Sunday, 25 August 2019

Cream Stew / 奶油燉肉

這是我在台北的時候也做的料理之一,不過在台北的時候簡單很多:超市或便利商店就有賣做好的白醬料理塊 (好侍北海道白醬料理) ,在阿德雷得做的時候,奶油白醬要另外自己做。
This is one of the recipes I made in Taipei, but it is much easier in Taipei: there are commercial cream sauce (alfredo) sold in supermarket (House Japan Hokkaido Cream Stew). In Adelaide, I need to make cream stew separately.

However, the best part about making a pot of cream stew in weekend is: in the next few days, I can enjoy a hot meal quickly by microwaving few minutes. Also, this cream stew goes well with pasta. When I'm tired to rice, I change the rice into pasta, udon or just noodle.

If you also have curry powder, add some curry powder into this cream stew will make it become Japanese curry stew.

Although this looks like western food, this is actually Yoshoka (よしょく / 洋食), a category in Japanese cuisine.



肉  300g (雞肉、豬肉、牛肉都可以)
Meat 300g (chicken, pork or beef)
馬鈴薯 300g (中型大小的約兩顆)
Potato 300g (two in medium size)
洋蔥 300g  (中型大小約兩顆)
Onion 300g (two in medium size)
紅籮蔔 100g (約一根)
Carrot 100g (one)
 (the same ingredient above can be used to make House cream stew, House curry stew, or Japanese pork stew)

蘑菇 10 朵
 (可加可不加,有加多一個味道。市場有一家專賣蘑菇的店家,$4-5 就能買到半公斤一大包的蘑菇。
10 mushroom (optional. There is a mushroom shop in central market. I get 500g of mushroom with $4-5.)

Cream sauce

奶油 30g
Butter 30g
低筋麵粉 30g
Flour 30g
牛奶 400mL
Milk 400 mL
Cheese 20g
鹽 適量

How to make:

1. 肉類切成一口大小之後,加鹽稍為醃一下。
Cut the meat into one-bite size. Add salt and leave it for a while.

2. 馬鈴薯切塊、洋蔥切片、紅籮蔔切成半月型,都不要太小。
2. Cut potato, onion and carrot into pieces. Don't be too small.

3. 平底鍋熱了之後,加少許油先炒洋蔥,之後放肉,四面有一點熟就好,這是為了燉煮的時候讓湯汁不會流失。移到燉煮用的鍋子裡。
3. Preheat a frypan. Fry onion first and than the meat. Fry the four sides of the meat a little bit. This is to keep the juice inside of meat while stewing. Move them into a stew pot.

4. 平底鍋加入馬鈴薯和紅籮蔔,同樣是表面稍微煎過就好,讓馬鈴薯燉煮的時候比較不會融化,紅籮蔔的脂溶性維生素A比較容易吸收。同樣移到燉煮用的鍋子裡。
4. Fry potato and carrot in frypan. This is to prevent potato from melting during stewing. Also, this will make the lipid-soluble vitamin A in carrot to be absorbed better. Move them into the stew pot.
5. 燉煮鍋加入蘑菇和 700mL 的水,大火煮滾之後轉中火煮 15 min把食材煮軟。
5. Add mushroom and 700mL of water in the stew pot. Boil under high flame, and then turn medium flame for 15 minutes to soften the ingredient.

When waiting for stew, prepare the cream sauce with frypan:

1. 奶油放進平底鍋開小火。
1. Melt the butter with small flame.

2. 奶油完全融化後,分次加入麵粉,邊加邊扮勻。
After the butter is fully melted, add flour in batches and mix it with butter.

3. 分次少量加入牛奶:從頭到尾都要有耐心每次只加少量,每次加入的牛奶都要拌勻再加下一次。加太快的時候奶油糊會結塊。
3. Add milk in batches with patience: only small amount of milk and mix well before adding more.

白醬做好的時候,通常燉煮的 15 min 也過去了,這時關火加入白醬,拌勻後再開小火繼續煮10-15 min。
When the cream sauce is done, usually the stew is also ready. Turn off the stove and add cream sauce into the stew. Mix well. Cook the stew with small flame for another 10-15 min.

Add your cream stew to rice or noodle. Bon appetit.

Above butter

我最一開始做的時候用的是丹麥的Lurpak Danish Butter With Crushed Garlic,做了一個學期沒有遇到問題過。
During the last semester, the butter I used was Lurpak Danish Butter With Crushed Garlic brought from Coles. I didn't have any problem when making the cream stew.

但這學期開始Coles沒有再賣這一牌的奶油了,因此改買了澳洲的Paris Creek Farms Bio-Dynamic Unsalted Fresh Butter,但是這一牌的奶油每次做好的白醬,加到燉煮當中每次都發生油水分離的狀況,其他的材料和製做方式都沒有改變,或許這牌的奶油不太適合做這道料理。
But from this semester on, Coles doesn't sell it anymore. I brought another Australian made butter, Paris Creek Farms Bio-Dynamic Unsalted Fresh Butter. But with this butter, oil and water became separated when I added cream sauce into stew. I repeated several times and the results are the same. Maybe this butter is not suitable for this recipe.

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