Local news in Adelaide are mostly about how SA health deals with this confirmed case: the composer himself is isolated in a hospital and three contacts are under self-isolation. This article is to report in English how Taiwan CDC response to this confirmed case in Taiwan.
On Mar 5, when there was news about an Australian traveled from Taiwan was a confirmed case, Taiwan CDC held an extra press conference at 10.10pm.
(There are already regular daily press conference since Jan 22.)
Taiwan CDC had targeted particular traveler from the information in foreign media. CDC confirmed that this Australian man reported he had cough when he arrived and visited clinic in Taiwan. Because he participated in music performance when he was in Taiwan. Except from music performance, he also sat in the auditorium. Therefore, the minister of culture announced that the National Concert Hall would closed down for disinfection and also traced NSO members as close contacts. Also, they would also temporarily stop international music invitation.
隔天 3/6 該音樂家自行公布了影片,台灣部份的相關新聞稿則是說明後續疫調的狀況:
On March 6, the composer revealed his video. The press release from Taiwan CDC was about the epidemiological investigation:
There are 147 contacts being followed at the moment, including hosting staffs, concert staffs, friends, clinic staff, journalist, NSO members, taxi drivers. There are 103 of them are close contacts required home isolation for 14 day; other contacts are under self health management for 14 days.
今天 3/7 的新聞稿提到的後續:
Today, Mar 7, there are some follow-up information:
Related with this Australian confirmed case, there are 419 contacts under monitoring (145 of them required home isolation). Seven people has been tested, two of them are negative, and five of them are still pending results.
其他相關的新聞包括:東吳大學音樂系因數位老師為NSO團員 (接觸者),停課14天;澳籍音樂家去過的居酒屋老闆自行宣布休業14天;澳籍音樂家在第一天排練時就出現咳嗽的狀況,讓弦樂部門的團員擔心,提出請該人士戴上口罩被高層斥責沒有禮貌。
Other related news articles included:
1. Department of music in two universities stop their teaching activities for 14 days due to several of the lecturers are NSO members;
2. One restaurants had hosted this Australian man announced they would close their store for 14 days
3. This Australian man had the symptom of coughing from the first day during rehearsal. One NSO member raised the worry about if he could wear a mask. But at the end, this Australian man didn't wear masks during his stay in Taiwan.
在這裡,戴口罩的文化和在台灣不同。這裡政府的做法也和台灣不同。台灣目前口罩的生產量,當然也無法讓2300萬人每天都至少有一個口罩可戴,但是在優先保留醫療人員的庫存之後,政府的方針是盡量讓需要進出高風險場所 (如醫院) 的民眾也能盡量有口罩可戴,對於生活在大城市的民眾來說,搭乘交通工具如捷運或高鐵,以人群的密度來說,也是大多數人會主動戴口罩的場合。 (臺北捷運的日平均運量是200萬人次)
In Taiwan, the culture of wearing masks is different from western society, including Australia. The productivity of medical masks in Taiwan in now around 9 million/day, which is not enough for 23 million people in Taiwan all have at least one mask per day. However, under the strategy of maintaining the supply to health workers in priority, the government policy is to let most residents to be able to wear masks when they go to high risk areas, like hospitals. (Without a mask, people cannot go into hospitals now.)
Also, for people living in big cities, public transports like MRT are also considered to be a high risk area that most people would actively wear masks.
(The daily transport for Taipei MRT is 2 million travels per day.)
在SARS之後的台灣,有呼吸道症狀而不戴口罩,會被視為是一種沒有禮貌的行為。目前從幾個疫情較嚴重的地區入境台灣都有相對應的居家隔離的措施。若是在大眾交通工具上多次咳嗽且沒有口罩, 或是公開表明自己剛從疫區回國,周遭的乘客也會主動通報衛生單位前來調查處理。
After SARS, it is considered to be impolite if you have respiratory symptoms but don't wear a mask. There are also home isolation rules applied to particular countries at the moment. If coughing on public transport a lot or telling people you just come back from infected area, other passengers would actively reported to Health Department. They would come immediately with the police to confirm the situation.
Breaking the rule of home isolation could get a fine up to 1 million NTD, around 50,000 AUD.
3/8 更新:
Mar 8 update:
In today's news, there is an announcement on inter.musica website:
"Being acutely aware of how prevalent and unpredictable this virus is, I
wore a face mask when in confined spaces like taxis and in the public
spaces of the hotel."
但是,這個 "有戴口罩" 說法很快地被台灣的指揮中心打臉了:除了在飛機上的狀況無從得知之外,根據疫調的錄影畫面顯示,他在大部份的活動中都沒有配戴口罩。
新聞連結: (News link in Chinese)
However, this story was soon denied by Taiwan CDC: according to the video image, he didn't wear a mask during most of the activities in Taiwan.
有人感到疑惑,為什麼要說這麼明顯容易被戳破的謊話。這其實是 "澳洲文化" 的一部份:澳洲對 "誠實" 和 "說謊" 的定義和台灣不同,為了表面上的好看,說好聽的場面話及做表面功夫是比做誠實的事更重要的事。
澳洲人在不會留下證據的時候的行為,和他們知道會留下證據的時候是完全不同的。因此當他們沒有想到會留下證據的時候,他們是 "只要我喜歡有什麼不可以" ,被提醒他們的行為不誠實、損及我方權益的時候,他們是 "你沒有證據可以證明我說謊",而當真的拿出證據的時候,他們是 "你不要老是糾結在這種小細節上面,我們人要往前看" ,然後隻字不提假裝他不知道他佔了你便宜的事。
這就是澳洲文化。不要用台灣的 "誠實" 標準來聽這裡的人講的話,澳洲人說自己誠實的時候,笑笑就好,記得必要的時候隨時記得拍照、錄影或錄音,保留所有的email、收據和書面資料。
Unsurprisingly, this is part of "Australian culture". The Australian standard of being honest is very different from that in Taiwan. You always have to have "evidence" to protect yourself, no matter you are interacting with education institutes (including public universities), rental agents, or retail stores. Always remember your camera, video or recording (or together with your mobile), keep any receipt, emails and chat records you can when you deal with Australians. Otherwise this is what would happen.
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