15. Aug 25
我:(這個說法在這四個月當中我倒是第一次聽到) 好吧。
接著大概花了20分鐘才進到設定機器的畫面,因為他搞錯ip了。我問他要的是不是http://Optus.AC800S 這是說明書上寫的連線方式,他說不是,他要的是在我的瀏覽器上開啟192.168.8.1,我說沒有反應耶,他很堅持要我換一個瀏覽器,最後我還因為他下載了chrome,還是一樣沒有反應,他才換成192.168.1.1,這才是連得進去的ip,而且結果和http://Optus.AC800S一模一樣。
在這裡他給了我一個官網APN list上也沒有的全新APN:
我說但是這台機器太浪費時間了,重點是我在city也持續發生斷線的狀況,每發生一次我連絡客服就要花掉一到兩個小時的時間,而且從五月到現在也沒有真正解決過問題,你們一直想用black spot敷衍我,但是我遇到斷線的地方不是city就是離city很近的地方,這根本不能用black spot來解釋。
16. Aug 26 - 取消
我說,事實上我確認過了,你們的網站上寫 "great":
但是你們的客服一直鬼打牆Adelaide到處都是black spot。
17. Aug 26 - 退款
這天晚上我查了My Optus Account裡,發現這個號碼還在,系統裡面資料也都還在。Optus的客服這段時間以來一直都有沒有處理的記錄,因此晚上我還是再用chat客服,這次我也要一起詢問退費的事宜,做為下一步往Telcommunication Industry Ombudsman申訴的準備。
我先詢問取消行動寬頻到底是不是在處理當中,客服確認過之後說是,取消需要幾個小時的時間,My Optus Account需要24小時才會反應,取消的程序完成之後,網路就會自動斷線不能使用,所以我會知道已經完成了。
我說,現在討論機器的問題已經沒有有意義了,我已經取消了,我也要把機器寄回去了,我只想知道在這個從第三天開始斷線的狀況,我可以退費嗎,yes or no。
1) 我拿到機器的第三天就開始出現問題。
2) 你們的網站上的廣告寫Adelaide訊號很好,而且地圖上基地台的位置都在附近。但是我發生斷線到要原廠重設的地點甚至是基地台所在的同一棟大樓。
3) 雖然容量有200Gb但這個modem說斷線就斷線,一旦modem出問題的時候,網路也等於是不能用。
4) 從五月一開始發生這樣的回報我就持續的回報,每一次都要1-2個小時的時間轉接來轉接去,客服人員不停地說謊,一下子要我到門市去、一下子說要寄新機器給我、一下子說系統重置過了沒問題了,但這段時間中斷線還是持續發生,這是在浪費我的時間。
到這個步驟如果沒有拿到退款的話,也沒有關係,因為和Optus客服提出退款的要求只是為了要符合向Telcommunication Industry Ombudsman申訴的條件:已經和企業溝通過但對結果不滿意。Optus沒有email的聯絡方式,不能寄書面通知過去,為了證明已經和企業溝通過但對方不願意退款,只能用chat留下這樣的書面記錄;不要使用電話客服,因為不會有書面資料。最後對話結束的時候一定要確認收到對話記錄再把視窗關掉,有時候連這個系統也會出錯,對話記錄就憑空消失了。
18. Aug 29
從郵局把退貨用的袋子領回來,這天的傍晚,星期一客服說的 "幾個小時" 的取消流程終於完成了,行動寬頻的網路從傍晚開始中止。不知道從Aug 25 到Aug 29 這幾天的費用最後到底怎麼算。收到最後的帳單才會知道了。
19. 最後的結果更新在這裡
1. 連絡Optus客服的時候,自己記錄日期、詢問的事項以及回覆,若能記下客服人員的姓名和員工編號更好
2. Netgear AC800S 在澳洲出現黃色的disconnection 錯誤視窗的時候,重開機或重裝SIM卡無法解除這個斷線狀態,唯一恢復連線的方式是恢復原廠設定 (factory reset)。這個情況發生的頻率可以高達每1-2天發生2-3次。
3. 這是機器的問題,不是4G線路,也不是訊號死角。簡單說是拿到機王了。
4. Optus 的客服對應這個狀況沒有統一的SOP,到他們想到可能是機器的問題並且願意維修或換一台機器,通常需要幾個月,甚至到一年的時間。
從英文寫作課開始的發想,從 English man in New York得到的靈感,開始了這個Blog記錄在Adelaide的生活。 書寫的順序是以中文寫完之後再加上英文,但因為兩種語言的書寫方式和語法的不同,通常不是逐句翻譯噢。 The idea to start this blog was from an English writing assignment. This blog is my record of living and studying in Adelaide. I write in (Traditional) Chinese first and then in English for my friends and family in Taipei and Adelaide.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Endless disconnection on Netgear AC800S (Optus 4G Wifi-Modem) Part 5 / 無止境的中斷連線 - 下 (急)
13. Before Aug 23
另外是以wifi連線的時候速度也很卡,別說是看影片了,連網路銀行都不能用,網路銀行的轉帳卡在確認的步驟一直不能完成轉帳,最後嘗試用業配文教的方式,用充電用的USB 3.0的線直接接到電腦的USB孔上,網路的速度才比較正常,網路轉帳才沒有再卡住。
14. Aug 24
Optus的客服非常盧,而且不太聽客戶在講什麼,我問A他們回答B,用IETLS的評分標準來說,他鍆的 coherance 很差。遇到每一個問題都要花上一兩個小時的時間,在電話或是網路上等他們牛頭不對馬嘴的回應。
前一天工程師保證過他已經重置線路,現在不會有問題了。隔天在North Terrace上又斷線:
13. Before Aug 23
另外是以wifi連線的時候速度也很卡,別說是看影片了,連網路銀行都不能用,網路銀行的轉帳卡在確認的步驟一直不能完成轉帳,最後嘗試用業配文教的方式,用充電用的USB 3.0的線直接接到電腦的USB孔上,網路的速度才比較正常,網路轉帳才沒有再卡住。
14. Aug 24
Optus的客服非常盧,而且不太聽客戶在講什麼,我問A他們回答B,用IETLS的評分標準來說,他鍆的 coherance 很差。遇到每一個問題都要花上一兩個小時的時間,在電話或是網路上等他們牛頭不對馬嘴的回應。
前一天工程師保證過他已經重置線路,現在不會有問題了。隔天在North Terrace上又斷線:
Endless disconnection on Netgear AC800S (Optus 4G Wifi-Modem) Part 4 / 無止境的中斷連線 - 下 (破)
9. July 23
1) 根據之前的記錄,我住的地方是black spot所以不是機器的問題。
2) 如果我堅持是機器的問題,她可以幫我申請送修,但是要等維修部門收到機器之後,確定有問題且修不好,他們才會寄新的機器給我。這當中需要五到十個工作天。
3) 我說這太離譜了,我下星期就要開學了而且我需要網路,這個問題從我拿到機器兩天之後就開始發生了,而且這當中我也持續地回報,客服一下子說要寄新的機器給我,一下子又說一定要修才能決定要不要換,一下子又說是black spot。你們可以申請報修,但你們要同時把機器寄出,我收到回寄的袋子我就會把現在的機器寄出。最後這個客服說好,她會請維修部門同時把我的替換的機器寄給我。
這天晚上到Adelaide IKEA的時候,disconnection又再度發生了,更離奇的是,同行同樣是Optus的wifi沒有任何網路不順的狀況發生,這是從台灣租的日租型網路方案,但在同個地點,我的本地Optus modem斷線到要原廠重設:
10. July 25
這兩天modem還是在斷線,因為客服和這台機器這樣的狀況,在台北的時候也開始查其他其他公司的網路方案,這個持續斷線和客服持續擺爛的狀況讓我想照之前Optus客服的建議,取消Optus的方案改辦其他家的 (對,你沒看錯,澳洲的客服先進到寧可要客人取消我現在月繳的方案也不想把他們號稱有保固的機器修好或換一台) 。
11. July 26
到這裡維修部門開始看之前的記錄,她說的確五月的時候就申請過replacement了,但是那個時候因為缺貨所以沒有寄出 (這理由我還是第一次聽到) ,但是不用擔心,現在有存貨了,所以她等一下就可以安排寄出我的新modem,舊的機器就不用寄給他們了。
12. July 31
9. July 23
1) 根據之前的記錄,我住的地方是black spot所以不是機器的問題。
2) 如果我堅持是機器的問題,她可以幫我申請送修,但是要等維修部門收到機器之後,確定有問題且修不好,他們才會寄新的機器給我。這當中需要五到十個工作天。
3) 我說這太離譜了,我下星期就要開學了而且我需要網路,這個問題從我拿到機器兩天之後就開始發生了,而且這當中我也持續地回報,客服一下子說要寄新的機器給我,一下子又說一定要修才能決定要不要換,一下子又說是black spot。你們可以申請報修,但你們要同時把機器寄出,我收到回寄的袋子我就會把現在的機器寄出。最後這個客服說好,她會請維修部門同時把我的替換的機器寄給我。
這天晚上到Adelaide IKEA的時候,disconnection又再度發生了,更離奇的是,同行同樣是Optus的wifi沒有任何網路不順的狀況發生,這是從台灣租的日租型網路方案,但在同個地點,我的本地Optus modem斷線到要原廠重設:
10. July 25
這兩天modem還是在斷線,因為客服和這台機器這樣的狀況,在台北的時候也開始查其他其他公司的網路方案,這個持續斷線和客服持續擺爛的狀況讓我想照之前Optus客服的建議,取消Optus的方案改辦其他家的 (對,你沒看錯,澳洲的客服先進到寧可要客人取消我現在月繳的方案也不想把他們號稱有保固的機器修好或換一台) 。
11. July 26
到這裡維修部門開始看之前的記錄,她說的確五月的時候就申請過replacement了,但是那個時候因為缺貨所以沒有寄出 (這理由我還是第一次聽到) ,但是不用擔心,現在有存貨了,所以她等一下就可以安排寄出我的新modem,舊的機器就不用寄給他們了。
12. July 31
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Sesame oil chicken rice / 麻油雞飯
This might be the very few Taiwanese cuisine I know how to cook. A typical Taiwanese home cooking is in a set of 3-4 dishes plus soup and rice. But it is very troublesome to cook in Taiwanese style for just one person. Therefore, I usually make Japanese donburi (rice bowl dish) which includes rice and other ingredients in one deep bowl.
Sesame oil chicken rice is a recipe I learnt how to make it when I was in Taipei. When I want to have sesame oil chicken soup, I am able to buy it from stores. But when I want to have sesame oil chicken rice, I had to make it myself.
A little bit more introduction about this Taiwanese recipe: sesame oil chicken soup is a food therapy during postpartum confinement. Postpartum confinement is a tradition in Chinese culture about postpartum care for women in the first month after giving birth. With the knowledge of modern medicine, the concept of confinement had changed by time. For example, the taboo of washing hair for a month might not apply in most families. However, the whole idea is about maintaining hygiene, getting plenty of rest and eating nutrient food during the first 30 days to recover from the exhaustion of pregnancy and childbirth.
In the theory of Chinese medicine, ginger and rice wine are both "hot" ingredients. When considering food as part of medicine, sesame oil chicken soup (rice) is categorized as "hot" dietary supplementation and it helps to improve the circulation in our bodies. For me, this is exactly what I need in winter - the winter in Adelaide is too cold for me. Sesame oil chicken rice makes my body warm and it's also a high protein meal to nourish my body. Winter dietary supplementation is also part of Taiwanese eating culture.
However, since this dish is the dietary supplementation in Chinese medicine, there are several contraindication: when you are sick, when you have wound or inflammation in your body, and when women is on their periods. This is because when the circulation is improved, the amount of menses might increase. For example, I only eat this dish when I'm not on my period.
Although there is no snow in Adelaide, the temperature at night is lower than 10 degree, usually just around 5 degree. Also, the ingredients is simple to prepare in Adelaide so that I make this recipe at least once every 2 weeks.
白米 3杯
Rice 3 cups (180mL x3)
水 2杯
Water 2 cups (180mL x2)
雞腿 300-400g
Chicken thigh 300-400g
老薑 15g
Ginger 15g
紅蘿蔔 1 條 (可加可不加)
1 Carrot (optional)
鹽 1/2 茶匙
Salt 1/2 tea spoon
麻油 2.5-3 大匙
Sesame oil 2.5-3 table spoon
米酒 1 杯
(這裡買得到有加鹽的料理米酒,在Little Tokyo 和BWS買得到清酒,我做的時候用清酒,)
Rice wine 1 cup (180mL)
(Grape wine doesn't work in this recipe, you need rice wine.
I found cooking rice wine in Coles and Woolworths, but I prefer Japanese sake.
I brought Japanese sake in Little Tokyo at central market arcade and BWS.)
醬油 1.5 大匙
Soy sauce 1.5 table spoon
How to make:
1. 雞肉切成一口大小,加入鹽稍微醃一下。我在這裡會另外加半匙清酒。
1. Cut chicken in one-bite size. Add salt and leave it for a while. I add another 0.5 table spoon of sake here.
2. 薑切片、紅蘿蔔切小塊。
2. Slice ginger and cut carrot into small piece.
3. 在電鍋中加入米、水、清酒、醬油。
3. Put rice, water, sake and soy sauce into rice cooker.
4. 在平底鍋加入老薑及少量麻油爆香,用麻油爆香過的薑片會很香,缺點是麻油會變得比較燥熱,可以視個人狀況決定這裡要不要加麻油,又或者用其他的食用油就好。
4. Put ginger into frypan. You can also put sesame oil to fry ginger. However, basing on the theory, sesame oil will become "hot" when you fry with sesame oil. It up to you to put sesame oil at this point or later.
5. 加入雞肉稍微煎一下,和薑片一起加進電鍋。
5. Fry chicken a little bit. Put chicken and ginger into rice cooker.
6. 紅蘿蔔用平底鍋裡的油稍微加熱,一樣加進電鍋。
6. Fry carrot a little bit and put it into rice cooker, too.
7. 按下電鍋開關,就等著開飯啦。不想要麻油變得太燥熱的話,電鍋跳起來之後再把麻油拌進去。
7. Start the rice cooker and wait until it is done. If you want your sesame oil to be milder, mix it with rice after it's done.
About sesame oil:
我上學期用的是在 Little Tokyo 買日本胡麻油,顏色比較淡,味道比較接近台灣的麻油。這學期是在Woolworths買的馬來西亞黑麻油,同樣是麻油但味道不太一樣,煮起來味道就是差了一點。
I brought my first bottle of sesame oil at Little Tokyo. The Japanese one is with lighter color. The taste is also closer to the Taiwanese one. However, the second bottle of sesame oil was the Malaysian black sesame oil from Woolworths. The smell and the taste are both different. I personally like the Japanese one more.
最近能寫的比較有趣的事情只剩下食譜了,其他大多是寫了也心煩的事情。我並不是特別熱中料理的人,甚至有一段時間很不喜歡被要求 "要會煮飯" ,若是年輕時的我知道在未來的某一天自己會在部落格寫食譜,大概會覺得是世界末日了吧。
The only positive article I can write about recently is recipes; others are most unsolved issues in living. I'm not a person who love cooking. There was even a period of time I was tired of hearing "you should be good at cooking". If I were younger, I would be really surprised to know I will be writing recipe on my blog in the future.
This might be the very few Taiwanese cuisine I know how to cook. A typical Taiwanese home cooking is in a set of 3-4 dishes plus soup and rice. But it is very troublesome to cook in Taiwanese style for just one person. Therefore, I usually make Japanese donburi (rice bowl dish) which includes rice and other ingredients in one deep bowl.
Sesame oil chicken rice is a recipe I learnt how to make it when I was in Taipei. When I want to have sesame oil chicken soup, I am able to buy it from stores. But when I want to have sesame oil chicken rice, I had to make it myself.
A little bit more introduction about this Taiwanese recipe: sesame oil chicken soup is a food therapy during postpartum confinement. Postpartum confinement is a tradition in Chinese culture about postpartum care for women in the first month after giving birth. With the knowledge of modern medicine, the concept of confinement had changed by time. For example, the taboo of washing hair for a month might not apply in most families. However, the whole idea is about maintaining hygiene, getting plenty of rest and eating nutrient food during the first 30 days to recover from the exhaustion of pregnancy and childbirth.
In the theory of Chinese medicine, ginger and rice wine are both "hot" ingredients. When considering food as part of medicine, sesame oil chicken soup (rice) is categorized as "hot" dietary supplementation and it helps to improve the circulation in our bodies. For me, this is exactly what I need in winter - the winter in Adelaide is too cold for me. Sesame oil chicken rice makes my body warm and it's also a high protein meal to nourish my body. Winter dietary supplementation is also part of Taiwanese eating culture.
However, since this dish is the dietary supplementation in Chinese medicine, there are several contraindication: when you are sick, when you have wound or inflammation in your body, and when women is on their periods. This is because when the circulation is improved, the amount of menses might increase. For example, I only eat this dish when I'm not on my period.
Although there is no snow in Adelaide, the temperature at night is lower than 10 degree, usually just around 5 degree. Also, the ingredients is simple to prepare in Adelaide so that I make this recipe at least once every 2 weeks.
白米 3杯
Rice 3 cups (180mL x3)
水 2杯
Water 2 cups (180mL x2)
雞腿 300-400g
Chicken thigh 300-400g
老薑 15g
Ginger 15g
紅蘿蔔 1 條 (可加可不加)
1 Carrot (optional)
鹽 1/2 茶匙
Salt 1/2 tea spoon
麻油 2.5-3 大匙
Sesame oil 2.5-3 table spoon
米酒 1 杯
(這裡買得到有加鹽的料理米酒,在Little Tokyo 和BWS買得到清酒,我做的時候用清酒,)
Rice wine 1 cup (180mL)
(Grape wine doesn't work in this recipe, you need rice wine.
I found cooking rice wine in Coles and Woolworths, but I prefer Japanese sake.
I brought Japanese sake in Little Tokyo at central market arcade and BWS.)
醬油 1.5 大匙
Soy sauce 1.5 table spoon
How to make:
1. 雞肉切成一口大小,加入鹽稍微醃一下。我在這裡會另外加半匙清酒。
1. Cut chicken in one-bite size. Add salt and leave it for a while. I add another 0.5 table spoon of sake here.
2. 薑切片、紅蘿蔔切小塊。
2. Slice ginger and cut carrot into small piece.
3. 在電鍋中加入米、水、清酒、醬油。
3. Put rice, water, sake and soy sauce into rice cooker.
4. 在平底鍋加入老薑及少量麻油爆香,用麻油爆香過的薑片會很香,缺點是麻油會變得比較燥熱,可以視個人狀況決定這裡要不要加麻油,又或者用其他的食用油就好。
4. Put ginger into frypan. You can also put sesame oil to fry ginger. However, basing on the theory, sesame oil will become "hot" when you fry with sesame oil. It up to you to put sesame oil at this point or later.
5. 加入雞肉稍微煎一下,和薑片一起加進電鍋。
5. Fry chicken a little bit. Put chicken and ginger into rice cooker.
6. 紅蘿蔔用平底鍋裡的油稍微加熱,一樣加進電鍋。
6. Fry carrot a little bit and put it into rice cooker, too.
7. 按下電鍋開關,就等著開飯啦。不想要麻油變得太燥熱的話,電鍋跳起來之後再把麻油拌進去。
7. Start the rice cooker and wait until it is done. If you want your sesame oil to be milder, mix it with rice after it's done.
About sesame oil:
我上學期用的是在 Little Tokyo 買日本胡麻油,顏色比較淡,味道比較接近台灣的麻油。這學期是在Woolworths買的馬來西亞黑麻油,同樣是麻油但味道不太一樣,煮起來味道就是差了一點。
I brought my first bottle of sesame oil at Little Tokyo. The Japanese one is with lighter color. The taste is also closer to the Taiwanese one. However, the second bottle of sesame oil was the Malaysian black sesame oil from Woolworths. The smell and the taste are both different. I personally like the Japanese one more.
最近能寫的比較有趣的事情只剩下食譜了,其他大多是寫了也心煩的事情。我並不是特別熱中料理的人,甚至有一段時間很不喜歡被要求 "要會煮飯" ,若是年輕時的我知道在未來的某一天自己會在部落格寫食譜,大概會覺得是世界末日了吧。
The only positive article I can write about recently is recipes; others are most unsolved issues in living. I'm not a person who love cooking. There was even a period of time I was tired of hearing "you should be good at cooking". If I were younger, I would be really surprised to know I will be writing recipe on my blog in the future.
Cook in Adelaide,
Taiwanese cuisine,
Sunday, 25 August 2019
Cream Stew / 奶油燉肉
這是我在台北的時候也做的料理之一,不過在台北的時候簡單很多:超市或便利商店就有賣做好的白醬料理塊 (好侍北海道白醬料理) ,在阿德雷得做的時候,奶油白醬要另外自己做。
This is one of the recipes I made in Taipei, but it is much easier in Taipei: there are commercial cream sauce (alfredo) sold in supermarket (House Japan Hokkaido Cream Stew). In Adelaide, I need to make cream stew separately.
However, the best part about making a pot of cream stew in weekend is: in the next few days, I can enjoy a hot meal quickly by microwaving few minutes. Also, this cream stew goes well with pasta. When I'm tired to rice, I change the rice into pasta, udon or just noodle.
If you also have curry powder, add some curry powder into this cream stew will make it become Japanese curry stew.
Although this looks like western food, this is actually Yoshoka (よしょく / 洋食), a category in Japanese cuisine.
肉 300g (雞肉、豬肉、牛肉都可以)
Meat 300g (chicken, pork or beef)
馬鈴薯 300g (中型大小的約兩顆)
Potato 300g (two in medium size)
洋蔥 300g (中型大小約兩顆)
Onion 300g (two in medium size)
紅籮蔔 100g (約一根)
Carrot 100g (one)
(the same ingredient above can be used to make House cream stew, House curry stew, or Japanese pork stew)
蘑菇 10 朵
(可加可不加,有加多一個味道。市場有一家專賣蘑菇的店家,$4-5 就能買到半公斤一大包的蘑菇。
10 mushroom (optional. There is a mushroom shop in central market. I get 500g of mushroom with $4-5.)
Cream sauce
奶油 30g
Butter 30g
低筋麵粉 30g
Flour 30g
牛奶 400mL
Milk 400 mL
Cheese 20g
鹽 適量
How to make:
1. 肉類切成一口大小之後,加鹽稍為醃一下。
Cut the meat into one-bite size. Add salt and leave it for a while.
2. 馬鈴薯切塊、洋蔥切片、紅籮蔔切成半月型,都不要太小。
2. Cut potato, onion and carrot into pieces. Don't be too small.
3. 平底鍋熱了之後,加少許油先炒洋蔥,之後放肉,四面有一點熟就好,這是為了燉煮的時候讓湯汁不會流失。移到燉煮用的鍋子裡。
3. Preheat a frypan. Fry onion first and than the meat. Fry the four sides of the meat a little bit. This is to keep the juice inside of meat while stewing. Move them into a stew pot.
4. 平底鍋加入馬鈴薯和紅籮蔔,同樣是表面稍微煎過就好,讓馬鈴薯燉煮的時候比較不會融化,紅籮蔔的脂溶性維生素A比較容易吸收。同樣移到燉煮用的鍋子裡。
4. Fry potato and carrot in frypan. This is to prevent potato from melting during stewing. Also, this will make the lipid-soluble vitamin A in carrot to be absorbed better. Move them into the stew pot.
5. 燉煮鍋加入蘑菇和 700mL 的水,大火煮滾之後轉中火煮 15 min把食材煮軟。
5. Add mushroom and 700mL of water in the stew pot. Boil under high flame, and then turn medium flame for 15 minutes to soften the ingredient.
When waiting for stew, prepare the cream sauce with frypan:
1. 奶油放進平底鍋開小火。
1. Melt the butter with small flame.
2. 奶油完全融化後,分次加入麵粉,邊加邊扮勻。
After the butter is fully melted, add flour in batches and mix it with butter.
3. 分次少量加入牛奶:從頭到尾都要有耐心每次只加少量,每次加入的牛奶都要拌勻再加下一次。加太快的時候奶油糊會結塊。
3. Add milk in batches with patience: only small amount of milk and mix well before adding more.
白醬做好的時候,通常燉煮的 15 min 也過去了,這時關火加入白醬,拌勻後再開小火繼續煮10-15 min。
When the cream sauce is done, usually the stew is also ready. Turn off the stove and add cream sauce into the stew. Mix well. Cook the stew with small flame for another 10-15 min.
Add your cream stew to rice or noodle. Bon appetit.
Above butter
我最一開始做的時候用的是丹麥的Lurpak Danish Butter With Crushed Garlic,做了一個學期沒有遇到問題過。
During the last semester, the butter I used was Lurpak Danish Butter With Crushed Garlic brought from Coles. I didn't have any problem when making the cream stew.
但這學期開始Coles沒有再賣這一牌的奶油了,因此改買了澳洲的Paris Creek Farms Bio-Dynamic Unsalted Fresh Butter,但是這一牌的奶油每次做好的白醬,加到燉煮當中每次都發生油水分離的狀況,其他的材料和製做方式都沒有改變,或許這牌的奶油不太適合做這道料理。
But from this semester on, Coles doesn't sell it anymore. I brought another Australian made butter, Paris Creek Farms Bio-Dynamic Unsalted Fresh Butter. But with this butter, oil and water became separated when I added cream sauce into stew. I repeated several times and the results are the same. Maybe this butter is not suitable for this recipe.
This is one of the recipes I made in Taipei, but it is much easier in Taipei: there are commercial cream sauce (alfredo) sold in supermarket (House Japan Hokkaido Cream Stew). In Adelaide, I need to make cream stew separately.
However, the best part about making a pot of cream stew in weekend is: in the next few days, I can enjoy a hot meal quickly by microwaving few minutes. Also, this cream stew goes well with pasta. When I'm tired to rice, I change the rice into pasta, udon or just noodle.
If you also have curry powder, add some curry powder into this cream stew will make it become Japanese curry stew.
Although this looks like western food, this is actually Yoshoka (よしょく / 洋食), a category in Japanese cuisine.
肉 300g (雞肉、豬肉、牛肉都可以)
Meat 300g (chicken, pork or beef)
馬鈴薯 300g (中型大小的約兩顆)
Potato 300g (two in medium size)
洋蔥 300g (中型大小約兩顆)
Onion 300g (two in medium size)
紅籮蔔 100g (約一根)
Carrot 100g (one)
(the same ingredient above can be used to make House cream stew, House curry stew, or Japanese pork stew)
蘑菇 10 朵
(可加可不加,有加多一個味道。市場有一家專賣蘑菇的店家,$4-5 就能買到半公斤一大包的蘑菇。
10 mushroom (optional. There is a mushroom shop in central market. I get 500g of mushroom with $4-5.)
Cream sauce
奶油 30g
Butter 30g
低筋麵粉 30g
Flour 30g
牛奶 400mL
Milk 400 mL
Cheese 20g
鹽 適量
How to make:
1. 肉類切成一口大小之後,加鹽稍為醃一下。
Cut the meat into one-bite size. Add salt and leave it for a while.
2. 馬鈴薯切塊、洋蔥切片、紅籮蔔切成半月型,都不要太小。
2. Cut potato, onion and carrot into pieces. Don't be too small.
3. 平底鍋熱了之後,加少許油先炒洋蔥,之後放肉,四面有一點熟就好,這是為了燉煮的時候讓湯汁不會流失。移到燉煮用的鍋子裡。
3. Preheat a frypan. Fry onion first and than the meat. Fry the four sides of the meat a little bit. This is to keep the juice inside of meat while stewing. Move them into a stew pot.
4. 平底鍋加入馬鈴薯和紅籮蔔,同樣是表面稍微煎過就好,讓馬鈴薯燉煮的時候比較不會融化,紅籮蔔的脂溶性維生素A比較容易吸收。同樣移到燉煮用的鍋子裡。
4. Fry potato and carrot in frypan. This is to prevent potato from melting during stewing. Also, this will make the lipid-soluble vitamin A in carrot to be absorbed better. Move them into the stew pot.
5. 燉煮鍋加入蘑菇和 700mL 的水,大火煮滾之後轉中火煮 15 min把食材煮軟。
5. Add mushroom and 700mL of water in the stew pot. Boil under high flame, and then turn medium flame for 15 minutes to soften the ingredient.
When waiting for stew, prepare the cream sauce with frypan:
1. 奶油放進平底鍋開小火。
1. Melt the butter with small flame.
2. 奶油完全融化後,分次加入麵粉,邊加邊扮勻。
After the butter is fully melted, add flour in batches and mix it with butter.
3. 分次少量加入牛奶:從頭到尾都要有耐心每次只加少量,每次加入的牛奶都要拌勻再加下一次。加太快的時候奶油糊會結塊。
3. Add milk in batches with patience: only small amount of milk and mix well before adding more.
白醬做好的時候,通常燉煮的 15 min 也過去了,這時關火加入白醬,拌勻後再開小火繼續煮10-15 min。
When the cream sauce is done, usually the stew is also ready. Turn off the stove and add cream sauce into the stew. Mix well. Cook the stew with small flame for another 10-15 min.
Add your cream stew to rice or noodle. Bon appetit.
Above butter
我最一開始做的時候用的是丹麥的Lurpak Danish Butter With Crushed Garlic,做了一個學期沒有遇到問題過。
During the last semester, the butter I used was Lurpak Danish Butter With Crushed Garlic brought from Coles. I didn't have any problem when making the cream stew.
但這學期開始Coles沒有再賣這一牌的奶油了,因此改買了澳洲的Paris Creek Farms Bio-Dynamic Unsalted Fresh Butter,但是這一牌的奶油每次做好的白醬,加到燉煮當中每次都發生油水分離的狀況,其他的材料和製做方式都沒有改變,或許這牌的奶油不太適合做這道料理。
But from this semester on, Coles doesn't sell it anymore. I brought another Australian made butter, Paris Creek Farms Bio-Dynamic Unsalted Fresh Butter. But with this butter, oil and water became separated when I added cream sauce into stew. I repeated several times and the results are the same. Maybe this butter is not suitable for this recipe.
Cook in Adelaide,
Japanese cuisine,
Saturday, 24 August 2019
Cherry blossom / 櫻花
最近的溫度還是只有 5-15 度,對台北人來說還是冬天的溫度。
It is around 5-15 degree recently, still the temperature of winter for Taipeian.
On the way to bus station, I bumped into a cherry blossom accidentally:
It is a surprise to meet a cherry blossom in this city.
However, I suggest local people don't think viewing cherry blossom is an elegant activity as we do.
Although I'm still paying for a poor-functioning washing machine and a wifi modem with looping disconnection error, I felt better on my way to uni.
Updated on Aug 26:
There were more flowers today.
It is around 5-15 degree recently, still the temperature of winter for Taipeian.
On the way to bus station, I bumped into a cherry blossom accidentally:
It is a surprise to meet a cherry blossom in this city.
However, I suggest local people don't think viewing cherry blossom is an elegant activity as we do.
Although I'm still paying for a poor-functioning washing machine and a wifi modem with looping disconnection error, I felt better on my way to uni.
Updated on Aug 26:
There were more flowers today.
A cat in Adelaide / 路邊的貓
I met a cat on street on my way home when I took a different bus.
At the beginning, I took photos of it. I thought she might leave if I was too close to it.
When it found I was photographing it, it ran to me and rubbed my legs:
It sat beautifully for me to take pictures for it.
I said byebye to her and kept walking. It followed me with its collar ringing:
After saying byebye to it several time, it finally walked back.
It was only 5-6 degree on the day. Hope she went home and keep itself warm.
I met a cat on street on my way home when I took a different bus.
At the beginning, I took photos of it. I thought she might leave if I was too close to it.
When it found I was photographing it, it ran to me and rubbed my legs:
It sat beautifully for me to take pictures for it.
I said byebye to her and kept walking. It followed me with its collar ringing:
After saying byebye to it several time, it finally walked back.
It was only 5-6 degree on the day. Hope she went home and keep itself warm.
Unlimited Capsicum Rice 無限青椒丼
這是我從日本人經營的中文 youtube 頻道學到的一道懶人料理,做法也很簡單,把切好的料放到白飯或烏龍麵上,加上調味料之後,放進微波爐就可以準備開飯囉。
This is a recipe I learnt from a Japanese youtuber (she speaks Chinese). It is super easy to make: put capsicum and canned tuna on rice with salt and pepper; microwave it and it's done.
學校的廚房沒有冰箱,帶便當的時候只能用保冷袋加冰塊維持溫度,帶其他有肉類或魚類的熟食便當 (如咖哩飯或炊飯) 的時候,在常溫之下放保冷袋兩三個小時也會有食物中毒的疑慮。帶便當到學校的時候,這也是相對比較符合食物安全的料理:在微波之前再打開罐頭就好。
There is no fridge for student at kitchen in university. When I bring my lunch to school, I can only put my food in a cooler bag with cooler. Even with a cooler, there is still a risk of food poisoning to put any lunchbox with meat or fish in it for several hours in summer. But, if you bring this recipe as your lunchbox, just open your canned tuna before you microwave.
(當地人帶含肉的義大利麵,即使在夏天也是常溫擺在包包裡,但微生物學在南半球運作的原理還是一樣的,不會因為當地人說 no worries 就不會拉肚子。)
(When local people bring their lunch containing meat or fish, some of they put their lunchbox in room temperature for few hours even in summer. However, microbiology works the same in the south hemisphere as in the north hemisphere. People still get diarrhea when they say no worries.)
主食一份 (飯、烏龍麵等)
Rice or udon
青椒一顆 (或其他紅色或黃色的甜椒)
one capsicum
鮪魚罐頭一罐 (水煮或橄欖油封較適合,其他調味看各人喜好)
one canned tuna (in spring water or in olive oil blend)
調味料:鹽、胡椒 (有高湯粉的話也可以加一點)
Seasoning: salt and pepper
How to make:
1. 事先或現煮好的白飯,滾水煮好之後放進盤子或碗裡。
1. Put the rice into a bowel or plate.
2. 切好青椒之後鋪在飯上面。
2. Cut capsicum and put it on the top of rice.
(I cut into pieces instead of slides as in video. It is easier to mix later.)
3. 打開鮪魚罐頭均勻鋪在青椒上。
3. Open a canned tuma and put it on the top of capsicum.
4. 加上鹽、胡椒,高湯粉可加可不加 (影片有加,我通常不加) 。
4. Add salt and pepper.
5. 微波 2 分 30 秒。
5. Microwave for 2 min and 30 sec.
若是白飯想換個口味改成烏龍麵的話,Rundle Mall 的Woolworths有賣日式便當用的烏龍麵。使用烏龍麵的話,做法改為先把烏龍麵煮好備用,烏龍麵之外的配料微波好之後,最後再和烏龍麵拌勻即可。
I found Japanese Udon in Woolworths at Rundle Mall. Udon also works well with tuna and capsicum. When using udon, I microwave tuna with capsicum, cook Udon, and then mix them together.
This recipe is also economical:
鮪魚罐頭:Coles 和 Woolworths 常有特價 $1.15-1.30
Canned tuna: $1.15-1.30 when is it half-price at Coles or Woolworths
青椒:Central Market $2 / 3 顆,在冰箱裡也可以冰一陣子
Capsicum: $2 for 3 at central market and they can be in the fridge for a while
白飯:自己煮白飯的話 $16.0 / 5kg ,半價的時候只要 $8.0,5kg 可以煮一兩個月的白飯了。
Rice: $16.0 / 5kg ($8.0 when half-price) and you can cook rice yourself for 1-2 months
雖然我做這個丼飯料理的原因是是 1) 喜歡青椒, 2) 有時偷懶不想做其他要準備肉類的料理, 3) 單純沒時間去買肉或 4) 只想短時間弄出頓午餐或晚餐,而用家裡現成的鮪魚罐頭做出一餐,但對於有經濟考量的學生來說,這依然是營養均衡,有碳水、有蛋白質、有蔬菜的一餐。
Why I make this recipe is 1) I love capsicum, 2) sometimes I'm lazy to make other time-consuming meat or fish recipe, 3) I don't have meat in my fridge or 4) I just want a quick minutes in few minutes. But if you're a student having tide budge in living, this is still a balance meal with carbon hydrate, protein and vegetable.
This is a recipe I learnt from a Japanese youtuber (she speaks Chinese). It is super easy to make: put capsicum and canned tuna on rice with salt and pepper; microwave it and it's done.
學校的廚房沒有冰箱,帶便當的時候只能用保冷袋加冰塊維持溫度,帶其他有肉類或魚類的熟食便當 (如咖哩飯或炊飯) 的時候,在常溫之下放保冷袋兩三個小時也會有食物中毒的疑慮。帶便當到學校的時候,這也是相對比較符合食物安全的料理:在微波之前再打開罐頭就好。
There is no fridge for student at kitchen in university. When I bring my lunch to school, I can only put my food in a cooler bag with cooler. Even with a cooler, there is still a risk of food poisoning to put any lunchbox with meat or fish in it for several hours in summer. But, if you bring this recipe as your lunchbox, just open your canned tuna before you microwave.
(當地人帶含肉的義大利麵,即使在夏天也是常溫擺在包包裡,但微生物學在南半球運作的原理還是一樣的,不會因為當地人說 no worries 就不會拉肚子。)
(When local people bring their lunch containing meat or fish, some of they put their lunchbox in room temperature for few hours even in summer. However, microbiology works the same in the south hemisphere as in the north hemisphere. People still get diarrhea when they say no worries.)
主食一份 (飯、烏龍麵等)
Rice or udon
青椒一顆 (或其他紅色或黃色的甜椒)
one capsicum
鮪魚罐頭一罐 (水煮或橄欖油封較適合,其他調味看各人喜好)
one canned tuna (in spring water or in olive oil blend)
調味料:鹽、胡椒 (有高湯粉的話也可以加一點)
Seasoning: salt and pepper
How to make:
1. 事先或現煮好的白飯,滾水煮好之後放進盤子或碗裡。
1. Put the rice into a bowel or plate.
2. 切好青椒之後鋪在飯上面。
2. Cut capsicum and put it on the top of rice.
(I cut into pieces instead of slides as in video. It is easier to mix later.)
3. 打開鮪魚罐頭均勻鋪在青椒上。
3. Open a canned tuma and put it on the top of capsicum.
4. 加上鹽、胡椒,高湯粉可加可不加 (影片有加,我通常不加) 。
4. Add salt and pepper.
5. 微波 2 分 30 秒。
5. Microwave for 2 min and 30 sec.
若是白飯想換個口味改成烏龍麵的話,Rundle Mall 的Woolworths有賣日式便當用的烏龍麵。使用烏龍麵的話,做法改為先把烏龍麵煮好備用,烏龍麵之外的配料微波好之後,最後再和烏龍麵拌勻即可。
I found Japanese Udon in Woolworths at Rundle Mall. Udon also works well with tuna and capsicum. When using udon, I microwave tuna with capsicum, cook Udon, and then mix them together.
This recipe is also economical:
鮪魚罐頭:Coles 和 Woolworths 常有特價 $1.15-1.30
Canned tuna: $1.15-1.30 when is it half-price at Coles or Woolworths
青椒:Central Market $2 / 3 顆,在冰箱裡也可以冰一陣子
Capsicum: $2 for 3 at central market and they can be in the fridge for a while
白飯:自己煮白飯的話 $16.0 / 5kg ,半價的時候只要 $8.0,5kg 可以煮一兩個月的白飯了。
Rice: $16.0 / 5kg ($8.0 when half-price) and you can cook rice yourself for 1-2 months
雖然我做這個丼飯料理的原因是是 1) 喜歡青椒, 2) 有時偷懶不想做其他要準備肉類的料理, 3) 單純沒時間去買肉或 4) 只想短時間弄出頓午餐或晚餐,而用家裡現成的鮪魚罐頭做出一餐,但對於有經濟考量的學生來說,這依然是營養均衡,有碳水、有蛋白質、有蔬菜的一餐。
Why I make this recipe is 1) I love capsicum, 2) sometimes I'm lazy to make other time-consuming meat or fish recipe, 3) I don't have meat in my fridge or 4) I just want a quick minutes in few minutes. But if you're a student having tide budge in living, this is still a balance meal with carbon hydrate, protein and vegetable.
Cook in Adelaide,
Japanese cuisine,
microwave recipe,
Monday, 19 August 2019
A "furnished" apartment / 附家具的公寓
After moving in for seven weeks, I can finally use most of the space in this apartment.
這個經驗讓我對這裡 "附家具" 的定義有的新的認識,因此就從 "附家具" 這件事開始談起吧。
This experience changed my definition of "furnished" in Adelaide.Therefore, let's start with "furnished".
In Taiwan, "furnished" means with furniture, like sofa, desk, bed, closet, washing machine, refrigerator, and air conditioner. Usually with mattress or television. I lived in furnished suite for several years and it was common that I had my own cookery, bedding, and other stuffs. Some property advertised as "move in with one suitcase", but usually there were only minimal items in their kitchens. I never saw our landlords offered personal hygiene items, such as pillows and quilts.
When I was in Germany as an exchanged student, I lived in the hospital dormitory in a small town in Black Forest. It was a room with shared bathroom and kitchen. They offered bedding like a hotel room and basic cookery in shared kitchen. I met my German friends meeting when they came to Taiwan as exchange students. They told me this was the worse place to live in the city. However, I still miss the 10-floor tree outside of my room.
The first place I lived in Adelaide was the University Village. Furnished with private bathroom, sharing kitchen and living room. There was no bookshelves in this student accommodation. Therefore, for a student with books, I needed to buy my own bookshelf. It was the same for my housemate. There was mattress in the room but I needed my own pillow, quilt and linens. It was the same as in Taiwan that I didn't think there would be different in definition. My ex-housemates wanted to have their own cookery. So there were 5 flyer pans, 3-4 sauce pans, 5 bottles of dish liquids, 2 rice cookers, and so on. Everyone had our own cutlery. We also brought our own trash bags.
The second place was a shared room in an Aussie lady's house. Furnished. On the webpage it said including the usage of cookery, cutlery, bedding, also with consumables like toilet paper and dish liquid. I needed to have my own shampoo and soap. When I moved out from this place, there was some argument regarding to the item list in the room. Maybe this was the start of the cultural difference in rental market.
現在這個住處,我找在租房網站找房子的時候,我以 "附家具" 為條件搜詢。去看的房子當中,專門的學生宿舍提供的家具很齊全,有夠多的書櫃,廚房也有提供廚具,數量適中狀況也算好。其中一間和我在台北的認知一樣,附床墊和基本的家具電器,少量的餐具和廚具,不過房東在看房的時候說,這些廚具不需要的部份跟他說,他會帶走。另外這間現在住的地方是房仲處理,看房的時候他也是說,房子裡不需要的部份,包含牆上的畫,櫃子上的調味料瓶子,都可以還給房東。第一次看房的時候,房子裡還有一些裝飾用的書和桌遊,搬進來的時候大部分的書消失了,於是我想,所以這大概就是不需要的東西房東會帶走的意思吧。
When I was house hunting for the current place, I looked for furnished property on the internet. I went several inspections.
A professional student accommodation in the city: reasonable amount of furniture including plenty of bookshelves. Good condition in the cookery they offered.
Another finished unit: as my understanding in Taipei, there were mattress and basic furniture. Some cookery and cutlery. The landlord told me if there was anything I didn't need, they would take them away.
Current apartment: Deal with an agent. During the inspection, he told me I could return items I didn't need, including the painting on the wall. He would return to the landlord. These items were just here to make this unit "homely." There were some items missing when I signed the lease. I thought maybe it was because the landlord would take the unwanted items away.
在我與房仲連絡請房東過來帶走不需要的物品時,房仲開始告訴我,這是文化上的差異,在這裡,若是以 "附家具" 為廣告的話,那就表示大部份的物品都會留在房子裡,但我用字面上的意思解釋真的請房東把所有我不需要的東西都帶走,這裡的文化不會這麼做。
But when I actually contacted the agent to return unwanted items, he told me it was the misunderstanding in cultural difference. In Adelaide (or Australia), "if a property is advertised as furnished, it means most of the items will stay in this house." But I took it literally so that I just returned most of the items in the house. People won't do it here. This was what I was told.
Later I asked my local friends in their middle age. They both told me this was not true. When they didn't need any items in their rental house, they returned them. One of them even told me, "you shouldn't use those pillows. There are mites and dusts in there. Remove them from your room." Finally some local people saved my impression to the hygiene level Adelaide.
After back to Adelaide, I started to organize everything in the kitchen. I started to realize there were more items in the cupboards than I thought. They took up over 50% of the space.
各處加起來有10個馬克杯、8個玻璃杯、4個像台灣拜拜用的小酒杯 (但我想這裡的人不拜拜的吧) 、裝飾用的燭台、鹽罐和胡椒研磨器、生鏽而且還有點黏黏的餐具、裝飾用的方盤。
There were totally 10 mugs, 8 glasses, 4 small cups (similar to the ones we use for worship gods or ancestors in Taiwan but I don't think there are for religious usage here). More items for decoration, rusted and sticky cutlery.
Total 11 tea tins and jars, more decoration.
11個盤子 (其中9個的邊緣有疑似像金屬漆的花邊) 、6個碗。
11 plates (9 of them had the edge of suspected metal painting), 6 bowels.
More kitchen items, part of them were rusted.
各處加起來總共九個假盆栽,後面還有使用方式不明的拖把和完全不會用的洗衣籃 (浴室因為洗衣機淹水的時候溼掉好幾次):
Total 9 fake plants. There were also a mop I had no idea how to use and a laundry hamper getting wet several times when water came out from washing machine.
I kept most of the items in good condition, like toaster, baking mold, longer knives, a shelf for tea. There were still significant numbers of items left in the unit. The photos above were just the part I would like to return.
There were also a lot of pillows and cushions on the bed, the sofa, and chairs.
4 個舊枕頭,其中兩個泛黃、味道很重,8個各種抱枕。
Four old pillows, two of them were yellowish with heavy smell. Eight cushions in different size.
Rest were a painting, a wall decoration, the original curtain without thermal technology, and another two stuffing with unknown function (might be the door block).
When I was still in Taipei, I contacted the agent and the landlord for the gas leaking, washing machine issue, damaged bathroom cupboard, and also the returning items. The agent asked me when I would arrive Adelaide. He would give me the spare key and also he could check these issues. I also texted him when I arrived Adelaide. He told me the earliest time he could come was the next time.
I waited until the next Wednesday when he came with the landlord together.
In this article I only write about returning items. The landlord had problems with the amount of items I was returning. What surprised me was that this lady, who was educated (according to the agent) and lived in the most expensive block in Adelaide, thought these were still usable. These included rusted kitchen tools, plates with suspect lead painting, and yellowish and smelly pillows.
I still polity explained that I kept as much items I could use in this unit. Or if she could prepare some boxes, I could put most of the items into her boxes to decrease the space these items took. I could just put these boxes in a corner. She looked around the items and she would take them away and offered these items to her next tenant.
另外因為我從台灣帶了雙層的遮光隔音窗簾來替換原本只有遮光完全不隔熱的窗簾,她看到我把她原本的掛畫和窗簾拿下來放在旁邊的時候,她變得很激動。她說,那是我特別做的窗簾 (不確定她的意思是特別定做還是她自己手做) ,我說,我很感謝妳在特別在這個房子上花的心思,但是這面大玻璃窗很冷,我需要日本特別設計的保暖窗簾來改善這個房間的能源效率。
Also, I brought two layers of Japanese curtains with thermal technology specially designed to keep cold weather outside and keep warm weather inside in winter. I replaced the original curtain without any thermal technology and I explained this to the agent in emails before they came. When she saw the painting and the curtains were already removed, she became agitated.
She said, I made this curtain.
I said, I can tell that you put much efforts in this unit. But it is really cool to have this huge glass window in this unit. I really need these special designed thermal curtains to improve the energy efficiency in this room.
The agent was filling the conditional report (after 4 weeks). This lady was with me at the other side of the room. When the agent was not with me, she said, with the amount of items you are returning to me, I need to spend extra money in storage. "I will earn less money from you."
兩週後她終於來把剩下所有東西都帶走的時候,她說 "我不會再為這個垃圾付錢。"
Two weeks later when she finally took rest of the items away, she said "I'm not paying more money for this trash."
This lady renewed me impression and definition to highly educated people living expensive blocks in Adelaide.
After moving in for seven weeks, I can finally use most of the space in this apartment.
這個經驗讓我對這裡 "附家具" 的定義有的新的認識,因此就從 "附家具" 這件事開始談起吧。
This experience changed my definition of "furnished" in Adelaide.Therefore, let's start with "furnished".
In Taiwan, "furnished" means with furniture, like sofa, desk, bed, closet, washing machine, refrigerator, and air conditioner. Usually with mattress or television. I lived in furnished suite for several years and it was common that I had my own cookery, bedding, and other stuffs. Some property advertised as "move in with one suitcase", but usually there were only minimal items in their kitchens. I never saw our landlords offered personal hygiene items, such as pillows and quilts.
When I was in Germany as an exchanged student, I lived in the hospital dormitory in a small town in Black Forest. It was a room with shared bathroom and kitchen. They offered bedding like a hotel room and basic cookery in shared kitchen. I met my German friends meeting when they came to Taiwan as exchange students. They told me this was the worse place to live in the city. However, I still miss the 10-floor tree outside of my room.
The first place I lived in Adelaide was the University Village. Furnished with private bathroom, sharing kitchen and living room. There was no bookshelves in this student accommodation. Therefore, for a student with books, I needed to buy my own bookshelf. It was the same for my housemate. There was mattress in the room but I needed my own pillow, quilt and linens. It was the same as in Taiwan that I didn't think there would be different in definition. My ex-housemates wanted to have their own cookery. So there were 5 flyer pans, 3-4 sauce pans, 5 bottles of dish liquids, 2 rice cookers, and so on. Everyone had our own cutlery. We also brought our own trash bags.
The second place was a shared room in an Aussie lady's house. Furnished. On the webpage it said including the usage of cookery, cutlery, bedding, also with consumables like toilet paper and dish liquid. I needed to have my own shampoo and soap. When I moved out from this place, there was some argument regarding to the item list in the room. Maybe this was the start of the cultural difference in rental market.
現在這個住處,我找在租房網站找房子的時候,我以 "附家具" 為條件搜詢。去看的房子當中,專門的學生宿舍提供的家具很齊全,有夠多的書櫃,廚房也有提供廚具,數量適中狀況也算好。其中一間和我在台北的認知一樣,附床墊和基本的家具電器,少量的餐具和廚具,不過房東在看房的時候說,這些廚具不需要的部份跟他說,他會帶走。另外這間現在住的地方是房仲處理,看房的時候他也是說,房子裡不需要的部份,包含牆上的畫,櫃子上的調味料瓶子,都可以還給房東。第一次看房的時候,房子裡還有一些裝飾用的書和桌遊,搬進來的時候大部分的書消失了,於是我想,所以這大概就是不需要的東西房東會帶走的意思吧。
When I was house hunting for the current place, I looked for furnished property on the internet. I went several inspections.
A professional student accommodation in the city: reasonable amount of furniture including plenty of bookshelves. Good condition in the cookery they offered.
Another finished unit: as my understanding in Taipei, there were mattress and basic furniture. Some cookery and cutlery. The landlord told me if there was anything I didn't need, they would take them away.
Current apartment: Deal with an agent. During the inspection, he told me I could return items I didn't need, including the painting on the wall. He would return to the landlord. These items were just here to make this unit "homely." There were some items missing when I signed the lease. I thought maybe it was because the landlord would take the unwanted items away.
在我與房仲連絡請房東過來帶走不需要的物品時,房仲開始告訴我,這是文化上的差異,在這裡,若是以 "附家具" 為廣告的話,那就表示大部份的物品都會留在房子裡,但我用字面上的意思解釋真的請房東把所有我不需要的東西都帶走,這裡的文化不會這麼做。
But when I actually contacted the agent to return unwanted items, he told me it was the misunderstanding in cultural difference. In Adelaide (or Australia), "if a property is advertised as furnished, it means most of the items will stay in this house." But I took it literally so that I just returned most of the items in the house. People won't do it here. This was what I was told.
Later I asked my local friends in their middle age. They both told me this was not true. When they didn't need any items in their rental house, they returned them. One of them even told me, "you shouldn't use those pillows. There are mites and dusts in there. Remove them from your room." Finally some local people saved my impression to the hygiene level Adelaide.
After back to Adelaide, I started to organize everything in the kitchen. I started to realize there were more items in the cupboards than I thought. They took up over 50% of the space.
各處加起來有10個馬克杯、8個玻璃杯、4個像台灣拜拜用的小酒杯 (但我想這裡的人不拜拜的吧) 、裝飾用的燭台、鹽罐和胡椒研磨器、生鏽而且還有點黏黏的餐具、裝飾用的方盤。
There were totally 10 mugs, 8 glasses, 4 small cups (similar to the ones we use for worship gods or ancestors in Taiwan but I don't think there are for religious usage here). More items for decoration, rusted and sticky cutlery.
Total 11 tea tins and jars, more decoration.
11個盤子 (其中9個的邊緣有疑似像金屬漆的花邊) 、6個碗。
11 plates (9 of them had the edge of suspected metal painting), 6 bowels.
More kitchen items, part of them were rusted.
各處加起來總共九個假盆栽,後面還有使用方式不明的拖把和完全不會用的洗衣籃 (浴室因為洗衣機淹水的時候溼掉好幾次):
Total 9 fake plants. There were also a mop I had no idea how to use and a laundry hamper getting wet several times when water came out from washing machine.
I kept most of the items in good condition, like toaster, baking mold, longer knives, a shelf for tea. There were still significant numbers of items left in the unit. The photos above were just the part I would like to return.
There were also a lot of pillows and cushions on the bed, the sofa, and chairs.
4 個舊枕頭,其中兩個泛黃、味道很重,8個各種抱枕。
Four old pillows, two of them were yellowish with heavy smell. Eight cushions in different size.
Rest were a painting, a wall decoration, the original curtain without thermal technology, and another two stuffing with unknown function (might be the door block).
When I was still in Taipei, I contacted the agent and the landlord for the gas leaking, washing machine issue, damaged bathroom cupboard, and also the returning items. The agent asked me when I would arrive Adelaide. He would give me the spare key and also he could check these issues. I also texted him when I arrived Adelaide. He told me the earliest time he could come was the next time.
I waited until the next Wednesday when he came with the landlord together.
In this article I only write about returning items. The landlord had problems with the amount of items I was returning. What surprised me was that this lady, who was educated (according to the agent) and lived in the most expensive block in Adelaide, thought these were still usable. These included rusted kitchen tools, plates with suspect lead painting, and yellowish and smelly pillows.
I still polity explained that I kept as much items I could use in this unit. Or if she could prepare some boxes, I could put most of the items into her boxes to decrease the space these items took. I could just put these boxes in a corner. She looked around the items and she would take them away and offered these items to her next tenant.
另外因為我從台灣帶了雙層的遮光隔音窗簾來替換原本只有遮光完全不隔熱的窗簾,她看到我把她原本的掛畫和窗簾拿下來放在旁邊的時候,她變得很激動。她說,那是我特別做的窗簾 (不確定她的意思是特別定做還是她自己手做) ,我說,我很感謝妳在特別在這個房子上花的心思,但是這面大玻璃窗很冷,我需要日本特別設計的保暖窗簾來改善這個房間的能源效率。
Also, I brought two layers of Japanese curtains with thermal technology specially designed to keep cold weather outside and keep warm weather inside in winter. I replaced the original curtain without any thermal technology and I explained this to the agent in emails before they came. When she saw the painting and the curtains were already removed, she became agitated.
She said, I made this curtain.
I said, I can tell that you put much efforts in this unit. But it is really cool to have this huge glass window in this unit. I really need these special designed thermal curtains to improve the energy efficiency in this room.
The agent was filling the conditional report (after 4 weeks). This lady was with me at the other side of the room. When the agent was not with me, she said, with the amount of items you are returning to me, I need to spend extra money in storage. "I will earn less money from you."
兩週後她終於來把剩下所有東西都帶走的時候,她說 "我不會再為這個垃圾付錢。"
Two weeks later when she finally took rest of the items away, she said "I'm not paying more money for this trash."
This lady renewed me impression and definition to highly educated people living expensive blocks in Adelaide.
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Cooked rice with salmon / 鮭魚炊飯
When I live in Adelaide, I cook much more than I did in Taipei.
原因很多:一來是外食比起自炊貴很多,二來是這裡的料理重鹹重油,對於少鹽少油已久的我來說,實在沒辦法天天吃,三者是這裡的餐廳很早就關門了,不像台北到半夜都還有消夜可吃,四者是在這裡外食我很容易拉肚子(旅行者腹瀉) 。雖然住台北的時候一星期我可能只煮一次飯,但是在這邊,相反的是一星期我只外食一餐。
There are several reasons. Firstly, it is far more expensive to eat out in Adelaide. Secondly, the food in Adelaide is generally too salty and too oily for me. I used to eat less salty and less oily for years. The diet here is too heavy for me. Thirdly, the restaurants close very early in Adelaide. We can still eat out at midnight in Taipei, but here most food vendors close around 7 pm. Fourthly, I still get traveler's diarrhea in Adelaide. Although I only cook once a week in Taipei, I only dine out once a week in Adelaide.
I'm not a person good at cooking. I cannot make typical Taiwanese dishes, which are too complicated to me. Therefore, I will only share the simple recipes I make regularly in Adelaide.
Cooked rice is actually Japanese cuisine. It is called katikomigohan (たきこみごはん)in Japanese. In Taiwan, we use rice cooker widely in our cooking as Japanese do.
To make katikomigohan, simply just put other ingredient into rice cooker with rice. When the rice is done, the meal is ready. I usually cook 2-3 cups of rice in one cook and I put it separately into lunch boxes. On the next day, I will have these yummy rice as my lunch and dinner, only need to reheat with microwave.
米 1 杯
rice 1 cup (=180 ml)
水 1 杯
Water 1 cup
鮭魚 600g
Salmon 600g
菇類 100g (這裡市場買得到金針菇,台灣的話能買到的菇就更多了)
Mushroom 100g (I use Enokitake here)
日式醬油 1 大匙 (台式醬油會比較鹹,風味也會有點不對)
Japanese soy sauce 1 table spoon
(Other soy sauce will be too salty and the flavor will be different)
清酒 1 小匙
Japanese Sake 1 tea spoon
How to make it:
0. 鮭魚切好之後加少許清酒及鹽稍為醃過去腥味
0. Cut salmon into small pieces and add a little bit salt and sake. Leave them for a while
1. 米洗好之後加水、醬油、清酒
1. Wash rice. Add water, soy sauce, and sake
2. 菇類洗好之後鋪在米上面
2. Wash Enokitake and put above rice.
3. 鮭魚鋪在最上面。
3. Put salmon on the top.
4. 按下煮飯的按扭,這台電鍋白米飯是45分鐘之後就可以吃了。
4. Start the rice cooker. With this Panasonic rice cooker, it takes 45 minutes to finish cooking.
When I live in Adelaide, I cook much more than I did in Taipei.
原因很多:一來是外食比起自炊貴很多,二來是這裡的料理重鹹重油,對於少鹽少油已久的我來說,實在沒辦法天天吃,三者是這裡的餐廳很早就關門了,不像台北到半夜都還有消夜可吃,四者是在這裡外食我很容易拉肚子(旅行者腹瀉) 。雖然住台北的時候一星期我可能只煮一次飯,但是在這邊,相反的是一星期我只外食一餐。
There are several reasons. Firstly, it is far more expensive to eat out in Adelaide. Secondly, the food in Adelaide is generally too salty and too oily for me. I used to eat less salty and less oily for years. The diet here is too heavy for me. Thirdly, the restaurants close very early in Adelaide. We can still eat out at midnight in Taipei, but here most food vendors close around 7 pm. Fourthly, I still get traveler's diarrhea in Adelaide. Although I only cook once a week in Taipei, I only dine out once a week in Adelaide.
I'm not a person good at cooking. I cannot make typical Taiwanese dishes, which are too complicated to me. Therefore, I will only share the simple recipes I make regularly in Adelaide.
Cooked rice is actually Japanese cuisine. It is called katikomigohan (たきこみごはん)in Japanese. In Taiwan, we use rice cooker widely in our cooking as Japanese do.
To make katikomigohan, simply just put other ingredient into rice cooker with rice. When the rice is done, the meal is ready. I usually cook 2-3 cups of rice in one cook and I put it separately into lunch boxes. On the next day, I will have these yummy rice as my lunch and dinner, only need to reheat with microwave.
米 1 杯
rice 1 cup (=180 ml)
水 1 杯
Water 1 cup
鮭魚 600g
Salmon 600g
菇類 100g (這裡市場買得到金針菇,台灣的話能買到的菇就更多了)
Mushroom 100g (I use Enokitake here)
日式醬油 1 大匙 (台式醬油會比較鹹,風味也會有點不對)
Japanese soy sauce 1 table spoon
(Other soy sauce will be too salty and the flavor will be different)
清酒 1 小匙
Japanese Sake 1 tea spoon
How to make it:
0. 鮭魚切好之後加少許清酒及鹽稍為醃過去腥味
0. Cut salmon into small pieces and add a little bit salt and sake. Leave them for a while
1. 米洗好之後加水、醬油、清酒
1. Wash rice. Add water, soy sauce, and sake
2. 菇類洗好之後鋪在米上面
2. Wash Enokitake and put above rice.
3. 鮭魚鋪在最上面。
3. Put salmon on the top.
4. 按下煮飯的按扭,這台電鍋白米飯是45分鐘之後就可以吃了。
4. Start the rice cooker. With this Panasonic rice cooker, it takes 45 minutes to finish cooking.
Cook in Adelaide,
Japanese cuisine,
Saturday, 17 August 2019
A washing machine cannot do laundry / 不能洗衣服的洗衣機
This is an existing issue lasted for 2 months, still unsolved.
I never thought a top load washing machine would be a appliance that would have any issue. In Taiwan, washing machines are inserted at the back balcony so that there are designed taps and drainage for washing machine when building the house. Also, our previous 10-year-old top load washing machine came with its own level. Therefore, when we need to insert our washing machine after moving, we just simply collect the tap and drainage ourselves without calling a plumber. In fact, we moved twice with our old top load washing machine and we installed and leveled it ourselves.
After the moving day in June, I started to do laundry with my washing machine. I hadn't done laundry for a week during that refugee week. Unlike in Taipei, clotheslines in Adelaide are often set in open area with out shade. It rained a lot during that week so that I didn't do laundry when I stay with my local friend. I thought I could do laundry after I moved to my new place.
Surprisingly, the whole bathroom floor was wet after I did first laundry. Except the washing machine, the taps, the pipes and the shower caps were also leaking. The bathroom was very wet for the first few days.
During the second wash cycle, I stood by the machine to see what happened. When water started to fill into the washing machine, there were water coming from the bottom immediately. I found a watering horse at the back of the machine.
This always leaking washing machine in Adelaide really is a surprise to me.
I confirmed the inlet horse was connected to the tap. This second horse might be the hot water horse. But when it was not sealed properly, it leaked crazily when the machine started to work.
On the plumber day, he was about to let after he exchanged the taps and the pipes. I asked him about the leaking horse behind the washing machine. He said there shouldn't be any issue. He installed the machine. I turned on the washing machine in front of him and he saw the water coming out from the bottom himself.
I showed him how the water came out from this unsealed horse. He looked at it and said, "well, I can closed this easily. This machine is just a crap. "
After the second inlet horse was sealed, there was no water coming out from the bottom, But the washing machine still cannot finish most of the wash cycle smoothly. In the video, the water was still draining because there were significant amount of water draining out from the draining horse at the same time.
When the machine stopped and stuck at the very beginning of the washing cycle, there was no enough water in the tank and also the drain tube kept draining out the water while it should have kept the water in and done the washing cycle. It can take up to 5-6 tries before it completes the whole washing cycle. And before the cycle really finishes, the machine just drains the water out.
After I sent a series of video to my agent, he brought a level to the unit few days ago. He explained that the company told him it is important to level this machine. So he checked the machine with his level and found it was tilt. He started to adjust the level of the machine and because of the tilt floor of the bathroom, he put pieces of cardboard under one corner.
The landlord came with the agent on this day. In the conversation between them, she said, "I'm not paying any money for this trash."
I don't know what she means by "trash". Could be the door lock the agent was working on, the broken stool he just fixed, or the poor washing machine still needed a repair. It could be this whole apartment with water leaking everywhere in the bathroom, gas leaking in the kitchen, a non-functioned washing machine, and too many items. However, according to my education and my understand, I don't use "trash" in this way in any languages I speak.
After the adjustment, now the machine still occasionally stuck in the beginning of the cycle as in the second video above, another new issue is that it is not able to spin at all. When it should spin, the machine just stops and does not move any further. Even if I can manually let the machine do the wash two times by restart the machine twice, I can only wring out by hand.
From then on, there is no response from the agent.
This is an existing issue lasted for 2 months, still unsolved.
I never thought a top load washing machine would be a appliance that would have any issue. In Taiwan, washing machines are inserted at the back balcony so that there are designed taps and drainage for washing machine when building the house. Also, our previous 10-year-old top load washing machine came with its own level. Therefore, when we need to insert our washing machine after moving, we just simply collect the tap and drainage ourselves without calling a plumber. In fact, we moved twice with our old top load washing machine and we installed and leveled it ourselves.
After the moving day in June, I started to do laundry with my washing machine. I hadn't done laundry for a week during that refugee week. Unlike in Taipei, clotheslines in Adelaide are often set in open area with out shade. It rained a lot during that week so that I didn't do laundry when I stay with my local friend. I thought I could do laundry after I moved to my new place.
Surprisingly, the whole bathroom floor was wet after I did first laundry. Except the washing machine, the taps, the pipes and the shower caps were also leaking. The bathroom was very wet for the first few days.
During the second wash cycle, I stood by the machine to see what happened. When water started to fill into the washing machine, there were water coming from the bottom immediately. I found a watering horse at the back of the machine.
This always leaking washing machine in Adelaide really is a surprise to me.
I confirmed the inlet horse was connected to the tap. This second horse might be the hot water horse. But when it was not sealed properly, it leaked crazily when the machine started to work.
On the plumber day, he was about to let after he exchanged the taps and the pipes. I asked him about the leaking horse behind the washing machine. He said there shouldn't be any issue. He installed the machine. I turned on the washing machine in front of him and he saw the water coming out from the bottom himself.
I showed him how the water came out from this unsealed horse. He looked at it and said, "well, I can closed this easily. This machine is just a crap. "
After the second inlet horse was sealed, there was no water coming out from the bottom, But the washing machine still cannot finish most of the wash cycle smoothly. In the video, the water was still draining because there were significant amount of water draining out from the draining horse at the same time.
When the machine stopped and stuck at the very beginning of the washing cycle, there was no enough water in the tank and also the drain tube kept draining out the water while it should have kept the water in and done the washing cycle. It can take up to 5-6 tries before it completes the whole washing cycle. And before the cycle really finishes, the machine just drains the water out.
After I sent a series of video to my agent, he brought a level to the unit few days ago. He explained that the company told him it is important to level this machine. So he checked the machine with his level and found it was tilt. He started to adjust the level of the machine and because of the tilt floor of the bathroom, he put pieces of cardboard under one corner.
The landlord came with the agent on this day. In the conversation between them, she said, "I'm not paying any money for this trash."
I don't know what she means by "trash". Could be the door lock the agent was working on, the broken stool he just fixed, or the poor washing machine still needed a repair. It could be this whole apartment with water leaking everywhere in the bathroom, gas leaking in the kitchen, a non-functioned washing machine, and too many items. However, according to my education and my understand, I don't use "trash" in this way in any languages I speak.
After the adjustment, now the machine still occasionally stuck in the beginning of the cycle as in the second video above, another new issue is that it is not able to spin at all. When it should spin, the machine just stops and does not move any further. Even if I can manually let the machine do the wash two times by restart the machine twice, I can only wring out by hand.
From then on, there is no response from the agent.
About this blog / 關於這個部落格
After living in Adelaide for 8 months, what I actually write in the blog is very different from the setting when opening it.
As mentioned in the description, I opened this blog to introduce things to do in Adelaide. As international students, we talked about Adelaide is boring. When we searched on the internet, we still don't know where to go, where to eat or where to have fun. But the teacher thought it was because international students don't know where to find these information. Therefore, we wrote an essay about introducing Adelaide to other international students.
I chose a place in Adelaide I love the most. When I showed my Adelaide album to other international friends, they asked me to show them where this place is. When I went back to Taipei, this was also the photo attacked most attention. But this is a place that I never read about in tourist guide. My husband also missed this place when he did his self-guide tour.
At that moment, I thought maybe locals don't understand what is the attractiveness to tourists to Adelaide. If this is the case, I could write about Adelaide in my blog and introduce this city in the perspective of an international student. Since I don't use other social media, this could also be the platform for me to share my life with friends in Taiwan. These were my plans when I opened up this blog.
前幾年在台灣的英文課,英國籍老師介紹了一首歌:English man in New York,那時我第一個浮現的印象是張愛玲的傾城之戀,兩個城市之間的人生和故事。在決定開這個新部落格的時候,想到這首歌和這篇小說,因此決定了Taipeian in Adelaide這個名字。
I got the idea about "Taipeian in Adelaide" from an English song "English in New York". My English teacher introduced this song few years ago. The image of lives in two cities also come from a short novel written by a Chinese novelist. Combining the English song and Chinese novel, I got this blog title.
After setting up the blog outlet, the condition in my accommodation was chaotic. Plus, I didn't want to write about the bad side of Adelaide life. During that period, there was rarely bright side to write about.
Furthermore, I am here in Adelaide as a student. My first priority is still my study. A two-yea rmaster degree in public university is as expensive as a seven-year bachelor degree in Taiwan. Secondly, the living condition in Adelaide is far more inconvenient than in Taipei. To just to live in Adelaide took me most of the energy and time in problem shooting. Other than studying and living, rest of the time can be for collecting photos or writing blogs.
In April, I had a small break after I moved to the second place in Adelaide, I wrote the first article.
In May and June, the condition was too bad that even just live in Adelaide itself was a problem. I only started to feel relax when I arrived Changi Airport Singapore in north hemisphere. I finally went back to a civil world with modern technology and living standard.
I went back to Adelaide in July. There were all these ongoing challenges: gas leak reported for a month, faulty modem reported for 2 months, and a poor functioned washing machine reported for 2 months. The holiday I spent in Taipei was the only period without any accommodation issues.
After living in Adelaide for eight months, I still feel it is interesting and charming to live in Adelaide, and there are still things worth to write about. However, I choose to write about how a Taipeian works through and deals with the difficulties and differences to live in this city. I still wish to share my experience with other international students and my friends. But beside introducing fun places, recording how to survive in Adelaide might be more helpful for other Taiwanese students who visit Adelaide for the first time.
There are also some international students who just start their independence in a different country. As an adult who has lived independently for more than 10 years, used to live shortly in English-speaking and German-speaking countries, and also had the experience to stay overnight in rural areas at work, it would be helpful if I share my living experience with other young adults.
Therefore, I decide to write both the bright and dark sides about living in Adelaide.
Until now, there are still ongoing issues in my Adelaide home. Therefore, it is not just about writing the dark side of my life. It is also the collection of current information during problem shooting. There will be a period that negative articles will be more than the positive ones. I feel sorry for my nice and generous local friends.
Before finishing all the negative articles, I will still try to write something more positive. I wish I can make this difficult life look a little bit more positive.
After living in Adelaide for 8 months, what I actually write in the blog is very different from the setting when opening it.
As mentioned in the description, I opened this blog to introduce things to do in Adelaide. As international students, we talked about Adelaide is boring. When we searched on the internet, we still don't know where to go, where to eat or where to have fun. But the teacher thought it was because international students don't know where to find these information. Therefore, we wrote an essay about introducing Adelaide to other international students.
I chose a place in Adelaide I love the most. When I showed my Adelaide album to other international friends, they asked me to show them where this place is. When I went back to Taipei, this was also the photo attacked most attention. But this is a place that I never read about in tourist guide. My husband also missed this place when he did his self-guide tour.
At that moment, I thought maybe locals don't understand what is the attractiveness to tourists to Adelaide. If this is the case, I could write about Adelaide in my blog and introduce this city in the perspective of an international student. Since I don't use other social media, this could also be the platform for me to share my life with friends in Taiwan. These were my plans when I opened up this blog.
前幾年在台灣的英文課,英國籍老師介紹了一首歌:English man in New York,那時我第一個浮現的印象是張愛玲的傾城之戀,兩個城市之間的人生和故事。在決定開這個新部落格的時候,想到這首歌和這篇小說,因此決定了Taipeian in Adelaide這個名字。
I got the idea about "Taipeian in Adelaide" from an English song "English in New York". My English teacher introduced this song few years ago. The image of lives in two cities also come from a short novel written by a Chinese novelist. Combining the English song and Chinese novel, I got this blog title.
After setting up the blog outlet, the condition in my accommodation was chaotic. Plus, I didn't want to write about the bad side of Adelaide life. During that period, there was rarely bright side to write about.
Furthermore, I am here in Adelaide as a student. My first priority is still my study. A two-yea rmaster degree in public university is as expensive as a seven-year bachelor degree in Taiwan. Secondly, the living condition in Adelaide is far more inconvenient than in Taipei. To just to live in Adelaide took me most of the energy and time in problem shooting. Other than studying and living, rest of the time can be for collecting photos or writing blogs.
In April, I had a small break after I moved to the second place in Adelaide, I wrote the first article.
In May and June, the condition was too bad that even just live in Adelaide itself was a problem. I only started to feel relax when I arrived Changi Airport Singapore in north hemisphere. I finally went back to a civil world with modern technology and living standard.
I went back to Adelaide in July. There were all these ongoing challenges: gas leak reported for a month, faulty modem reported for 2 months, and a poor functioned washing machine reported for 2 months. The holiday I spent in Taipei was the only period without any accommodation issues.
After living in Adelaide for eight months, I still feel it is interesting and charming to live in Adelaide, and there are still things worth to write about. However, I choose to write about how a Taipeian works through and deals with the difficulties and differences to live in this city. I still wish to share my experience with other international students and my friends. But beside introducing fun places, recording how to survive in Adelaide might be more helpful for other Taiwanese students who visit Adelaide for the first time.
There are also some international students who just start their independence in a different country. As an adult who has lived independently for more than 10 years, used to live shortly in English-speaking and German-speaking countries, and also had the experience to stay overnight in rural areas at work, it would be helpful if I share my living experience with other young adults.
Therefore, I decide to write both the bright and dark sides about living in Adelaide.
Until now, there are still ongoing issues in my Adelaide home. Therefore, it is not just about writing the dark side of my life. It is also the collection of current information during problem shooting. There will be a period that negative articles will be more than the positive ones. I feel sorry for my nice and generous local friends.
Before finishing all the negative articles, I will still try to write something more positive. I wish I can make this difficult life look a little bit more positive.
Endless disconnection on Netgear AC800S (Optus 4G Wifi-Modem) Part 3 / 無止境的中斷連線 - 下 (序)
這個問題能夠有所突破,最主要的原因是 1) Google 在不同IP的時候搜詢的結果會不同,且 2) 台灣的業配文太發達了。
放假回到台北的時候,Optus的email和簡訊都還是分別會寄到我的信箱和備用手機,所以即使在台北,還是可以持續調查這個問題(被Optus的帳單騷擾) 。
收到Optus的帳單時,我正在台北使用著中華電信光纖到府的光世代,上傳和下載都是100Mbps且無限流量,月租費在包含MOD (含動漫199及電影199) 之後是1629 NTD,約77 AUD。相形之下,Optus這個方案顯得非常貴:一個月流量200Gb,網速瀏覽器顯示的下載速度單位通常只有Kpbs,且帳單上的金額還不是簽約時的58AUD,多了一個0.25AUD的尾數。
這個帳單提醒我Optus的modem 每隔兩三天就要原廠重設的狀況,加上多出來的那0.25AUD的帳戶費用也讓我有些在意,因此在台北的時候還是持續以live chat 和客服連絡。也持續地在google上查詢Modem上斷線視窗是什麼原因造成的。
6. July 11
收到帳單的晚上,我先以live chat詢問那個多出來的0.25AUD帳戶費用是什麼,得到的回覆是因為前一期的帳單我是用現金卡付款,這個付款方式會有刷卡手續費。若使用的是銀行帳戶電子付款才不會產生這個費用。
1) 五月的時候repalcement的申請記錄沒有下文,而且這個客服小姐不認同五月主動幫我申請replacement的作法,她認為我的modem斷線就是因為black spot,而Black spot 的處理方式是解約,若是機器可能同時也有問題的話,那要先測試機器確實有問題之後,真的不能修才換機器給我。
2) 雖然我在city和學校用的時候也會出現黃色斷線視窗,但因為我主要都在住處使用,住處是black spot的話那就是black spot的問題。
3) 我第二個住的地方雖然在city之外,但是離學校約5km,已經是離city很近的地區了,客服以black spot解釋modem斷線的問題;現在的住處在city的範圍裡面,客服依然說這裡是black spot。看到這句話的時候,我心裡的OS是:整個city都是你的black spot,Optus要不要考慮退出Adelaide的市場,連city都是black spot到底還有哪裡可以用這一家的4G網路?
4) 我一直在鬼打牆我的modem有問題也沒有用 (變成是我在鬼打牆了) ,她現在可以提供的選項有三個,第一、我把機器寄回去讓他們檢查,有問題就會修好或換給我,第二、我把機器帶到門市去,讓門市用另外一台機器測試是不是SIM的問題還是Modem的問題,第三、等我回到Adelaide的時候,他們用電話或是網路客服幫我重設modem的設定。
5) 我問她,請問機器送修的這段期間我還是需要使用網路,這段時間有替代的機器可以使用嗎?她反問我,妳住的地方是black spot又沒有網路可用,妳需要替代的機器幹麻呢?我說,如果妳剛剛有看我的訊息的話,我住的地方訊號是沒有問題的,使用上也沒有問題,就只是當機器出現黃色視窗的時候我需要重置,但是當黃色視窗沒有出現的時候,網路的狀況是正常的。她(非常敷衍地)說,噢,這樣啊,但我們不能保證有替代的機器可以用,「反正妳也只有幾天的時間沒有網路可以用而已,大概就兩到三個星期的工作天吧」。
7. July 12
前一天晚上兩個小時的鬼打牆最後的結論實在讓我太傻眼了,這一天的白天我開始在台灣的Google上查到底這台Netgear AC800S 是什麼樣的機器,讓我意外的是,從五月開始我在google上也持續在查詢這台機器相關的討論,但在澳洲IP之下的google幾乎沒什麼有用的文章可看;可是光是在台灣的IP google "Netgear AC800S" 就出現好幾頁的開箱文、教學影片、設定教學等等,不只有台灣的文章,連香港的文章也有 (Netgear的香港公司有代理相似的型號AC810S) 。
【互動開箱】超高速4G網路(隨身走/全家用)♥NETGEAR 810S智慧分享器3CA+5G WiFi我也是從這一篇文章學到怎麼設定2.4G和5G的雙頻網路。
從頭到尾帶你一步步攻略【4G WI-FI 分享器 + 行動網卡怎麼買】史上最齊全圖文懶人包!
Netgear Aircard 790s無線分享器網路設定方式看到這個熟悉的黃色視窗真是讓我又好氣又好笑,這個影片當中的說明是,這些澳洲水貨是電信特化的專用機,因此機器裡的APN設定和台灣的電信不同,需要自行設定為台灣的APN才能在台灣的行動網路使用。
Our Mobile Broadband/Home Wireless Broadband APNs & Technical Settings機器裡面的APN設定是正確的,因此我的Optus專用機使用Optus的線路出現的斷線訊息不是APN設定造成的。
最後我不死心,在google上查了 "Netgear 810S disconnection" ,結果這次出現了這一篇2018年二月在Optus forum上的文章:
AC800s constantly disconnected這個文章裡描述的狀況,完全符合我的情況,一旦出現黃色視窗就只能原廠重設,且不只一台modem有這樣的狀況。
這個人在近一年之後的2019年一月回文,結論是機器有問題 (faulty device) ,拿到機王了,而他經過了幾個月的交涉,最後客服終於申請了機器送修,然而他沒有得到一台新的機器,而是拿到了整新機,但總之機器回來之後沒有再發生同樣的問題了。
8. July 12-13
這次我直接貼了最後一篇Optus Forum 的文章連結,直接說我的狀況就如同這個情況,而你們之前的處理方式是換一台機器給他,我的modem在拿到第三天就出現問題了,這樣的情形是否可以就直接如同五月的replacement一般寄新的modem給我。
這位先生是這兩個月以來遇到最有IT力的客服了,在看完這篇文章,並且對照了我的客服記錄之後,他說,對,你的狀況的確看起來是這篇文章上說的faulty device,這個情況的確是需要replacement,但是,記錄上寫你的問題是Black spot造成的。
這時我真的受夠了,我靈機一動,死馬當活馬醫地問他,那麼,我在學校使用的時候也發生過斷線的問題,不然請你也查查看學校也是black spot嗎?他說,當然,那請告訴我地址吧。
學校是在North Terrace上以城市為名的大學,如果連North Terrace上都是Black spot的話,這家電信公司的網路真的是只能退租了。
他說,不好意思讓你久等了,經過查詢,你的學校不是Black Spot,那裡訊號很好。
我說,是,我在Rundle Mall 貴公司的門市前面也發生過同樣的視窗,因此我才直接走進你們的門市詢問這個問題,如果你接下來要告訴我Rundle Mall也是black spot 那我會非常驚訝。
他說,不,Rundle Mall 的訊號也很好,不是black spot。
我說,我在學校和city也會使用,你剛剛也說過這些地方不是black spot,但這些地方還是都會斷線。
他說,好,那我們就申請replacement 吧。
經過一番交涉之後,他同意我把機器帶到門市,請門市換新機器給我,這次我再三確認我拿到這個申請的reference number之後,同一位客服人員也一起幫我解決了無法登入Optus帳號的問題。
這個帳單提醒我Optus的modem 每隔兩三天就要原廠重設的狀況,加上多出來的那0.25AUD的帳戶費用也讓我有些在意,因此在台北的時候還是持續以live chat 和客服連絡。也持續地在google上查詢Modem上斷線視窗是什麼原因造成的。
6. July 11
收到帳單的晚上,我先以live chat詢問那個多出來的0.25AUD帳戶費用是什麼,得到的回覆是因為前一期的帳單我是用現金卡付款,這個付款方式會有刷卡手續費。若使用的是銀行帳戶電子付款才不會產生這個費用。
1) 五月的時候repalcement的申請記錄沒有下文,而且這個客服小姐不認同五月主動幫我申請replacement的作法,她認為我的modem斷線就是因為black spot,而Black spot 的處理方式是解約,若是機器可能同時也有問題的話,那要先測試機器確實有問題之後,真的不能修才換機器給我。
2) 雖然我在city和學校用的時候也會出現黃色斷線視窗,但因為我主要都在住處使用,住處是black spot的話那就是black spot的問題。
3) 我第二個住的地方雖然在city之外,但是離學校約5km,已經是離city很近的地區了,客服以black spot解釋modem斷線的問題;現在的住處在city的範圍裡面,客服依然說這裡是black spot。看到這句話的時候,我心裡的OS是:整個city都是你的black spot,Optus要不要考慮退出Adelaide的市場,連city都是black spot到底還有哪裡可以用這一家的4G網路?
4) 我一直在鬼打牆我的modem有問題也沒有用 (變成是我在鬼打牆了) ,她現在可以提供的選項有三個,第一、我把機器寄回去讓他們檢查,有問題就會修好或換給我,第二、我把機器帶到門市去,讓門市用另外一台機器測試是不是SIM的問題還是Modem的問題,第三、等我回到Adelaide的時候,他們用電話或是網路客服幫我重設modem的設定。
5) 我問她,請問機器送修的這段期間我還是需要使用網路,這段時間有替代的機器可以使用嗎?她反問我,妳住的地方是black spot又沒有網路可用,妳需要替代的機器幹麻呢?我說,如果妳剛剛有看我的訊息的話,我住的地方訊號是沒有問題的,使用上也沒有問題,就只是當機器出現黃色視窗的時候我需要重置,但是當黃色視窗沒有出現的時候,網路的狀況是正常的。她(非常敷衍地)說,噢,這樣啊,但我們不能保證有替代的機器可以用,「反正妳也只有幾天的時間沒有網路可以用而已,大概就兩到三個星期的工作天吧」。
7. July 12
前一天晚上兩個小時的鬼打牆最後的結論實在讓我太傻眼了,這一天的白天我開始在台灣的Google上查到底這台Netgear AC800S 是什麼樣的機器,讓我意外的是,從五月開始我在google上也持續在查詢這台機器相關的討論,但在澳洲IP之下的google幾乎沒什麼有用的文章可看;可是光是在台灣的IP google "Netgear AC800S" 就出現好幾頁的開箱文、教學影片、設定教學等等,不只有台灣的文章,連香港的文章也有 (Netgear的香港公司有代理相似的型號AC810S) 。
【互動開箱】超高速4G網路(隨身走/全家用)♥NETGEAR 810S智慧分享器3CA+5G WiFi我也是從這一篇文章學到怎麼設定2.4G和5G的雙頻網路。
從頭到尾帶你一步步攻略【4G WI-FI 分享器 + 行動網卡怎麼買】史上最齊全圖文懶人包!
Netgear Aircard 790s無線分享器網路設定方式看到這個熟悉的黃色視窗真是讓我又好氣又好笑,這個影片當中的說明是,這些澳洲水貨是電信特化的專用機,因此機器裡的APN設定和台灣的電信不同,需要自行設定為台灣的APN才能在台灣的行動網路使用。
Our Mobile Broadband/Home Wireless Broadband APNs & Technical Settings機器裡面的APN設定是正確的,因此我的Optus專用機使用Optus的線路出現的斷線訊息不是APN設定造成的。
最後我不死心,在google上查了 "Netgear 810S disconnection" ,結果這次出現了這一篇2018年二月在Optus forum上的文章:
AC800s constantly disconnected這個文章裡描述的狀況,完全符合我的情況,一旦出現黃色視窗就只能原廠重設,且不只一台modem有這樣的狀況。
這個人在近一年之後的2019年一月回文,結論是機器有問題 (faulty device) ,拿到機王了,而他經過了幾個月的交涉,最後客服終於申請了機器送修,然而他沒有得到一台新的機器,而是拿到了整新機,但總之機器回來之後沒有再發生同樣的問題了。
8. July 12-13
這次我直接貼了最後一篇Optus Forum 的文章連結,直接說我的狀況就如同這個情況,而你們之前的處理方式是換一台機器給他,我的modem在拿到第三天就出現問題了,這樣的情形是否可以就直接如同五月的replacement一般寄新的modem給我。
這位先生是這兩個月以來遇到最有IT力的客服了,在看完這篇文章,並且對照了我的客服記錄之後,他說,對,你的狀況的確看起來是這篇文章上說的faulty device,這個情況的確是需要replacement,但是,記錄上寫你的問題是Black spot造成的。
這時我真的受夠了,我靈機一動,死馬當活馬醫地問他,那麼,我在學校使用的時候也發生過斷線的問題,不然請你也查查看學校也是black spot嗎?他說,當然,那請告訴我地址吧。
學校是在North Terrace上以城市為名的大學,如果連North Terrace上都是Black spot的話,這家電信公司的網路真的是只能退租了。
他說,不好意思讓你久等了,經過查詢,你的學校不是Black Spot,那裡訊號很好。
我說,是,我在Rundle Mall 貴公司的門市前面也發生過同樣的視窗,因此我才直接走進你們的門市詢問這個問題,如果你接下來要告訴我Rundle Mall也是black spot 那我會非常驚訝。
他說,不,Rundle Mall 的訊號也很好,不是black spot。
我說,我在學校和city也會使用,你剛剛也說過這些地方不是black spot,但這些地方還是都會斷線。
他說,好,那我們就申請replacement 吧。
經過一番交涉之後,他同意我把機器帶到門市,請門市換新機器給我,這次我再三確認我拿到這個申請的reference number之後,同一位客服人員也一起幫我解決了無法登入Optus帳號的問題。
Sunday, 4 August 2019
Endless disconnection on Netgear AC800S (Optus 4G Wifi-Modem) Part 2 / 無止境的中斷連線 - 中
Mobile Broadband Disconnected. Your data connection is disconnected.
從與五月到現在大致上modem發生的問題、客服連絡的流程及得到的回覆如下 (日期是根據手機上收到的案件編號的日期,但部份的客服電話沒有案件編號):
1. May 9-12
九日星期四在門市申請了modem的方案之後,週末就發生了這個黃色斷線視窗,我自己試過關掉電源重開機無法解除這個斷線的狀態,同時間用手機的網路測試Optus的4G線路是正常連線的。打電話到客服,一位小姐告訴我,試試看恢復原廠設定 (Factory Rest) 應該可以恢復連線。我試了Factory Reset 之後這個視窗的確消失了,連線也恢復了。不過光是這一天我就重置了兩次。
2. May 13-18
我帶了我的modem去門市詢問,原本去的門市在整修,去了City 的另一家門市,店員幫我換了SIM卡,換過SIM卡後對方要我再觀察看看。
這個星期當中,這個斷線視窗還是每隔一到兩天就出現兩到三次,也就是我每隔1-2天就要原廠重設modem 兩到三次,對於一台正常使用的3C產品來說,這實在是太過異常的頻率。想想看手機每隔1-2天就要恢復原廠設定2-3次,而原廠重設的時候,所有modem裡的設定,包含累積的流量、設定好的雙頻網路等等,全部都會消失。在這個狀況下,的確如申請的時候門市人員所說的,要用MyOptus帳號才能確認已經使用的流量。但我一直到七月才設定好這個帳號。
3. May 20-22
所以我帶著modem去門市的時候,很客氣地被請出來自己打電話給IT team。這一天的門市人員草草地看了我的modem一眼說,如果我的modem出問題的話,那我就需要再付錢買一台新的modem。我說但是這台modem用了兩天之後就出現問題了,這位先生不耐煩地說,機器有問題不是他們的工作,我要自己打電話給IT team,若是要重買modem也是我的事。這天去過門市之後,不只沒有解決問題,我還掉了一頂非常保暖的帽子。
這次IT team 的人員在電話裡要我關機重開(沒用)、重新裝SIM卡(沒用)、原廠重設(有用),他另外還幫我重設了線路,然後他要我再觀察看看,還是不行的話再打客服電話。
並且,打電話到客服的時候,他們確認地址之後,對於這個斷線的狀況就開始以Black Spot解釋:我住的地方雖然離City很近,那個區域手機的訊號也很好,但是在那間房子裡modem訊號受到不明原因的阻擋,所以modem會斷線 (然後斷線之後就要原廠重設) 但手機不會。
這個說法完全沒有邏輯可言,而且,我在學校和市中心也會發生同樣的斷線要重置的狀況,應該不是線路的問題了。但Optus外包的客服對於這個斷線就要原廠重設的狀況就是不斷地Black Spot迴圈,對於申請之後的第三天modem就開始需要原廠重設的狀況完全置之不理。
4. May 23
5. Jun 1-2
查詢之後,她說,有申請新機器的記錄 (replacement) ,但是這個案件沒有下文,後面也沒有其他的註解,也沒有顯示這台機器有寄出。所以看起來也可能還在郵件系統裡,又或者可能沒有這回事了。
她又從頭開始跟我說明我的住處是Black Spot這件事,所以新機器也不會對Black Spot 有幫助,然後她提到,因為我的住處是Black Spot,所以我也可以選擇解約,不需要付任何費用,也就是不用付原本兩年合約提前解約需要付的modem費用,她說明天會有其他人與我連絡。
Mobile Broadband Disconnected. Your data connection is disconnected.
從與五月到現在大致上modem發生的問題、客服連絡的流程及得到的回覆如下 (日期是根據手機上收到的案件編號的日期,但部份的客服電話沒有案件編號):
1. May 9-12
九日星期四在門市申請了modem的方案之後,週末就發生了這個黃色斷線視窗,我自己試過關掉電源重開機無法解除這個斷線的狀態,同時間用手機的網路測試Optus的4G線路是正常連線的。打電話到客服,一位小姐告訴我,試試看恢復原廠設定 (Factory Rest) 應該可以恢復連線。我試了Factory Reset 之後這個視窗的確消失了,連線也恢復了。不過光是這一天我就重置了兩次。
2. May 13-18
我帶了我的modem去門市詢問,原本去的門市在整修,去了City 的另一家門市,店員幫我換了SIM卡,換過SIM卡後對方要我再觀察看看。
這個星期當中,這個斷線視窗還是每隔一到兩天就出現兩到三次,也就是我每隔1-2天就要原廠重設modem 兩到三次,對於一台正常使用的3C產品來說,這實在是太過異常的頻率。想想看手機每隔1-2天就要恢復原廠設定2-3次,而原廠重設的時候,所有modem裡的設定,包含累積的流量、設定好的雙頻網路等等,全部都會消失。在這個狀況下,的確如申請的時候門市人員所說的,要用MyOptus帳號才能確認已經使用的流量。但我一直到七月才設定好這個帳號。
3. May 20-22
所以我帶著modem去門市的時候,很客氣地被請出來自己打電話給IT team。這一天的門市人員草草地看了我的modem一眼說,如果我的modem出問題的話,那我就需要再付錢買一台新的modem。我說但是這台modem用了兩天之後就出現問題了,這位先生不耐煩地說,機器有問題不是他們的工作,我要自己打電話給IT team,若是要重買modem也是我的事。這天去過門市之後,不只沒有解決問題,我還掉了一頂非常保暖的帽子。
這次IT team 的人員在電話裡要我關機重開(沒用)、重新裝SIM卡(沒用)、原廠重設(有用),他另外還幫我重設了線路,然後他要我再觀察看看,還是不行的話再打客服電話。
並且,打電話到客服的時候,他們確認地址之後,對於這個斷線的狀況就開始以Black Spot解釋:我住的地方雖然離City很近,那個區域手機的訊號也很好,但是在那間房子裡modem訊號受到不明原因的阻擋,所以modem會斷線 (然後斷線之後就要原廠重設) 但手機不會。
這個說法完全沒有邏輯可言,而且,我在學校和市中心也會發生同樣的斷線要重置的狀況,應該不是線路的問題了。但Optus外包的客服對於這個斷線就要原廠重設的狀況就是不斷地Black Spot迴圈,對於申請之後的第三天modem就開始需要原廠重設的狀況完全置之不理。
4. May 23
5. Jun 1-2
查詢之後,她說,有申請新機器的記錄 (replacement) ,但是這個案件沒有下文,後面也沒有其他的註解,也沒有顯示這台機器有寄出。所以看起來也可能還在郵件系統裡,又或者可能沒有這回事了。
她又從頭開始跟我說明我的住處是Black Spot這件事,所以新機器也不會對Black Spot 有幫助,然後她提到,因為我的住處是Black Spot,所以我也可以選擇解約,不需要付任何費用,也就是不用付原本兩年合約提前解約需要付的modem費用,她說明天會有其他人與我連絡。
Endless disconnection on Netgear AC800S (Optus 4G Wifi-Modem) Part 1 / 無止境的中斷連線 - 上
我在住處使用網路的需求包含:學校網站的e-learning影片、下載上課講義及額外的參考資料(包含影片檔及文書檔案)、查詢圖書館或期刊資料及下載期刊電子檔、視訊或語音通話。除了學校提供的影片之外,沒有其他另外看影片的需求 (youtube或Netflix) 。不過,語音通話是每天都會使用網路的主要需求,因此在選擇網路方案的時候也要把這點考慮進去。
1. 手機的耗電量會大增,手機的耗損也會增加;
2. 手機的方案因為包含通話,高流量的方案通常也會包含無限的國際通話,整體的月租費也會增加,但是在有網路通話的這個時代,我用不到國際電話了;
3. 高流量的手機方案之前查的時候最高到 80Gb (現在有120Gb的了),有的電信公司的方案是超過上限之後限速1.5Mbps (這樣的方案在不看HD影片的狀況下相當於無限流量),有的電信公司是超過上限之後另外收費 (大約是1Gb = 10 AUD的價位),在比較各家方案的期間也用程式記錄了電腦使用流量的狀況,當時的網路使用不包含學校的影片(用學校的網路) ,只計算網路通話、查詢及下載資料及收發email的需求,若是學期末沒有去學校的日子還要加上看學校影片需求的話,80Gb並不是一個充足的流量。
在住處無法申請固網的情況下,我能選的也只有行動寬頻 (mobile broadband) ,這是使用4G網路的網路服務,是一台4G分享器 (wifi modem) 加 SIM 卡的純網路服務,這個門號不含通話和簡訊,如同在台灣申請旅行用的wifi機,前陣子用台北的IP在google上也看到不少台灣的部落客和youtuber介紹這種4G分享器,而且還是澳洲的水貨(大笑)。
這篇開箱文介紹的是Telstra的Netgear AC810S,這篇用台北IP才在google上查到的文章讓我對我的這台4G分享器有了基本的認識,也學到怎麼設定2.4G和5G的雙頻訊號。在這之前我對這些業配廣告文不是很有好感,因為看了業配文而買到一些不實用的東西或去了一些很糟糕的餐廳的情況也發生過不只一次。但在一個沒什麼業配文也查不到什麼有用的文章的網域住了一小段時間之後,反而能用另一種眼光看待台灣這種資訊爆炸的環境,也覺得之前生活在台北的便利和開放對等的資訊很珍貴。
常見的電信公司,Telstra, Optus和 Vodafone都有modem的方案,我原本的手機門號是Optus 的,其中一個在Adelaide待過一年的同學也告訴我Optus網路的品質比較好,因此,在比較了Optus的手機月租方案和寬頻方案的價格及流量之後,我選擇了 200Gb 行動寬頻的方案。
當時的價格是每月60AUD,現在是65AUD。 (這種電信方案在台灣往往是越晚辦流量越多越便宜,因此會說早買早享受,晚買享折扣;但是在澳洲是相反,晚一點辦反而會變貴)。選擇綁約兩年的話,modem的費用全免,選擇不綁約的話,申請的時候要另外付240AUD的modem費用,但是我申請的時候,門市提供的選項還有先申請綁約兩年,未滿兩年解約的話,也只需要付剩餘的modem費用而不用付全額,平均下來一個月攤還的modem費用是10AUD。
我在住處使用網路的需求包含:學校網站的e-learning影片、下載上課講義及額外的參考資料(包含影片檔及文書檔案)、查詢圖書館或期刊資料及下載期刊電子檔、視訊或語音通話。除了學校提供的影片之外,沒有其他另外看影片的需求 (youtube或Netflix) 。不過,語音通話是每天都會使用網路的主要需求,因此在選擇網路方案的時候也要把這點考慮進去。
1. 手機的耗電量會大增,手機的耗損也會增加;
2. 手機的方案因為包含通話,高流量的方案通常也會包含無限的國際通話,整體的月租費也會增加,但是在有網路通話的這個時代,我用不到國際電話了;
3. 高流量的手機方案之前查的時候最高到 80Gb (現在有120Gb的了),有的電信公司的方案是超過上限之後限速1.5Mbps (這樣的方案在不看HD影片的狀況下相當於無限流量),有的電信公司是超過上限之後另外收費 (大約是1Gb = 10 AUD的價位),在比較各家方案的期間也用程式記錄了電腦使用流量的狀況,當時的網路使用不包含學校的影片(用學校的網路) ,只計算網路通話、查詢及下載資料及收發email的需求,若是學期末沒有去學校的日子還要加上看學校影片需求的話,80Gb並不是一個充足的流量。
在住處無法申請固網的情況下,我能選的也只有行動寬頻 (mobile broadband) ,這是使用4G網路的網路服務,是一台4G分享器 (wifi modem) 加 SIM 卡的純網路服務,這個門號不含通話和簡訊,如同在台灣申請旅行用的wifi機,前陣子用台北的IP在google上也看到不少台灣的部落客和youtuber介紹這種4G分享器,而且還是澳洲的水貨(大笑)。
這篇開箱文介紹的是Telstra的Netgear AC810S,這篇用台北IP才在google上查到的文章讓我對我的這台4G分享器有了基本的認識,也學到怎麼設定2.4G和5G的雙頻訊號。在這之前我對這些業配廣告文不是很有好感,因為看了業配文而買到一些不實用的東西或去了一些很糟糕的餐廳的情況也發生過不只一次。但在一個沒什麼業配文也查不到什麼有用的文章的網域住了一小段時間之後,反而能用另一種眼光看待台灣這種資訊爆炸的環境,也覺得之前生活在台北的便利和開放對等的資訊很珍貴。
常見的電信公司,Telstra, Optus和 Vodafone都有modem的方案,我原本的手機門號是Optus 的,其中一個在Adelaide待過一年的同學也告訴我Optus網路的品質比較好,因此,在比較了Optus的手機月租方案和寬頻方案的價格及流量之後,我選擇了 200Gb 行動寬頻的方案。
當時的價格是每月60AUD,現在是65AUD。 (這種電信方案在台灣往往是越晚辦流量越多越便宜,因此會說早買早享受,晚買享折扣;但是在澳洲是相反,晚一點辦反而會變貴)。選擇綁約兩年的話,modem的費用全免,選擇不綁約的話,申請的時候要另外付240AUD的modem費用,但是我申請的時候,門市提供的選項還有先申請綁約兩年,未滿兩年解約的話,也只需要付剩餘的modem費用而不用付全額,平均下來一個月攤還的modem費用是10AUD。
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Optus prepaid data were gone after a system renewal / 更新後,Optus 預付系統裡的網路流量都消失了
This happened just before I wen back to Adelaide.
Optus的預付卡買的是幾天之內可以使用的網路流量,像是21天500mb或42天2Gb等等,其他澳洲國內的通話和簡訊都是無限,而且,在到期之前加值的話,沒有用完的流量可以累積到下一期繼續使用(rollover) ,最高可以累積到50G。所以,放假期間我在台北還是在網頁上加值了最低限度的流量,並且維持同個門號還是可以繼續使用。
How Optus prepaid plan work is buying data lasted for certain period, for example, 500Mb for 21 days or 2Gb for 42 days. Phone calls and text messages are both unlimited within Australia. If you recharged before the data expired, unused data can rollover until 50Gb, According to this rollover rule, I recharged my prepaid plan with the minimum data when I was in Taipei on their website. It is also to maintain my mobile number so that I would still get the text message on my Australian number during my semester break.
Also, Optus sent text message few days before the data expire that reminded me to recharge before the expired date. This worked well in the past 6 months.
不過,在我準備前往機場的早上,當我檢查裝了Optus門號的備用手機時,發現前幾天收到了一個通知流量已經過期的簡訊。當時覺得很訝異但已經沒有時間再去和線上客服鬼打牆了,所以當下先再帳戶裡加值了最低限度的流量,登入My Optus裡面也發現帳戶的資料被清空了,但總之就只能這樣充滿問號地出發了。
However, before leaving for the flight to Adelaide, I checked my spare mobile and I surprisingly found that I got a text message few days ago saying that my data had already expired. At at moment I was about to leave my Taipei home that I only quickly recharged the smallest data and then logged in to My Optus account to see what happened. All of my recharge and data history were gone.
到Adelaide的當天下午,因為Optus另一個鬼打牆的modem問題 (是個非常長的過程) ,我已經得去門市一趟,門市第n次告訴我他們總之就是不負責任何售後服務之後,最後我坐在門市裡用門市的專線和Optus的電話客服連絡。這通鬼打牆又一直轉接的電話總共持續了一個多小時。
When I arrived Adelaide, I went to Optus store for another persisted modem issue. Their staff told me again that they were not responsible for any customer service including the testing or sending my modem to repair as their Tech team offered me in phone. At the end they put me in a corner in their store and talked with their support team in the phone. The phone call was transferred again and again and lasted nearly an hour.
Before I spoke to their prepaid team in phone, I found my email record for recharge on their website. Also, I used to check my data and expired date regularly with text message since I haven't successfully set up My Optus account before July. These two habits help me get my missing data back in a short time.
1. 我在21天之前收到流量快到期的簡訊,而且我也儲值了,但是在還不到21天的時候我收到過期的簡訊。
2. 登入MyOptus帳戶發現過往所有儲值和流量的記錄都看不到。
When the phone call was transferred to Prepaid department, I explained my condition:
1. I received a message about data expired before data should have expired.
2. The history of recharge and data usage were gone in My Optus account.
The lady checked in her system. She saw the record I recharged in July. But she had one record of recharge which I didn't have in my record. Although she could reach the billing system, the history of data usage was gone.
She explained that they updated their system in July. Therefore, after the system renewal, all data was gone. It doesn't really make any sense for me to lost all data after a system renewal, but this is her explanation to the situation.
However, it was also not my problem to lost my data in this setting while I had the record of recharge. So the lady said, "well, what I can do is to put your data back manually. You won't lost any data you have already paid. You won't need to double pay. No worries."
But when a customer service say so in Australia, the next question I ask is "when will this manual work finish?" Because occasionally these manual work might not apply successfully and if this is the case, I need to call again.
She said "I will do it in now and the system will update in 15 minutes. One hour later, I got a text message from her said she had put my data back. I checked my data with text message and I found there was something wrong:
她確認了我rollover的流量 (有點不幸的是前一次我是學期末六月中的時候查詢的,之後回台北我就沒有再確認過) ,她也確認了我六月中之後儲值的記錄,那,六月之後儲值的流量去哪了?
She put back my rollover data in June. (Unfortunately I didn't check it before I left Adelaide.) She also checked my recharge record after June. Then, where was the data I recharged in June and July?
Before I called Optus for my missing data again, I got a phone call from them on the next morning. This time a man called me for a customer feedback for the service I got from the lady who put part of my missing data back. I said, "before I give my feedback about the service I got yesterday, may I ask about my missing data I recharged in June and July?"
To complete his customer review, he quickly calculated the data I missed was around 3-4Gb. But they didn't have such prepaid plan. So at the end he added 10Gb to my account - obviously they could not recover any record from the system.
But if I didn't keep my record with email and text message, I wouldn't know how much data I lost. And when customers don't keep our own records, merchants won't offer the compensation easily.
The biggest difference is how merchants response to their mistakes. In Taiwan, if merchants confirm it is their mistakes, customers don't need to offer any evidence to receive compensation. In most cases, merchants will offer their reasonable compensation to customers actively. In Adelaide, even if merchants make mistake, customers won't get any compensation if they don't have sufficient evidence.
給直接End的人:使用Optus預付方案,不要只用Optus app 或MyOptus 帳號確認流量,這些系統記錄在他們更新系統的時候是有可能全部消失的。用網路儲值時不要怕麻煩,把帳單寄到自己的信箱,並且加值後的流量也要用簡訊自己留一份記錄。
TLDL: If you are on an Optus Prepaid plan, don't rely on the recharge record in Optus app or My Optus account. These systemic records can disappear if there is a system renewal. When you recharge on their website, send an email copy to your email address. Also remember to keep your own record of your data usage with text message.
This happened just before I wen back to Adelaide.
Optus的預付卡買的是幾天之內可以使用的網路流量,像是21天500mb或42天2Gb等等,其他澳洲國內的通話和簡訊都是無限,而且,在到期之前加值的話,沒有用完的流量可以累積到下一期繼續使用(rollover) ,最高可以累積到50G。所以,放假期間我在台北還是在網頁上加值了最低限度的流量,並且維持同個門號還是可以繼續使用。
How Optus prepaid plan work is buying data lasted for certain period, for example, 500Mb for 21 days or 2Gb for 42 days. Phone calls and text messages are both unlimited within Australia. If you recharged before the data expired, unused data can rollover until 50Gb, According to this rollover rule, I recharged my prepaid plan with the minimum data when I was in Taipei on their website. It is also to maintain my mobile number so that I would still get the text message on my Australian number during my semester break.
Also, Optus sent text message few days before the data expire that reminded me to recharge before the expired date. This worked well in the past 6 months.
不過,在我準備前往機場的早上,當我檢查裝了Optus門號的備用手機時,發現前幾天收到了一個通知流量已經過期的簡訊。當時覺得很訝異但已經沒有時間再去和線上客服鬼打牆了,所以當下先再帳戶裡加值了最低限度的流量,登入My Optus裡面也發現帳戶的資料被清空了,但總之就只能這樣充滿問號地出發了。
However, before leaving for the flight to Adelaide, I checked my spare mobile and I surprisingly found that I got a text message few days ago saying that my data had already expired. At at moment I was about to leave my Taipei home that I only quickly recharged the smallest data and then logged in to My Optus account to see what happened. All of my recharge and data history were gone.
到Adelaide的當天下午,因為Optus另一個鬼打牆的modem問題 (是個非常長的過程) ,我已經得去門市一趟,門市第n次告訴我他們總之就是不負責任何售後服務之後,最後我坐在門市裡用門市的專線和Optus的電話客服連絡。這通鬼打牆又一直轉接的電話總共持續了一個多小時。
When I arrived Adelaide, I went to Optus store for another persisted modem issue. Their staff told me again that they were not responsible for any customer service including the testing or sending my modem to repair as their Tech team offered me in phone. At the end they put me in a corner in their store and talked with their support team in the phone. The phone call was transferred again and again and lasted nearly an hour.
Before I spoke to their prepaid team in phone, I found my email record for recharge on their website. Also, I used to check my data and expired date regularly with text message since I haven't successfully set up My Optus account before July. These two habits help me get my missing data back in a short time.
1. 我在21天之前收到流量快到期的簡訊,而且我也儲值了,但是在還不到21天的時候我收到過期的簡訊。
2. 登入MyOptus帳戶發現過往所有儲值和流量的記錄都看不到。
When the phone call was transferred to Prepaid department, I explained my condition:
1. I received a message about data expired before data should have expired.
2. The history of recharge and data usage were gone in My Optus account.
The lady checked in her system. She saw the record I recharged in July. But she had one record of recharge which I didn't have in my record. Although she could reach the billing system, the history of data usage was gone.
She explained that they updated their system in July. Therefore, after the system renewal, all data was gone. It doesn't really make any sense for me to lost all data after a system renewal, but this is her explanation to the situation.
However, it was also not my problem to lost my data in this setting while I had the record of recharge. So the lady said, "well, what I can do is to put your data back manually. You won't lost any data you have already paid. You won't need to double pay. No worries."
But when a customer service say so in Australia, the next question I ask is "when will this manual work finish?" Because occasionally these manual work might not apply successfully and if this is the case, I need to call again.
She said "I will do it in now and the system will update in 15 minutes. One hour later, I got a text message from her said she had put my data back. I checked my data with text message and I found there was something wrong:
她確認了我rollover的流量 (有點不幸的是前一次我是學期末六月中的時候查詢的,之後回台北我就沒有再確認過) ,她也確認了我六月中之後儲值的記錄,那,六月之後儲值的流量去哪了?
She put back my rollover data in June. (Unfortunately I didn't check it before I left Adelaide.) She also checked my recharge record after June. Then, where was the data I recharged in June and July?
Before I called Optus for my missing data again, I got a phone call from them on the next morning. This time a man called me for a customer feedback for the service I got from the lady who put part of my missing data back. I said, "before I give my feedback about the service I got yesterday, may I ask about my missing data I recharged in June and July?"
To complete his customer review, he quickly calculated the data I missed was around 3-4Gb. But they didn't have such prepaid plan. So at the end he added 10Gb to my account - obviously they could not recover any record from the system.
But if I didn't keep my record with email and text message, I wouldn't know how much data I lost. And when customers don't keep our own records, merchants won't offer the compensation easily.
The biggest difference is how merchants response to their mistakes. In Taiwan, if merchants confirm it is their mistakes, customers don't need to offer any evidence to receive compensation. In most cases, merchants will offer their reasonable compensation to customers actively. In Adelaide, even if merchants make mistake, customers won't get any compensation if they don't have sufficient evidence.
給直接End的人:使用Optus預付方案,不要只用Optus app 或MyOptus 帳號確認流量,這些系統記錄在他們更新系統的時候是有可能全部消失的。用網路儲值時不要怕麻煩,把帳單寄到自己的信箱,並且加值後的流量也要用簡訊自己留一份記錄。
TLDL: If you are on an Optus Prepaid plan, don't rely on the recharge record in Optus app or My Optus account. These systemic records can disappear if there is a system renewal. When you recharge on their website, send an email copy to your email address. Also remember to keep your own record of your data usage with text message.
Australian culture,
IT issue,
Living in Adelaide,
prepaid plan,
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