Recently, how Taiwan responses to novel coronavirus make Andrey Tang, one of our ministers in open government, a hot topic among Asian countries.
Here are some articles about actions how Taiwan responses to this new communicable disease in English and German:
How Taiwan Used Big Data, Transparency and a Central Command to Protect Its
People from Coronavirus
Wie Taiwan den Covid-19-Ausbruch verhinderte – und die WHO davon nichts wissen will
Who is Andrey Tang and her talk about open government
(English version is still under construction.)
For people from Taiwan, the IT level in Adelaide is amazing. Before I came here, my impression was the internet is in poor quality, might be slow. However, after living here for a year, using the University as an example, it is not about a slower internet:
(My dear friend keeps saying I would be sue if I pointing which University it is. So, I'm not saying the name. Comparing to Taipei, Adelaide is really a small city...)
1. 錯亂的學生檔案和密碼
1. Chaotic student profile and password
用這個步驟申請到我的帳號。email 裡面提到我應該收到一封寫著我的臨時密碼的email,照著裡面的ID和臨時密碼,我應該可以從零開通我的學生帳號。
Before I arrived here, I got a welcome email from the Uni. It said I should apply for my student profile and set up my passport. However,
I never really followed their instruction to set up my student profile. It said I should have received another email with my student ID and my temporary password. With the ID and this password, I would be able to set up my student profile from the beginning.
However, I never received this email.
因為我一直沒有辦法照著正規的方式建立密碼,代辦和我試了幾天之後,最後,我實際上是用 "忘記密碼" 的方式,重置了我沒有建立過的學生帳號的密碼,然後得以登入這個不知道是誰開通的學生帳號。
Since I could never set up my profile as it should have been, after working with my agent for several days, we used the pathway for "forget my password" to "reset" my student profile and set up my password. Then I finally logged in to this mysterious profile set up by somebody else.
And the Uni never tell me what had happened to my student profile till now (one year later). Later when I arrived Adelaide and I asked them face-to-face, IT people told me, "why you ask why? If you can use it now, it is all good."
It's interesting to ask an University student not to ask why. lol
2. 沒有在所上的學生清單裡
2. Not in the student list
There seems to be something wrong in the student profile that later reflects in other aspects. For example I was not the student list for my course co-coordinator. After circling around myself in the campus and finally reached him, the first questions he asked me were: "you are not my student; why you asked to discuss your enrollment with me? Are you sure you get admission letter and CoE?"
This is very interesting. Without CoE from the Uni, I could not apply for my student visa. If I had been in Adelaide for a month with my student visa, of course I had CoE. Also, at the moment, I had my student ID already.
In fact, except local students and three international students with national scholarship, all the other self-fund international students were not in the student list. And the international student service cared more about the course co-coordinator showed me I was not in the student list.
As why most of the international students were not in the student list and this also made us didn't receive any resources for enrollment, this doesn't matter.
3. 也似乎沒有在系上的email清單裡
3. Not in mailing list
我也不在系上活動的郵件名單裡,實際上大學用很強勢的態度表示我們重要的事項都是email宣布,沒有即時收信是學生的問題。但實際上我似乎沒有收到其中一部份的迎新活動的通知,然後事後我卻收到要我填寫參加我沒有被通知道的活動的問卷,又或者是在第二學期的時候終於收到了 "歡迎成為我們的新生" 的email,以及在後來已經回台灣的時候,收到今年系上研究座談已經公布在系上定期的newsletter歡迎報名,然而我從入學以來沒有收過這個所上的newsletter過。
I also seems not to be in some mailing list. During welcome ceremony, this Uni emphasized it is our responsibility to check our email every 24 hour. They assume that they have delivered the information through email. But actually it wasn't really work like that.
In the first semester, I received one survey about an event I was never invited to.
In the second semester, I received "welcome email" inviting me to O'week.
And the end of the year, I received email about a workshop announced the detail in our School newsletter. I had never received the newsletter from our School. When I found of this fact, it was already the end of first year and having me holiday in Taiwan.
這些email清單是一團混亂,沒有一個單位可以確認到底誰有收到應該要收到的email及newsletter,當我試著去問一些可以問的單位(包含系所和IT team),他們只是互相踢皮球而已。
The mailing lists are chaotic. They never figure out if people really receive the email and information they need. And there's no way students can confirm about these mailing list. They just kick me around in the campus.
4. 大學的教學系統無法在校園的電腦上正常使用
4. The Uni teaching system cannot fully functioned with campus computers
大學有一個教學用的平台,裡面有課程用的投影片、講義、錄影、討論區等資源,開學的時候有一位老師在課堂上先是說了: "亞洲的學生大概不習慣這種電子化的教學系統吧" 如此帶著歧視意味的發言,接著每堂課的老師都強調,因為firefox的安全性比較高,這個系統建議要用firefox開。
There is a teaching platform in the Uni including
回報IT team之後,這當中電話連絡,讓他們直接遠端遙控確認問題三次,從4/12到5/3,firefox終於裝回去了。
再次連絡了IT team,而且因為已經都要期末了,這樣一來一往真的是不是辦法,這次我請他們是否可以請負責系統和負責校園硬體的團隊一起測試並確認這個系統至少在校園的電腦上可以正常使用,這次從5/3到5/21終於結案了。結論是因為Flash更新的問題,在2019年底教學系統更新成HTML5的時候可以完全解決這個問題。並且,建議我自己帶電腦到學校使用,就不會遇到這種系統不給更新的問題囉。
OS: 已經2019年了,大學竟然還有沒有升級到HTML5的系統 (?)
OS1: 所以校園裡面那些看起來螢幕很大的電腦其實只是讓學生上網和看youtube的裝飾品 (?)
5. 學校的教學系統幾乎是 "每周" 發生新的狀況
這個教學系統發生任何事情其實都不奇怪 (聳肩) 。
6. 無法自動連結到超修申請的選課系統,踢皮球需要幾個工作天才進得了系統
和客服連絡的時候,客服要我先徵求課程負責人的同意,我 (很有耐心地) 回應在選課之前就已經徵求他的同意了,現在只是要完成選課這件事。他說那你要和系上申請。我說對,我現在就是要和系上申請,但課程負責人要我連絡你們提出這個申請。
最後我得到了一個各學院申請超修學分的頁面連結。 (那所以,選課系統怎麼放這個連結就好。)
正在使用電子公文系統的各位,覺得這樣的email 來回系統如何呢? (茶)
7. 收費系統顯示有遲交的帳單但登入看不出來到底是哪一筆逾期
姑且先繳了一部份的學費 (即使他在學生端看起來沒有過期) ,寫信給帳務系統,詢問到底是哪一筆帳單過期了,當天他回信,是雜費那一筆噢。
8. 國際學生單位來信:如果3/16之前沒有選課也沒有到學校的話,CoE及學生簽會被取消
這裡的大學現在因為 COVID-19的緣故,很急切地希望能收到某國學生的學費,這是可以理解的。但在那之前,是不是至少能處理好原本能收到的學費呢? 在現在這個佛系防疫的衛生系統之下,學校沒有任何相關的對策,甚至還是不停地舉辦各種人群聚集的大型室內或室外活動,對比現在很有警覺的台灣社會,待在這裡相對覺得不是那麼安全。
想來這個地方讀資訊類科的人,似乎可以想一想是不是真的值得花在台灣數倍的價錢,到IT系統如此 "先進" 的大學,學習一個比台灣落後20年的系統和觀念:學校系統這樣的狀況,也是其他商業系統的縮影,包括電信公司、電力瓦斯公司、公車即時路況等等,這裡的電腦不是我們定義裡的電腦,其實比較像是打字機,不時出錯的人腦才是澳洲系統真正的核心。