The first issue in the third place was the leakage in the bathroom: everywhere was leaking.
Once I washed my hands, the tap could not tighten anymore. There was a significant amount of water after the first night.
The shower cap was also leaking when I tightened it. But it was not as bad as the tap.
The pipe under the sink was also leaking. One drop per minute.
The clothes under the pipe was all wet overnight.
熱水管下面的夾板長時間泡水之後,邊邊清出腐爛的木屑。四個金屬的鉸鍊 (尤其是左下方的) 也生鏽得很嚴重。
The plywood under the pipe are seriously damaged. The hinges are also severely rusted.
The wash machine was leaking during the water filling AND the drainage phase. There was an unsealed filling pipe behind the wash machine. This was one of the leaking point for wash machine.
With the leakage from the tap, the shower cap, the pipe and the wash machine, the bathroom was very wet during the first two days.
與房仲連絡之後,兩天後水電先生來把整組水龍頭壞掉,蓮蓬頭他認為沒問題,一次轉不緊就多轉幾次 (?) ,洗衣機原本他不認為會有問題,但實際上一開始就進水地板就是溼的,撈出沒封的進水管讓他看的時候,他找了一個蓋子把進水口封起來,並且說這洗衣機本來就不行了。
Contacting with the rental agent, a plumber came two days later. He changed the whole set of tap and pipes. The shower cap was no problem for him, and he suggested just tighten it several times until the water stopped.
At the first, wash machine should not have had problem for him. But after testing it by starting the wash cycle, there was water coming out under it and I also showed him the unsealed filling pipe. He closed the pipe with a cap and said this wash machine was a crap.
住在 Adelaide ,基本上要先能夠自己找到問題,才有辦法請專業人員修好問題,不然原地轉圈鬼打牆超過兩個月的機會很高。
Living in Adelaide, it is necessary to problem shooting for most of the problem and show the very specific problem to their professionals. Otherwise, it takes very long (can up to 2 months) for them to locate issues.
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