這裡的公布的官方數字及公告,不像台灣的疾病管制署提供過去每日的累積案例數及過去的新聞稿,每天的更新都會覆蓋掉前一日的公告。並且,昨天的官方數字和全球的疫情儀表板的數字就有十人的落差 (官方公告80,全球疫情91,但在本地的新聞找不到91這個數字是哪裡來的) ,因此為了自己整理資訊,今天開始轉貼當日衛生單位公布的每日疫情現況。
How Department of Health, Australian Government announces their daily report differs from Taiwan CDC. There is no bar chart showing the tread of how many confirmed cases growing every day. The health alert website is the same (as below) everyday, and it only offers the current number on the day you visit the website.
For a better understanding of the tread in confirmed cases, I will copy the announcement about "current status" everyday.
Mar 9 根據昨日對話記錄的內容:
According to chat record yesterday, part of the information for Mar 9 were:
80 confirmed cases
- 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
- 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
- 16 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel history to Iran
- 21 cases are reported to have had a travel history to countries including Singapore, the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Cuba, Indonesia, Nepal and Taiwan
- 18 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
In Australia
As at 11:00 hrs on 10 March 2020, we have 100 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
- 54 in New South Wales
- 12 in Queensland
- 6 in South Australia
- 2 in Tasmania
- 12 in Victoria
- 4 in Western Australia
- 10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship
- 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
- 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
- 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel history to Iran
- 27 cases are reported to have had a travel history to countries including Singapore, the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Cuba, Indonesia, Nepal and Taiwan
- 27 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
- 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
- 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
- 14 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
- 3 cases are under investigation, with further details pending
- The likely place of exposure for a further 3 newly reported cases is under investigation
What we are doing
Australia is well prepared.Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
- applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea
- applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
- continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
- tracing coronavirus cases
- continuing with border surveillance
- providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
- applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
State and territory health authorities are:
- testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
- monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day
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