Sunday, 18 August 2019

Cooked rice with salmon / 鮭魚炊飯

When I live in Adelaide, I cook much more than I did in Taipei.

原因很多:一來是外食比起自炊貴很多,二來是這裡的料理重鹹重油,對於少鹽少油已久的我來說,實在沒辦法天天吃,三者是這裡的餐廳很早就關門了,不像台北到半夜都還有消夜可吃,四者是在這裡外食我很容易拉肚子(旅行者腹瀉) 。雖然住台北的時候一星期我可能只煮一次飯,但是在這邊,相反的是一星期我只外食一餐。
There are several reasons. Firstly, it is far more expensive to eat out in Adelaide. Secondly, the food in Adelaide is generally too salty and too oily for me. I used to eat less salty and less oily for years. The diet here is too heavy for me. Thirdly, the restaurants close very early in Adelaide. We can still eat out at midnight in Taipei, but here most food vendors close around 7 pm. Fourthly, I still get traveler's diarrhea in Adelaide. Although I only cook once a week in Taipei, I only dine out once a week in Adelaide.

I'm not a person good at cooking. I cannot make typical Taiwanese dishes, which are too complicated to me. Therefore, I will only share the simple recipes I make regularly in Adelaide.

Cooked rice is actually Japanese cuisine. It is called katikomigohan (たきこみごはん)in Japanese. In Taiwan, we use rice cooker widely in our cooking as Japanese do.
To make katikomigohan, simply just put other ingredient into rice cooker with rice. When the rice is done, the meal is ready. I usually cook 2-3 cups of rice in one cook and I put it separately into lunch boxes. On the next day, I will have these yummy rice as my lunch and dinner, only need to reheat with microwave.



米 1 杯
 rice 1 cup (=180 ml)

水 1 杯
Water 1 cup

鮭魚 600g
Salmon 600g

菇類 100g (這裡市場買得到金針菇,台灣的話能買到的菇就更多了)
Mushroom 100g (I use Enokitake here)

日式醬油 1 大匙 (台式醬油會比較鹹,風味也會有點不對)
Japanese soy sauce 1 table spoon
 (Other soy sauce will be too salty and the flavor will be different)

清酒 1 小匙
Japanese Sake 1 tea spoon

How to make it:

0. 鮭魚切好之後加少許清酒及鹽稍為醃過去腥味
0. Cut salmon into small pieces and add a little bit salt and sake. Leave them for a while

1. 米洗好之後加水、醬油、清酒
1. Wash rice. Add water, soy sauce, and sake

2. 菇類洗好之後鋪在米上面
2. Wash Enokitake and put above rice.

3. 鮭魚鋪在最上面。
3. Put salmon on the top.

4. 按下煮飯的按扭,這台電鍋白米飯是45分鐘之後就可以吃了。
4. Start the rice cooker. With this Panasonic rice cooker, it takes 45 minutes to finish cooking.

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