Monday, 19 August 2019

A "furnished" apartment / 附家具的公寓

After moving in for seven weeks, I can finally use most of the space in this apartment.

這個經驗讓我對這裡 "附家具" 的定義有的新的認識,因此就從 "附家具" 這件事開始談起吧。
This experience changed my definition of "furnished" in Adelaide.Therefore, let's start with "furnished".

In Taiwan, "furnished" means with furniture, like sofa, desk, bed, closet, washing machine, refrigerator, and air conditioner. Usually with mattress or television. I lived in furnished suite for several years and it was common that I had my own cookery, bedding, and other stuffs. Some property advertised as "move in with one suitcase", but usually there were only minimal items in their kitchens. I never saw our landlords offered personal hygiene items, such as pillows and quilts.

When I was in Germany as an exchanged student, I lived in the hospital dormitory in a small town in Black Forest. It was a room with shared bathroom and kitchen. They offered bedding like a hotel room and basic cookery in shared kitchen. I met my German friends meeting when they came to Taiwan as exchange students. They told me this was the worse place to live in the city. However, I still miss the 10-floor tree outside of my room.

The first place I lived in Adelaide was the University Village. Furnished with private bathroom, sharing kitchen and living room. There was no bookshelves in this student accommodation. Therefore, for a student with books, I needed to buy my own bookshelf. It was the same for my housemate. There was mattress in the room but I needed my own pillow, quilt and linens. It was the same as in Taiwan that I didn't think there would be different in definition. My ex-housemates wanted to have their own cookery. So there were 5 flyer pans, 3-4 sauce pans, 5 bottles of dish liquids, 2 rice cookers, and so on. Everyone had our own cutlery. We also brought our own trash bags.

The second place was a shared room in an Aussie lady's house. Furnished. On the webpage it said including the usage of cookery, cutlery, bedding, also with consumables like toilet paper and dish liquid. I needed to have my own shampoo and soap. When I moved out from this place, there was some argument regarding to the item list in the room. Maybe this was the start of the cultural difference in rental market.

現在這個住處,我找在租房網站找房子的時候,我以 "附家具" 為條件搜詢。去看的房子當中,專門的學生宿舍提供的家具很齊全,有夠多的書櫃,廚房也有提供廚具,數量適中狀況也算好。其中一間和我在台北的認知一樣,附床墊和基本的家具電器,少量的餐具和廚具,不過房東在看房的時候說,這些廚具不需要的部份跟他說,他會帶走。另外這間現在住的地方是房仲處理,看房的時候他也是說,房子裡不需要的部份,包含牆上的畫,櫃子上的調味料瓶子,都可以還給房東。第一次看房的時候,房子裡還有一些裝飾用的書和桌遊,搬進來的時候大部分的書消失了,於是我想,所以這大概就是不需要的東西房東會帶走的意思吧。
When I was house hunting for the current place, I looked for furnished property on the internet. I went several inspections.
A professional student accommodation in the city: reasonable amount of furniture including plenty of bookshelves. Good condition in the cookery they offered.
Another finished unit: as my understanding in Taipei, there were mattress and basic furniture. Some cookery and cutlery. The landlord told me if there was anything I didn't need, they would take them away.
Current apartment: Deal with an agent. During the inspection, he told me I could return items I didn't need, including the painting on the wall. He would return to the landlord. These items were just here to make this unit "homely." There were some items missing when I signed the lease. I thought maybe it was because the landlord would take the unwanted items away.

在我與房仲連絡請房東過來帶走不需要的物品時,房仲開始告訴我,這是文化上的差異,在這裡,若是以 "附家具" 為廣告的話,那就表示大部份的物品都會留在房子裡,但我用字面上的意思解釋真的請房東把所有我不需要的東西都帶走,這裡的文化不會這麼做。
But when I actually contacted the agent to return unwanted items, he told me it was the misunderstanding in cultural difference. In Adelaide (or Australia), "if a property is advertised as furnished, it means most of the items will stay in this house." But I took it literally so that I just returned most of the items in the house. People won't do it here. This was what I was told.

Later I asked my local friends in their middle age. They both told me this was not true. When they didn't need any items in their rental house, they returned them. One of them even told me, "you shouldn't use those pillows. There are mites and dusts in there. Remove them from your room." Finally some local people saved my impression to the hygiene level Adelaide.

After back to Adelaide, I started to organize everything in the kitchen. I started to realize there were more items in the cupboards than I thought. They took up over 50% of the space.

各處加起來有10個馬克杯、8個玻璃杯、4個像台灣拜拜用的小酒杯 (但我想這裡的人不拜拜的吧) 、裝飾用的燭台、鹽罐和胡椒研磨器、生鏽而且還有點黏黏的餐具、裝飾用的方盤。
There were totally 10 mugs, 8 glasses, 4 small cups (similar to the ones we use for worship gods or ancestors in Taiwan but I don't think there are for religious usage here). More items for decoration, rusted and sticky cutlery.

Total 11 tea tins and jars, more decoration.

11個盤子 (其中9個的邊緣有疑似像金屬漆的花邊) 、6個碗。
11 plates (9 of them had the edge of suspected metal painting), 6 bowels.

More kitchen items, part of them were rusted.

各處加起來總共九個假盆栽,後面還有使用方式不明的拖把和完全不會用的洗衣籃 (浴室因為洗衣機淹水的時候溼掉好幾次):
Total 9 fake plants. There were also a mop I had no idea how to use and a laundry hamper getting wet several times when water came out from washing machine.

I kept most of the items in good condition, like toaster, baking mold, longer knives, a shelf for tea. There were still significant numbers of items left in the unit. The photos above were just the part I would like to return.

There were also a lot of pillows and cushions on the bed, the sofa, and chairs.
4 個舊枕頭,其中兩個泛黃、味道很重,8個各種抱枕。
Four old pillows, two of them were yellowish with heavy smell. Eight cushions in different size.

Rest were a painting, a wall decoration, the original curtain without thermal technology, and another two stuffing with unknown function (might be the door block).

When I was still in Taipei, I contacted the agent and the landlord for the gas leaking, washing machine issue, damaged bathroom cupboard, and also the returning items. The agent asked me when I would arrive Adelaide. He would give me the spare key and also he could check these issues. I also texted him when I arrived Adelaide. He told me the earliest time he could come was the next time.
I waited until the next Wednesday when he came with the landlord together.

In this article I only write about returning items. The landlord had problems with the amount of items I was returning. What surprised me was that this lady, who was educated (according to the agent) and lived in the most expensive block in Adelaide, thought these were still usable. These included rusted kitchen tools, plates with suspect lead painting, and yellowish and smelly pillows.

I still polity explained that I kept as much items I could use in this unit. Or if she could prepare some boxes, I could put most of the items into her boxes to decrease the space these items took. I could just put these boxes in a corner. She looked around the items and she would take them away and offered these items to her next tenant.

另外因為我從台灣帶了雙層的遮光隔音窗簾來替換原本只有遮光完全不隔熱的窗簾,她看到我把她原本的掛畫和窗簾拿下來放在旁邊的時候,她變得很激動。她說,那是我特別做的窗簾 (不確定她的意思是特別定做還是她自己手做) ,我說,我很感謝妳在特別在這個房子上花的心思,但是這面大玻璃窗很冷,我需要日本特別設計的保暖窗簾來改善這個房間的能源效率。
Also, I brought two layers of Japanese curtains with thermal technology specially designed to keep cold weather outside and keep warm weather inside in winter. I replaced the original curtain without any thermal technology and I explained this to the agent in emails before they came. When she saw the painting and the curtains were already removed, she became agitated.
She said, I made this curtain.
I said, I can tell that you put much efforts in this unit. But it is really cool to have this huge glass window in this unit. I really need these special designed thermal curtains to improve the energy efficiency in this room.

The agent was filling the conditional report (after 4 weeks). This lady was with me at the other side of the room. When the agent was not with me, she said, with the amount of items you are returning to me, I need to spend extra money in storage. "I will earn less money from you."

兩週後她終於來把剩下所有東西都帶走的時候,她說 "我不會再為這個垃圾付錢。"
Two weeks later when she finally took rest of the items away, she said "I'm not paying more money for this trash."

This lady renewed me impression and definition to highly educated people living expensive blocks in Adelaide.

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