Saturday, 14 March 2020

COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 14): health alert from Department of Health

昨天email收到取消三月中的Welcome dinner project,早上SA Health的記者會提到下星期一開始取消500人以上的集會活動,但這個週末的活動照常舉行。記者提問那周末的活動就能夠照常進行嗎,因為考慮到對經濟的影響,照中央的建議似乎是如此。
Yesterday I got the email said Welcome dinner project in mid Mar is cancelled. The press conference held by SA health this morning said from Monday, all events more than 500 people would be cancelled. Media asked why not started from weekend. The response was it is to lower the economic impact and this is the suggestion from government.

 (這個週末舉辦的活動是Adelaide Fringe的閉幕式,長達九小時的售票音樂表演活動)
 (The event this weekend is the close ceremony for Adelaide Fringe. A nine-hour long music event for ticket sale.)

They also mentioned the screening station will still take samples during the weekend. They had this press conference on Saturday morning and also keep the screening station working are really taking COVID-19 seriously. People don't have the concept of "social responsibility". Personal vacation is much more important that community benefit. It is really unusual for them to work on Saturday morning for this.

SA Health 在記者會裡也強調,SA的篩檢量已經高於別州了,他們認為有感染黑數這件事的可能已經比其他週低了,我沒有在網站上確實找到他們的總篩檢量和篩檢的陽性率的數字,一部份是這裡的網站設計邏輯不是要讓人能夠找到資料的,也有一部份可能是這就是他們藏資料的方式。
They also emphasized the test number in SA has already been higher than other states. So they believed it is less likely to have the risk of community infection in SA. I didn't fine the number of how many tests they have done on their website. One reason is the logic in website design is only in this level. Another reason is this is the way how their government hides numbers.

From my point of view, all of these actions, including testing all people with symptoms but without contact history, is at least 3 week later then it should have been.

上星期這裡的人開始意識到好像可能會流行、開始搶衛生紙,但在這之前的兩周,我在Rundle mall 已經遇到不只一個連續咳嗽不停的路人,每周搭一到兩次公車,來回的路上也都這麼剛好遇得到連續咳嗽的人,二月下半的時候天氣還是相對熱的,路上有呼吸道的症狀比冬天最冷的時候我一個星期上課四天的時候還多,就常理來說,要認為這些連續咳嗽的不特定路人都只是巧合,邏輯上成立的機會也太低。
Last week people started to feel there might be a pandemic and starting to buying toilet paper. But two weeks before last week, I had already meet more than one unspecific people in Rundle mall and buses with continuous coughing in public areas. It was relatively warm back in February, and I met more people having respiratory symptoms then during the coldest months in winter. Logically this doesn't make sense.

It is just the matter of time when they can screen most of these people out.

They already passed the stage where Taiwan is now. Except from travel ban, they didn't actively have the strategies against the spread of disease. Most of the sanitation products were gone in the market for more than a month. I started the prepare when I came back in January. I got a bottle of hibiscrub (what we use for disinfection before doing surgery), a small bottle of alcohol and some mini hand sanitizer. I also got some toilet paper and frozen food in several weeks to decrease the frequency going shopping.

口罩則是不用想了。台灣的人口比澳洲少100萬人,口罩日產量現在應該已經到1300萬,這個量還只能買口罩的人七天買三個。這裡全國最初公布的戰備存量是140萬 (我看了幾次才真的確定就是這麼少) ,這周有個新聞槁是他們買了5400萬的口罩優先讓醫療機構使用 (買了但是到底入袋了沒還不知道,後來也沒有再報導口罩的事了)。這個數字也很明白,零售市場基本上是分不到量的。
Masks are impossible to get now. There are 23 million vs. 25 million population in Taiwan and in Australia. Now the daily productivity in Taiwan has reached 13 million masks per day. But this only supports people to buy 3 masks every 7 days. The initial data showed there was only 1.4 million stockpile in Australia for masks. I checked several times to confirm they only have this few. There was a media release about they have gotten 54 million masks for medical institutes (but I couldn't tell if these masks are already in here or just on their way). It is clear that this number of mask won't be released to the market for general population.

It is a pity to watch them missing the timing for prevention. When the Uni did was only try to get Chinese students back but didn't work much on the disinfection of the environment or a better monitor of O'week. The script has been played around the world, it is just how fat they play the plot here.

As a Taiwanese who consistently walking in the rain, seeing these people who used to have umbrellas gradually trapping in this trick makes me feel complicated. Maybe the only truth in the world is to only trust yourself.

In Australia

As at 06:30 hrs on 14 March 2020, there were 197 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 1 in the Australian Capital Territory
  • 91 in New South Wales
  • 0 in the Northern Territory*
  • 35 in Queensland#
  • 16 in South Australia#
  • 4 in Tasmania
  • 36 in Victoria*#
  • 14 in Western Australia#
*Note that under National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System reporting requirements, cases are reported based on their Australian jurisdiction of residence rather than where they were detected. For example, a case reported previously in the NT in a NSW resident is counted in the national figures as a NSW case.
# Includes Diamond Princess repatriation cases: Qld (3), SA (1), Vic (4), WA (2, including 1 death).
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to Iran
  • 92 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to other countries and regions.
  • 32 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 22 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 30 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 197 Australian cases reported, 27 of these cases are reported to have recovered.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea. This evening a travel ban will be implemented for Italy
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day

Friday, 13 March 2020

COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 13): health alert from Department of Health

今日SA 四位新增的患者,其中一位是高中生,一位是有國內旅行史的女性。因此今天公布了學校相關的處理方式,學校也寄來星期一開始暫停500人以上的聚會。 (不過,看起來週末的Fringe照常舉辦。)

There are 4 new cases in SA. One of them is high school student. Another one is women with interstate history. University sent email about stop events larger than 500 people from Monday. (The Fringe Close ceremony on Sunday will still go on.)

In Australia

As at 11:00 hrs on 13 March 2020, there were 156 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 1 in Australian Capital Territory
  • 77 in New South Wales
  • 24 in Queensland
  • 11 in South Australia
  • 3 in Tasmania
  • 23 in Victoria*
  • 7 in Western Australia
  • 10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship
* Note: Victoria case count includes a case detected in NSW. Under the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System reporting requirements the case is considered a Victorian case.
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to Iran
  • 70 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to countries including the United States of America, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Singapore, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Egypt, Austria, France, Spain, Hong Kong
  • 29 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 19 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 14 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 156 Australian cases reported, 26 of these cases are reported to have recovered.
For questions about testing or the welfare of people with the virus, contact your state or territory health authority.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea. This evening a travel ban will be implemented for Italy
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day

Thursday, 12 March 2020

COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 12): health alert from Department of Health

The first drive thru opened yesterday in Adelaide. Till now, all confirmed cases in SA can still trace their travel history.

今天Tom Hanks 夫妻在昆士蘭被診斷為COVID-19 陽性。
Today, Tom Hanks and his wife have been diagnosed to be COVID-19 positive in Queensland.

In Australia

As at 11:00 hrs on 12 March 2020, we have 126 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 64 in New South Wales
  • 17 in Queensland
  • 8 in South Australia
  • 2 in Tasmania
  • 18 in Victoria*
  • 7 in Western Australia
  • 10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship
* Note: Victoria case count includes a case detected in NSW. Under the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System reporting requirements the case is considered a Victorian case.
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to Iran
  • 52 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to countries including the United States of America, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Singapore, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Egypt, Austria, France, Spain, Hong Kong
    • 7 of these cases are considered to be import-related
  • 28 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 18 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 3 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 126 Australian cases reported, 24 of these cases are reported to have recovered.
For questions about testing or the welfare of people with the virus, contact your state or territory health authority.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea. This evening a travel ban will be implemented for Italy
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 11): health alert from Department of Health


Current status

In Australia

As at 11:00 hrs on 11 March 2020, we have 112 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 60 in New South Wales
  • 15 in Queensland
  • 6 in South Australia
  • 2 in Tasmania
  • 15 in Victoria*
  • 4 in Western Australia
  • 10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship
* Note: Victoria case count includes a case detected in NSW. Under the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System reporting requirements the case is considered a Victorian case.
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to Iran
  • 39 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel link to countries including the United States of America, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Singapore, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Nepal, Egypt, Austria, France, Spain, Hong Kong.
  • 27 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 17 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 3 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 112 Australian cases reported, 24 of these cases are reported to have recovered.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea. This evening a travel ban will be implemented for Italy
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day


COVID-19 in Australia (Mar 10): health alert from Department of Health

這裡的公布的官方數字及公告,不像台灣的疾病管制署提供過去每日的累積案例數及過去的新聞稿,每天的更新都會覆蓋掉前一日的公告。並且,昨天的官方數字和全球的疫情儀表板的數字就有十人的落差 (官方公告80,全球疫情91,但在本地的新聞找不到91這個數字是哪裡來的) ,因此為了自己整理資訊,今天開始轉貼當日衛生單位公布的每日疫情現況。

How Department of Health, Australian Government announces their daily report differs from Taiwan CDC. There is no bar chart showing the tread of how many confirmed cases growing every day. The health alert website is the same (as below) everyday, and it only offers the current number on the day you visit the website.

For a better understanding of the tread in confirmed cases, I will copy the announcement about "current status" everyday.


Mar 9 根據昨日對話記錄的內容: 
According to chat record yesterday, part of the information for Mar 9 were:

80 confirmed cases
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 16 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel history to Iran
  • 21 cases are reported to have had a travel history to countries including Singapore, the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Cuba, Indonesia, Nepal and Taiwan
  • 18 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel



In Australia

As at 11:00 hrs on 10 March 2020, we have 100 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), including 3 deaths, in Australia.
  • 54 in New South Wales
  • 12 in Queensland
  • 6 in South Australia
  • 2 in Tasmania
  • 12 in Victoria
  • 4 in Western Australia
  • 10 associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship
Further details:
  • 15 of the initially reported cases in Australia all had a direct or indirect travel history to Wuhan, China
  • 10 cases, including 1 death, are associated with the Diamond Princess cruise ship repatriation flight from Japan
  • 18 cases are reported to have had a direct or indirect travel history to Iran
  • 27 cases are reported to have had a travel history to countries including Singapore, the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Italy, Iceland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Cuba, Indonesia, Nepal and Taiwan
  • 27 cases, including 2 deaths, do not have a reported history of overseas travel
    • 8 of these cases are associated with an aged care facility in NSW. 2 residents of this facility have sadly died
    • 2 cases are either directly or indirectly associated with attendance at a workshop
    • 14 cases are close contacts of known cases, with further details pending
    • 3 cases are under investigation, with further details pending
  • The likely place of exposure for a further 3 newly reported cases is under investigation
Of the 100 Australian cases reported, 22 of these cases are reported to have recovered.

What we are doing

Australia is well prepared.
Our first class health system includes mechanisms for early detection and effective management of cases and contacts. Our plans include a range of interventions to minimise transmission and mitigate the impact of the outbreak.
Australian Government agencies and state and territory governments are working together to coordinate an evidence-based response. This includes:
  • applying travel restrictions to reduce the number of travellers from mainland China, Iran and the Republic of Korea
  • applying a 14-day isolation period to people at risk of getting coronavirus
  • continuing to screen travellers who arrive in Australia
  • tracing coronavirus cases
  • continuing with border surveillance
  • providing information in English and Chinese based on the latest medical advice, including through FacebookTwitter, Weibo, WeChat and Chinese newspapers
  • applying enhanced border measures at international air and sea ports, including announcements and signs
P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.
State and territory health authorities are:
  • testing anyone who shows symptoms of the virus
  • monitoring close contacts of confirmed cases every day

Monday, 9 March 2020

Ununderstandable IT level / 讓台灣人無法理解的科技水準


Recently, how Taiwan responses to novel coronavirus make Andrey Tang, one of our ministers in open government, a hot topic among Asian countries.

Here are some articles about actions how Taiwan responses to this new communicable disease in English and German:

How Taiwan Used Big Data, Transparency and a Central Command to Protect Its
People from Coronavirus

Wie Taiwan den Covid-19-Ausbruch verhinderte – und die WHO davon nichts wissen will

Who is Andrey Tang and her talk about open government

(English version is still under construction.)


For people from Taiwan, the IT level in Adelaide is amazing. Before I came here, my impression was the internet is in poor quality, might be slow. However, after living here for a year, using the University as an example, it is not about a slower internet:


(My dear friend keeps saying I would be sue if I pointing which University it is. So, I'm not saying the name. Comparing to Taipei, Adelaide is really a small city...)

1. 錯亂的學生檔案和密碼
1. Chaotic student profile and password

還沒有入學之前,我在申請學校的email信箱收到給新生的歡迎信,裡面提到申請開通學生帳號的步驟,但我從來沒有真正用這個步驟申請到我的帳號。email 裡面提到我應該收到一封寫著我的臨時密碼的email,照著裡面的ID和臨時密碼,我應該可以從零開通我的學生帳號。
 Before I arrived here, I got a welcome email from the Uni. It said I should apply for my student profile and set up my passport. However, I never really followed their instruction to set up my student profile. It said I should have received another email with my student ID and my temporary password. With the ID and this password, I would be able to set up my student profile from the beginning.

However, I never received this email.

因為我一直沒有辦法照著正規的方式建立密碼,代辦和我試了幾天之後,最後,我實際上是用 "忘記密碼" 的方式,重置了我沒有建立過的學生帳號的密碼,然後得以登入這個不知道是誰開通的學生帳號。
Since I could never set up my profile as it should have been, after working with my agent for several days, we used the pathway for "forget my password" to "reset" my student profile and set up my password. Then I finally logged in to this mysterious profile set up by somebody else.

And the Uni never tell me what had happened to my student profile till now (one year later). Later when I arrived Adelaide and I asked them face-to-face, IT people told me, "why you ask why? If you can use it now, it is all good."

It's interesting to ask an University student not to ask why. lol

2. 沒有在所上的學生清單裡
2. Not in the student list

There seems to be something wrong in the student profile that later reflects in other aspects. For example I was not the student list for my course co-coordinator. After circling around myself in the campus and finally reached him, the first questions he asked me were: "you are not my student; why you asked to discuss your enrollment with me? Are you sure you get admission letter and CoE?"

This is very interesting. Without CoE from the Uni, I could not apply for my student visa. If I had been in Adelaide for a month with my student visa, of course I had CoE. Also, at the moment, I had my student ID already.

In fact, except local students and three international students with national scholarship, all the other self-fund international students were not in the student list. And the international student service cared more about the course co-coordinator showed me I was not in the student list.
As why most of the international students were not in the student list and this also made us didn't receive any resources for enrollment, this doesn't matter.


3. 也似乎沒有在系上的email清單裡
3. Not in mailing list

我也不在系上活動的郵件名單裡,實際上大學用很強勢的態度表示我們重要的事項都是email宣布,沒有即時收信是學生的問題。但實際上我似乎沒有收到其中一部份的迎新活動的通知,然後事後我卻收到要我填寫參加我沒有被通知道的活動的問卷,又或者是在第二學期的時候終於收到了 "歡迎成為我們的新生" 的email,以及在後來已經回台灣的時候,收到今年系上研究座談已經公布在系上定期的newsletter歡迎報名,然而我從入學以來沒有收過這個所上的newsletter過。

I also seems not to be in some mailing list. During welcome ceremony, this Uni emphasized it is our responsibility to check our email every 24 hour. They assume that they have delivered the information through email. But actually it wasn't really work like that.

In the first semester, I received one survey about an event I was never invited to.
In the second semester, I received "welcome email" inviting me to O'week.
And the end of the year, I received email about a workshop announced the detail in our School newsletter. I had never received the newsletter from our School. When I found of this fact, it was already the end of first year and having me holiday in Taiwan.


這些email清單是一團混亂,沒有一個單位可以確認到底誰有收到應該要收到的email及newsletter,當我試著去問一些可以問的單位(包含系所和IT team),他們只是互相踢皮球而已。

The mailing lists are chaotic. They never figure out if people really receive the email and information they need. And there's no way students can confirm about these mailing list. They just kick me around in the campus.

4. 大學的教學系統無法在校園的電腦上正常使用
4. The Uni teaching system cannot fully functioned with campus computers

大學有一個教學用的平台,裡面有課程用的投影片、講義、錄影、討論區等資源,開學的時候有一位老師在課堂上先是說了: "亞洲的學生大概不習慣這種電子化的教學系統吧" 如此帶著歧視意味的發言,接著每堂課的老師都強調,因為firefox的安全性比較高,這個系統建議要用firefox開。
There is a teaching platform in the Uni including


回報IT team之後,這當中電話連絡,讓他們直接遠端遙控確認問題三次,從4/12到5/3,firefox終於裝回去了。


再次連絡了IT team,而且因為已經都要期末了,這樣一來一往真的是不是辦法,這次我請他們是否可以請負責系統和負責校園硬體的團隊一起測試並確認這個系統至少在校園的電腦上可以正常使用,這次從5/3到5/21終於結案了。結論是因為Flash更新的問題,在2019年底教學系統更新成HTML5的時候可以完全解決這個問題。並且,建議我自己帶電腦到學校使用,就不會遇到這種系統不給更新的問題囉。

OS: 已經2019年了,大學竟然還有沒有升級到HTML5的系統 (?)
OS1: 所以校園裡面那些看起來螢幕很大的電腦其實只是讓學生上網和看youtube的裝飾品 (?)

5. 學校的教學系統幾乎是 "每周" 發生新的狀況




這個教學系統發生任何事情其實都不奇怪 (聳肩) 。

6. 無法自動連結到超修申請的選課系統,踢皮球需要幾個工作天才進得了系統





和客服連絡的時候,客服要我先徵求課程負責人的同意,我 (很有耐心地) 回應在選課之前就已經徵求他的同意了,現在只是要完成選課這件事。他說那你要和系上申請。我說對,我現在就是要和系上申請,但課程負責人要我連絡你們提出這個申請。

最後我得到了一個各學院申請超修學分的頁面連結。 (那所以,選課系統怎麼放這個連結就好。)




正在使用電子公文系統的各位,覺得這樣的email 來回系統如何呢? (茶)

7. 收費系統顯示有遲交的帳單但登入看不出來到底是哪一筆逾期




姑且先繳了一部份的學費 (即使他在學生端看起來沒有過期) ,寫信給帳務系統,詢問到底是哪一筆帳單過期了,當天他回信,是雜費那一筆噢。


8. 國際學生單位來信:如果3/16之前沒有選課也沒有到學校的話,CoE及學生簽會被取消





這裡的大學現在因為 COVID-19的緣故,很急切地希望能收到某國學生的學費,這是可以理解的。但在那之前,是不是至少能處理好原本能收到的學費呢? 在現在這個佛系防疫的衛生系統之下,學校沒有任何相關的對策,甚至還是不停地舉辦各種人群聚集的大型室內或室外活動,對比現在很有警覺的台灣社會,待在這裡相對覺得不是那麼安全。

想來這個地方讀資訊類科的人,似乎可以想一想是不是真的值得花在台灣數倍的價錢,到IT系統如此 "先進" 的大學,學習一個比台灣落後20年的系統和觀念:學校系統這樣的狀況,也是其他商業系統的縮影,包括電信公司、電力瓦斯公司、公車即時路況等等,這裡的電腦不是我們定義裡的電腦,其實比較像是打字機,不時出錯的人腦才是澳洲系統真正的核心。

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Coronavirus in Australian composer: what happened in Taiwan / 澳籍音樂家確診之後,台灣做了什麼


Local news in Adelaide are mostly about how SA health deals with this confirmed case: the composer himself is isolated in a hospital and three contacts are under self-isolation. This article is to report in English how Taiwan CDC response to this confirmed case in Taiwan.


On Mar 5, when there was news about an Australian traveled from Taiwan was a confirmed case, Taiwan CDC held an extra press conference at 10.10pm.
(There are already regular daily press conference since Jan 22.)


Taiwan CDC had targeted particular traveler from the information in foreign media. CDC confirmed that this Australian man reported he had cough when he arrived and visited clinic in Taiwan. Because he participated in music performance when he was in Taiwan. Except from music performance, he also sat in the auditorium. Therefore, the minister of culture announced that the National Concert Hall would closed down for disinfection and also traced NSO members as close contacts. Also, they would also temporarily stop international music invitation.

隔天 3/6 該音樂家自行公布了影片,台灣部份的相關新聞稿則是說明後續疫調的狀況:

On March 6, the composer revealed his video. The press release from Taiwan CDC was about the epidemiological investigation:


There are 147 contacts being followed at the moment, including hosting staffs, concert staffs, friends, clinic staff, journalist, NSO members, taxi drivers. There are 103 of them are close contacts required home isolation for 14 day; other contacts are under self health management for 14 days.

今天 3/7 的新聞稿提到的後續:

Today, Mar 7, there are some follow-up information:


Related with this Australian confirmed case, there are 419 contacts under monitoring (145 of them required home isolation). Seven people has been tested, two of them are negative, and five of them are still pending results.

其他相關的新聞包括:東吳大學音樂系因數位老師為NSO團員 (接觸者),停課14天;澳籍音樂家去過的居酒屋老闆自行宣布休業14天;澳籍音樂家在第一天排練時就出現咳嗽的狀況,讓弦樂部門的團員擔心,提出請該人士戴上口罩被高層斥責沒有禮貌。

Other related news articles included:
1. Department of music in two universities stop their teaching activities for 14 days due to several of the lecturers are NSO members;
2. One restaurants had hosted this Australian man announced they would close their store for 14 days
3. This Australian man had the symptom of coughing from the first day during rehearsal. One NSO member raised the worry about if he could wear a mask. But at the end, this Australian man didn't wear masks during his stay in Taiwan.

在這裡,戴口罩的文化和在台灣不同。這裡政府的做法也和台灣不同。台灣目前口罩的生產量,當然也無法讓2300萬人每天都至少有一個口罩可戴,但是在優先保留醫療人員的庫存之後,政府的方針是盡量讓需要進出高風險場所 (如醫院) 的民眾也能盡量有口罩可戴,對於生活在大城市的民眾來說,搭乘交通工具如捷運或高鐵,以人群的密度來說,也是大多數人會主動戴口罩的場合。 (臺北捷運的日平均運量是200萬人次)

In Taiwan, the culture of wearing masks is different from western society, including Australia. The productivity of medical masks in Taiwan in now around 9 million/day, which is not enough for 23 million people in Taiwan all have at least one mask per day. However, under the strategy of maintaining the supply to health workers in priority, the government policy is to let most residents to be able to wear masks when they go to high risk areas, like hospitals. (Without a mask, people cannot go into hospitals now.)

Also, for people living in big cities, public transports like MRT are also considered to be a high risk area that most people would actively wear masks.
 (The daily transport for Taipei MRT is 2 million travels per day.)

在SARS之後的台灣,有呼吸道症狀而不戴口罩,會被視為是一種沒有禮貌的行為。目前從幾個疫情較嚴重的地區入境台灣都有相對應的居家隔離的措施。若是在大眾交通工具上多次咳嗽且沒有口罩, 或是公開表明自己剛從疫區回國,周遭的乘客也會主動通報衛生單位前來調查處理。

After SARS, it is considered to be impolite if you have respiratory symptoms but don't wear a mask. There are also home isolation rules applied to particular countries at the moment. If coughing on public transport a lot or telling people you just come back from infected area, other passengers would actively reported to Health Department. They would come immediately with the police to confirm the situation.

Breaking the rule of home isolation could get a fine up to 1 million NTD, around 50,000 AUD.

3/8 更新:

Mar 8 update:

In today's news, there is an announcement on inter.musica website:


"Being acutely aware of how prevalent and unpredictable this virus is, I wore a face mask when in confined spaces like taxis and in the public spaces of the hotel."

但是,這個 "有戴口罩" 說法很快地被台灣的指揮中心打臉了:除了在飛機上的狀況無從得知之外,根據疫調的錄影畫面顯示,他在大部份的活動中都沒有配戴口罩。

新聞連結: (News link in Chinese)

However, this story was soon denied by Taiwan CDC: according to the video image, he didn't wear a mask during most of the activities in Taiwan.

有人感到疑惑,為什麼要說這麼明顯容易被戳破的謊話。這其實是 "澳洲文化" 的一部份:澳洲對 "誠實" 和 "說謊" 的定義和台灣不同,為了表面上的好看,說好聽的場面話及做表面功夫是比做誠實的事更重要的事。

澳洲人在不會留下證據的時候的行為,和他們知道會留下證據的時候是完全不同的。因此當他們沒有想到會留下證據的時候,他們是 "只要我喜歡有什麼不可以" ,被提醒他們的行為不誠實、損及我方權益的時候,他們是 "你沒有證據可以證明我說謊",而當真的拿出證據的時候,他們是 "你不要老是糾結在這種小細節上面,我們人要往前看" ,然後隻字不提假裝他不知道他佔了你便宜的事。

這就是澳洲文化。不要用台灣的 "誠實" 標準來聽這裡的人講的話,澳洲人說自己誠實的時候,笑笑就好,記得必要的時候隨時記得拍照、錄影或錄音,保留所有的email、收據和書面資料。

Unsurprisingly, this is part of "Australian culture". The Australian standard of being honest is very different from that in Taiwan. You always have to have "evidence" to protect yourself, no matter you are interacting with education institutes (including public universities), rental agents, or retail stores. Always remember your camera, video or recording (or together with your mobile), keep any receipt, emails and chat records you can when you deal with Australians. Otherwise this is what would happen.

Friday, 6 March 2020


This is a Taiwanese online business making personalized towels with Taiwan labelled on the world map. I ordered them in January and I haven't received any of them until today (March 7). I might need to wait for another few weeks to get them. This article is about the shopping experience on this website. English-reading people are not likely to order from them directly so I won't write the shopping experience in English. I will add my comment about the towel later if I receive them smoothly in the coming weeks.





網站上的商品頁標示著有 "現貨" ,以中文為母語的我,也很自然地認為所謂的 "現貨" 就是在倉庫裡有庫存,只要包裝就可以出貨的狀態,因此我除了817毛巾之外還選了數個國家的毛巾,包含一些相對冷門的國家,總共近 8000 元的訂單

















因為家人和我一起在這裡待了兩個星期,因此在這當中我們一直都沒有看到這個傳說中的包裹。到了家人出發回台灣的那天 2/13,我在這裡接到管理室打來的電話,詢問我們有包裹很久沒有領,才讓我又想起了這個來自地圖製造的包裹。

這個店家 1) 不回email 2) FB的私訊也沒回 3) Line的帳號朋友幫忙加也加不了,因此1/22 那天我接到的電話號碼是唯一一個能夠和他們聯絡上的手段,雖然用台灣號碼在這裡撥回台灣是國際電話,為了這筆高額的訂單我還是打了這通電話。



聽到店家如此撇清責任,我也表明做為消費者,也沒有道理是我要額外花費其他的時間和人力的成本,家人要額外花時間和人力去幫這位老闆轉寄 "因為他的物流沒有如期送到" 的包裹到澳洲來。這些物流造成的問題也不是我這個消費者應該要承擔的。而且這位老闆這時候還只想 "share" 運費,而不是全額出寄到澳洲的運費。






1. 他沒有回email是因為訊息太多,他每天都回信回到五點但還是回不完,他的信箱滿了,他還是沒有看到過年期間我們詢問包裹沒收到的email
2. 他也是在過年期間沒有收到年前訂購的家具的消費者,做為消費者他也很體諒 (但做為老闆他卻對消費者講話很嗆?)
3. 開始質疑為什麼從1/28 出國到2/13都還沒看到包裹,沒看到包裹只是我片面的說辭 (這種有出入境記錄的東西,現在甚至健保卡也能勾稽的資料,叫做我 "片面的說辭" ???)
4. 物流因為出貨送錯地址,多送了一趟到新竹去,才會沒有如期送到,他們追著這個訂單也追了一整天,他們也很辛苦
5. 如果我 "只是因為不開心" 而想退貨,他覺得很無奈,但如果我想退那也只好讓我退了 (一副遇到你這種奧客我也沒辦法的口氣)

當時這個老闆不時提到 "退貨的損失" 這件事,我當時也想,既然訂了近8000的訂單,我也不想做言而無信的消費者,因此最後耐著性子協商的結果是:
1. 對方出寄過來的運費
2. 退部份過年期間網站打折的價差
3. 加送了一個I'm from Taiwan的小胸章




1. 1/18 在網站上訂購標示有現貨且全無客製部份的商品
2. 1/22 早上接到電話詢問因掛布還沒做好,是否可以全數年後出貨,告知年假中要出國,無法如此配合,至少國旗毛巾需要年前收到。
3. 1/22 下午收到email出貨通知
4. 1/24 除夕未收到包裹,開始以email連絡,至今無回信
5. 1/25 請友人在FB上傳私訊,至今無回覆
6. 1/30 台灣初六開工,未收到店家任何關於包裹未到的查詢回覆,以另一個email信箱詢問,告知經查詢1/30下午已寄到台灣家中。
7. 1/30 收到店家email詢問國旗毛巾部份回台灣後是否可退貨,因物流晚到的關係,已經錯過本學期能拿給同學的時間,店家表示不希望退貨,希望能以他們補貼部份郵資的方式寄過來。
7. 1/30 回信告知住的是鄉下地方,收包裹付出額外的時間和人力成本太高,本學期沒有打算請家人寄東西過來,希望可以退貨處理,店家至今無回信
8. 2/13 接到台灣家中管理室電話告知有包裹許久未領,主動打國際電話給店家詢問為何從1/30之後就一直沒有收到任何回覆,因出國的關係至今沒看到包裹,店家的回應:那是你的說法、我已經寄出了、物流晚到不是我的責任、出國不是幾天回去了,哪有那麼久還沒收到只是因為你不開心就想退貨。 (沒有說這是客服我還以為是八卦板的酸民)
9. 2/14 家人到台灣,拿到包裹之後主動打國內電話詢問退貨事宜,店家表示:那退貨產生的損失
10. 2/14 家人告知後,主動打國際電話給店家告知從最初未收到包裹之後的處理,包含email不回、FB私訊不回、以為包裹年後有到台灣的家就算了事了,因為這些製造我們負擔更多成本的方式希望能整筆退貨,包含817毛巾,店家開始再次迴圈:你出國還沒收到那是你的說法、我已經寄出了、物流晚到不是我的責任、物流送錯地方我們查了一整天才發現,我們也很辛苦,發現之後我也很生氣,怎麼就是最大的一筆訂單出錯、只是因為你不開心就想退貨,好啊那就退啊,那就來退啊、你打電話來只是想出氣
10. 2/14 晚間打開包裹清點之後,發現年前說沒有完成的817掛布沒有在裡面。
11. 2/17 家人主動打國內電話告知掛布沒有在包裹裡,且年後已經超過兩周了也沒有收到。店家查詢之後發現真的沒有寄,告知補做之後會再寄送。

1. 不回email、不會FB私訊、LINE帳號無法加
2. 打電話過去是唯一能收到回應的方式,但消費者主動打電話去問包裹到底怎麼處理,店家先發洩完他的情緒之後,在一邊說自己很辛苦一邊抱怨是物流寄錯地方了,他沒有責任
3. 提出部份或全部退貨便開始一直提醒退貨會造成他的損失,而消費者因此損失的時間、電話費都不甘他的事
4. 訂單管理系統無法掌握訂單當中缺件的部份,年前沒有製作寄送的掛布,年後沒有再打電話詢問也沒有主動製作、配送。

1. 近8000的商品金額 (店家退 350)
2. 因為這個遲到的包裹而要寄一個包裹到Adelaide來的運費 (店家負擔部份650)
3. 家人在上班時間去寄送包裹的時間和人力
4. 國際電話漫遊 3000
5. 家人從台灣打電話詢問退貨及掛布未寄送的電話費
6. 包裹寄來時候如果沒有成功投遞要去郵局領的時間和人力


1/18 訂的包裹,經過了一個半月,付了 10000,搞得一肚子火,也還沒看到任何東西。

收到這個包裹之後 (還不知道什麼時候會到,現在進入蓋牌的澳洲郵政系統無法追蹤了),我要用最快的速度送到這些同學手上,讓這些毛巾從我的視線當中消失。

花 10000 買一個非常貴的教訓。