湯粉的話也可以加一點)
Seasoning: salt and pepper

How to make:

1. 事先或現煮好的白飯,滾水煮好之後放進盤子或碗裡。
1. Put the rice into a bowel or plate.

2. 切好青椒之後鋪在飯上面。
2. Cut capsicum and put it on the top of rice.
(I cut into pieces instead of slides as in video. It is easier to mix later.)

3. 打開鮪魚罐頭均勻鋪在青椒上。
3. Open a canned tuma and put it on the top of capsicum.

4. 加上鹽、胡椒,高湯粉可加可不加 (影片有加,我通常不加) 。
4. Add salt and pepper.

5. 微波 2 分 30 秒。
5. Microwave for 2 min and 30 sec.

若是白飯想換個口味改成烏龍麵的話,Rundle Mall 的Woolworths有賣日式便當用的烏龍麵。使用烏龍麵的話,做法改為先把烏龍麵煮好備用,烏龍麵之外的配料微波好之後,最後再和烏龍麵拌勻即可。
I found Japanese Udon in Woolworths at Rundle Mall. Udon also works well with tuna and capsicum. When using udon, I microwave tuna with capsicum, cook Udon, and then mix them together.

This recipe is also economical:

鮪魚罐頭:Coles 和 Woolworths 常有特價 $1.15-1.30
Canned tuna: $1.15-1.30 when is it half-price at Coles or Woolworths

青椒:Central Market $2 / 3 顆,在冰箱裡也可以冰一陣子
Capsicum: $2 for 3 at central market and they can be in the fridge for a while

白飯:自己煮白飯的話 $16.0 / 5kg ,半價的時候只要 $8.0,5kg 可以煮一兩個月的白飯了。
Rice: $16.0 / 5kg ($8.0 when half-price) and you can cook rice yourself for 1-2 months

雖然我做這個丼飯料理的原因是是 1) 喜歡青椒, 2) 有時偷懶不想做其他要準備肉類的料理, 3) 單純沒時間去買肉或 4) 只想短時間弄出頓午餐或晚餐,而用家裡現成的鮪魚罐頭做出一餐,但對於有經濟考量的學生來說,這依然是營養均衡,有碳水、有蛋白質、有蔬菜的一餐。
Why I make this recipe is 1) I love capsicum, 2) sometimes I'm lazy to make other time-consuming meat or fish recipe, 3) I don't have meat in my fridge or 4) I just want a quick minutes in few minutes. But if you're a student having tide budge in living, this is still a balance meal with carbon hydrate, protein and vegetable.

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